The main attractions of Hungary: photo and description. Hungary is an attractive combination of ancient cities, healing lakes and architectural monuments

Numerous sights of Hungary, unique corners nature, original temperament local residents and affordable prices on excursions and tours make this country attractive for numerous tourists. Despite the fact that the Hungarian language is completely different from any of the languages ​​of the Slavic group, the presence of numerous Russian-speaking guides allows you to freely communicate and learn Interesting Facts about the history, culture, traditions and peculiarities of this amazing state. Don't know what to see in Hungary? Especially for you, we have compiled a list of the most interesting sights of this country.

What to see in Hungary first of all

The presence of a language barrier, along with the desire to shift the responsibility for preparing an educational or entertaining trip to the shoulders of a specialist, motivate travelers to hire guides. – your chance not to get confused after your arrival and feel the full joy of your vacation.

1. Lake Balaton (Keszthely)

Shore of Lake Balaton

Once on the shores of Lake Balaton, it is easy to understand why it is called the “Pearl of Hungary”. Having traveled only 100 km from the capital, you find yourself in a magical place where vast expanses of water surface reign, over which graceful yachts glide like white clouds. Here you can admire the numerous flocks of swans, the ruins of ancient fortresses, landscapes of mountains and sandy beaches, green vineyards and orchards located on the coast.

The uniqueness of Lake Balaton lies in its shallow depth, which is no more than 3 meters, and its surprisingly clean fresh water warming up to 25-27°С in summer. This makes it an ideal place to stay with young children.

Numerous thermal and mineral springs attract people from many parts of the world who want to improve their health. But for the lovers active rest special resorts have been created where fitness classes and water sports sports, tennis courts, football fields, volleyball and basketball courts, riding arenas and even a bobsleigh track.

In each of the small towns located on the coast of the lake, there are significant sights of Hungary that will make your vacation informative, interesting and varied.

2. Buda Castle (Budapest)

Former Royal Residence Buda Castle

When deciding what to see in Hungary, you can not miss the main attraction of the capital - Buda Castle. This monumental building opens in all its grandeur and splendor from Gellert Mountain, although its dome can be seen from almost anywhere in the center of Budapest.

The history of the castle is closely intertwined with the events that took place in Hungary, starting from the middle of the XIII century. It was at this time that the king Bela IV gave the order to build a fortress, which was supposed to protect local residents from the raids of the Tatar-Mongolian troops. Subsequently, it turned into the residence of the ruling royal dynasties.

The castle has undergone multiple destruction and reconstruction, so there is no defensive barrier around it now. Each building can tell a fascinating story of its creation, tell about wars and peaceful times, monarchs and ordinary people, customs and customs.

The neoclassical presidential palace built in 1806 for Count Vincent Sandor is located on the territory of the complex. The palace was given as the residence of the head of state only in 2003, after which soldiers of the guard of honor began to be on duty near the entrance to it.

But the largest and most outstanding building on the territory of the fortress is the royal palace, under the arches of which is the Museum of the History of Budapest, as well as the Hungarian National Gallery.

After an excursion to the fortifications and towers, guides in Budapest offer tourists to see the remains of ancient Roman buildings created in the first century BC. They were discovered by archaeologists during the restoration work of the Buda castle, damaged during the Second World War.

3. Lake Heviz (Heviz)

Unique thermal lake Heviz

It is impossible to describe the sights of Hungary without mentioning Lake Heviz, located near the city of the same name, 190 km from Budapest.

Its uniqueness lies in the composition of water, which includes radon, salts of magnesium, potassium, calcium, bicarbonates, iodine and some other trace elements. Ten underground springs feed the lake, which completely renew the water every 3 days, maintaining its constant purity.

The natural temperature of the reservoir in summer is +38°С, and in winter it does not fall below +22°С. Thanks to this, the resort operates all year round. Clean air also contributes to health improvement, as the lake is surrounded by hectares of protected forest.

People with disorders of the musculoskeletal, nervous and cardiovascular systems come to the resorts of Heviz for treatment. Healing water improves metabolic processes, soothes, anesthetizes, restores hormonal disorders, rejuvenates the skin. In addition to water procedures, visitors are offered therapeutic drinking water and mud applications.

Swimming in radon waters is undesirable for children under 14 years old, therefore pools with purified water have been specially created for them.

4. Eger Castle (Eger)

Part of the exposition of Eger Castle

Feel the atmosphere of Hungary in this beautiful video!

6. Miniversum (Budapest)

Miniature model of the city in the Miniversum Museum

The interactive Miniversum Museum will help adults and children to have a good time in the Hungarian capital. It presents miniature models of the cities of Hungary, as well as neighboring countries - Germany and Austria. By pressing a button, you can start the tram yourself, make the bells on the city towers ring, even send a tiny train on a journey, which the little men are “waiting for” on the platform. Cows graze in the fields, horses pull carts. In general, everything is like for real, only very small.

Each layout has displays where you can read about the history of the city, as well as compare photographs of the originals with skillfully executed layouts.

Various sights, presented here in a hundredfold reduction, represent 14 cities and villages in which 5 thousand people “live”, hundreds of trains and thousands of cars move, five thousand trees grow, and there are about six hundred buildings.

In the museum itself, you can have a bite to eat in a cafe, entertain children in the playroom, and buy souvenirs.

7. Church of St. Anne (Budapest)

Bright illumination of St. Anne's Catholic Church

When looking at the sights of Hungary, one cannot pass by the Church of St. Anne, located in Budapest in the center of Batthyani Square.

The building was built by the Jesuits in the middle of the eighteenth century. However, it was badly damaged by an earthquake and was restored only in 1805. Subsequently, the church was partially destroyed by natural disasters several more times. Its deplorable condition was the reason for the demolition. In 1970, it was decided to restore the church, and after 14 years of hard work, it was opened. Now this monumental building is considered one of the most beautiful temples in Hungary.

Visitors are greeted by statues of the Virgin Mary, St. Anne, Hope, Faith, Love and Jesus Christ himself, placed on the facade of the church. From the sides, the facade is guarded by towers with high spiers, which are clearly visible from the banks of the Danube and the adjacent hills.

Immersed in the coolness of the temple, you involuntarily head towards its central part, where the main altar is located. It is decorated with sculptures depicting the plot of the Entry into the Temple. This creation was created more than 250 years ago by the talented master K. Bebo.

The frescoes decorating the dome of the church appeared as early as 1771. They were meticulously restored by the masters during the restoration. But the walls of the nave were already painted in the middle of the twentieth century by P. Monar. Now the Church of St. Anne is an active Catholic parish.

8. Aggtelek National Park (Northern Hungary)

One of the cave halls in Aggtelek Park

For those whose heart stops at the sight of the endless green blanket of the forest and the narrow crevice of the cave, fraught with centuries-old secrets, there is no question of what to visit in Hungary. The answer will be unequivocal - Aggtelek National Park, which, like a magnet, attracts cavers.

There are more than 200 karst caves on the area of ​​199 sq. km. Thousands of years it took water to dissolve rocks and create cavities in the rocks, which already seven centuries ago served as a refuge for scattered tribes and hermits living in this territory.

Many caves are not safe to visit, so you can only get into them in the company of an experienced professional. But the most famous is the Baradla cave, where you can see the largest stalactites in the European part of the continent.

An equally breathtaking sight is the underwater caves where diving speleologists descend. To move underwater, special lamps are used that turn everything around into a fantastic landscape.

These sights of Hungary are also known to people suffering from asthma. Sanatorium halls are equipped in some caves, as their microclimate has a beneficial effect on the human respiratory system.

9. Esterhazy Palace (Ferted)

Looking now at the largest and most beautiful palace in Hungary, it is hard to even imagine that he was going through hard times, and his majestic halls were used as stables and a military hospital. This sad page in history will be told by guides to tourists who decide to visit the Esterhazy Palace in the small town of Ferted.

First, visitors are greeted by wrought iron gates. From afar, it may seem that they are entwined with some kind of bizarre plant. But, coming closer, it becomes clear that each leaf and flower is forged from metal by a talented blacksmith-jeweler.

Once on the territory of the park, the paths of which lead to the main building of the palace, you can see many flower beds and lawns of bizarre shape, fountains, statues, carefully trimmed trees and shrubs.

The main building can be reached by climbing one of the two huge staircases, decorated with statues and columns in the rococo style. The architectural ensemble also contains several more two-story buildings extending symmetrically from the center in both directions. They practically close in a ring near the gates of the park, resembling the hands of gigantic giants.

Inside the palace there are 126 halls, each of which is a work of art due to the luxury of its decoration and interior design. In one wing are the rooms of the hotel, where you can relax on a royal scale. Every year, the palace hosts the Haydn Festivals, which feature classical music performed by a live orchestra. Therefore, connoisseurs of beauty, who have not yet decided what to see in Hungary, should stop their choice at this place.

10. Thermal baths Miskolc-Tapolca (Miskolc)

Thermal cave baths of Miskolc-Tapolca

Numerous sights of Hungary, created by nature itself, include the thermal baths of Miskolc-Tapolca. They are huge caves formed as a result of washing out rocks with water, as well as an open warm lake, constantly fed by thermal springs, in the water of which salts of various minerals are dissolved.

Even the very air around these reservoirs is curative, having a healing effect on those suffering from bronchial asthma and other diseases of the respiratory and immune systems. This is facilitated not only by the gases released from the water, but also by the presence of 1150 hectares of beech forest around the resort, which saturates the air with oxygen and purifies it from harmful impurities.

The uniqueness of this bath lies in the special density of the water, which allows you to swim in it for a long time. While in other radon sources, the residence time is very limited and most often does not exceed 15-30 minutes.

The thermal baths of Miskolc-Tapolca are open all year round due to the special microclimate of the caves, which maintain a constant temperature. Therefore, when deciding what to visit in Hungary in winter, you can safely choose this resort.

Sightseeing in Hungary: what else to visit while in Hungary

Whether you book or drive memorable places independently, you need to decide on the key points of the route even before the start of the trip. Our list of historical, architectural and natural wonders in different regions of the country fits this purpose perfectly.

11. Millenaris Park (Budapest)

Corner of Millenaris Arboretum

Going on a trip with the whole family, you need to decide in advance what to see in Hungary, so that it would be interesting for both adults and children. In this case, you should opt for Millenaris Park, located in Budapest.

At the end of the last century, this territory belonged to the Ganz plant, which specializes in the production of electrical equipment. And now numerous townspeople and guests of the capital come here to relax in the shade of spreading trees, walk along wide paths, sit on comfortable benches, listen to birdsong, admire the beauty of flowers and the greenery of manicured lawns. Exhibitions and concerts are often organized here.

But the organizers of the park paid special attention to children. For them, playgrounds are laid out, there are closed recreation areas, where both kids and teenagers will find activities of interest.

Often, culinary fairs and shows are held in the pavilions of the park, where children under 12 years old are given the opportunity to cook their own edible masterpiece with their own hands or enjoy sweets prepared by professional confectioners. Adults are also given the right to enjoy cheeses, sausages, honey, chocolate and other dishes prepared by local chefs.

Walking along the alleys, one cannot pass by a small pond, where large and small fish are splashing merrily, which visitors are allowed to feed with bread crumbs.

12. Gödöllo Palace (Gödöllo, Central Hungary)

Luxurious Gödöllő Royal Palace Complex

Gödöllő is a small town in the center of Hungary, thirty kilometers from Budapest, inhabited by only about 33 thousand people. But it boasts such a unique attraction as the Royal Palace. The beginning of construction was laid in the first half of the 18th century, when the local Catholic count wanted to impress everyone with the magnificent architecture of the palace and at the same time surround it with housing for the colonists, whom he specially invited. The Count planned to create a Catholic city from scratch.

The construction lasted more than a quarter of a century, resulting in a building in the Hungarian Baroque style, around which there is a no less luxurious park. At the same time, houses of immigrants from Germany, zealous Catholics, were built around.

The palace became the property of the royal family when the Count's lineage ended. Emperor Franz Joseph became the owner of this castle in the middle of the nineteenth century. When the Second World War began, the palace was partially destroyed, then warehouses, a nursing home were located in it, and Soviet soldiers were quartered. At this time, the city was also rebuilt. Beginning in 1994, the Hungarian authorities carried out the restoration of the building and completed it by 2007.

13. Citadel on Mount Gellert (Budapest)

Ancient massive citadel on Mount Gellert

Among the most interesting and major sights of Hungary is the citadel on Mount Gellert in the country's capital. The citadel was built in the middle of the 19th century and is now under the protection of UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

During the Second World War, there were warehouses, a hospital, and soldiers' barracks in the fortress. The design of the citadel has many manholes and secret passages, using which you can get to different parts of the city. Now in the three-story bunker you can see wax figures, an exhibition of archival documents and photographs from different times.

Outside, the citadel is also interesting. The 40-meter Freedom Monument attracts attention - the figure of a woman with a palm branch in her hands. In the yard you can see military equipment times of World War II. Near the entrance to the cave, where the Catholic church is located, there is a monument to the patron saint - St. Stephen. And the mountain itself is quite beautiful. With a height of 235 meters, it consists of rocks covered with forest. The mountain offers a beautiful view of the city and the wide Danube River.

Entrance to the territory of the citadel is free. You need to pay only for the entrance to the exposition in the bunker.

14. Széchenyi Baths (Budapest)

Széchenyi bath complex in Budapest

If we consider the sights of Hungary, the abundance of thermal springs and resorts with healing water saturated with minerals catches the eye. But most grandiose complex Széchenyi baths, located in the capital of the country, are considered.

At first glance, it is difficult to guess that such a huge palace-like building is the body of the bath. Designed in the style of classicism, it is decorated with images and sculptures of water mythical characters, fish, shells.

In general, the complex has 15 indoor pools and 3 open reservoirs, the water to which comes from wells located at a depth of 1246 meters. Its natural temperature is 76°C.

The territory of the complex is decorated with statues and fountains. Despite the constant abundance of visitors, cleanliness is maintained everywhere. There is an opportunity not only to relax and improve your health, but also what to see in Hungary without leaving Budapest.

In addition to bathing in healing waters, in the Széchenyi baths, you can take a course of massages using aroma oils. Mud applications are also used here for therapeutic purposes. In the basement there are saunas and special pools for outpatient patients.

15. Fisherman's Bastion (Budapest)

Church of St. Mityash in the Fisherman's Bastion

When choosing the sights of Hungary that you should definitely visit, you should opt for the Fisherman's Bastion, which is rightfully considered the most grandiose and famous architectural structure capital Cities.

Getting inside the bastion, one gets the impression that time stopped here several centuries ago, although it was created by talented architects only at the end of the 19th century.

It is a long gallery of conical towers connected by viaducts, "hugging" the cathedral. Holy Mother of God. Visitors tend to visit observation deck located in main tower Hiradash, as it offers a bewitching view of the city. From here you can see numerous bridges, historical buildings, temples and other architectural objects on which an admiring glance involuntarily lingers.

In the courtyard of the bastion itself, you can admire the unique monuments to the Hungarian heroes. The central square is crowned with a sculpture of St. Stephen holding an apostolic cross, which is a symbol of faith.

Visitors are also invited to go down to the underground chapel of St. Michael. Here you can touch the centuries-old secrets that this ancient building keeps in itself.

Hungary has a land border with Ukraine, which, as they say, is within easy reach. When traveling in Hungary, consider visiting this country as well. Read about and get inspired for your further journey through the countries of Eastern Europe!

Sights of Hungary

1. Buda Castle

Buda Castle or the Royal Palace is the palace complex of the Hungarian kings in Budapest. Buda Castle was built on the site of an older castle destroyed during a siege by the Turks in 1686. The new royal palace was erected in the 17th century for the emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Habsburg monarchy. Buda Castle is rightfully the main attraction of Hungary. Today, the palace houses the Hungarian National Gallery, the Museum of History and the National Library of Hungary.

2. Esztergom

Esztergom combines a fascinating history with small town coastal charm. Esztergom is one of the most historically important cities in Hungary, it was the capital of Hungary for over 250 years and the birthplace of the first king and saint, Stephen, who was crowned in the city in the 11th century. It is located on the right bank of the Danube in northern Hungary, 50 kilometers from Budapest.

Today Esztergom remains the country's religious center with the largest church in Hungary dominating the city, next to the ruins of a medieval royal palace, now a castle museum.

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3. Fisherman's Bastion

Built in 1905 on the remnants of the medieval fortifications, in the neo-Romanesque style, the bastion was named after the fishermen of the city, whose duty it was to protect this side of the hill in the Middle Ages. But the existing bastion never served for defensive purposes. It had a purely decorative function, with gleaming white stairs and walls connecting seven towers symbolizing the seven tribes of the Magyars who conquered the Carpathian Basin in the 9th century. The towers are reminiscent of Disney castles and create a dreamlike atmosphere. In the center of the Fisherman's Bastion there is an equestrian statue of King Stephen, the founder of the Hungarian nation.

The view from the Fisherman's Bastion, across the Danube to the Chain Bridge and the Parliament building is simply amazing. Illuminated at night, the bastion itself is also a mesmerizing sight across the river, worth visiting the Fisherman's Bastion twice, once at night and once during the day. There are two restaurants on the battlements where you can relax with a beautiful view of the river and eat good local food.

4. Lake Heviz

Lake Heviz is the largest thermal lake in Europe and the second largest thermal lake in the world. This is the most unusual lake in Hungary with a milky blue surface covered with water lilies and steam in winter. Warm water rises from the volcanic crater and provides an opportunity to enjoy the water all year round. The mud along the shores of the lake is curative.

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5. City of Keszthely

Keszthely is a pleasant university town that has a life of its own outside of the tourist season. The modern history of Keszthely dates back more than 760 years, but the territory of the city has been continuously inhabited since the time of the Roman Empire. The main attraction of the city is the Festetics Palace, the residence of the wealthy Festetics family. The Helikon Palace Museum and the library are located in one of the wings of the baroque palace. Keszthely likes to describe itself as the capital of Lake Balaton and is the most best city to explore the surrounding lake areas, including the nearby nature reserve - excellent for bird watching and the thermal lake of Heviz.

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6. The Danube

Another iconic landmark of Hungary and Budapest is, of course, the main river of the country, the Danube. The Danube flows through all of Hungary from north to south, and flows through Budapest, splitting the city in two. One of the most popular tourist destinations in the country, it is a bend of the Danube. This is where the river winds its way through the heavily forested Visegrad Mountains before turning sharply south towards Budapest. This area is popular with tourists and nature lovers and is one of the top river cruises along the Danube.

7. Tihany

Tihany is a village on the northern shore of Lake Balaton, on the Tihany peninsula. The peninsula is a historic district and one of the most popular resorts Hungary. The iconic landmark of Tikhoni is the Benedictine monastery of the 17th century, from the territory of the monastery offers a breathtaking view of Lake Balaton and its surroundings.

8. Lillafüred

Lillafured is a city in the district of Borsod-Abauj-Zemplén in the Bükk Mountains. This city is one of the most famous resorts in Hungary, but is also famous for its caves, waterfall and a 1920s neo-renaissance hotel. Paleolithic artifacts such as arrows and rock paintings have been found in caves near the city.

9. Sopron

Sopron, a city in northwestern Hungary, near the eastern foothills of the Alps. The city is famous for its numerous and well-preserved medieval and baroque buildings. With over 100 officially registered monuments and over 200 protected buildings alone, the city is said to have one of the finest collections of medieval buildings in Europe. All buildings in old city are located within the medieval city wall, built on the ruins of a Roman fortress.

10. Eger Castle

Hungary has many delightful historical forts, castles and palaces with its unique history, but you can highlight one of them especially - this is Eger Castle. Eger Castle is located in a beautiful resort town Eger on the southern slopes of Mount Bükk, the castle once protected a gateway to northern Hungary. The castle is known for its exceptionally heroic defense against the Turks in 1552. And the castle was founded by order of the Bishop of Eger in the 13th century.

The Eger Castle houses the Dobo István Museum. It is one of the most popular museums in Hungary and has exhibitions on the history of the city and the castle. Also in the castle is the Hall of Heroes, which houses the grave of the famous leader of Hungary, Dobo Istvan, as well as the prison museum. The castle offers a magnificent panoramic view of the surroundings.

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11. Cathedral of St. Peter

St. Peter's Cathedral is a Roman Catholic church in the city of Pécs, which lies at the southern foot of the Mecsek Mountains. St. Peter's Cathedral dominates the cityscape and is a symbol of the city of Pécs. Built on the site of an ancient Roman chapel, the cathedral, like many other historical sites in Hungary, shows the influence of different cultures on the development of architecture in Hungary.

12. Visegrad Royal Palace

Above the beautiful old town of Vyšehrad, on a bend in the Danube, just 40 kilometers north of Budapest, are the ruins of Visegrad Royal Palace and old citadel. The first royal palace on this site was built by Charles I after he and his court moved to Vysehrad in 1316 and over time gained a reputation as one of the finest palaces in Europe.

13. Szechenyi Baths

The Lemon-White Neo-Baroque Palace houses the Széchenyi Baths. Széchenyi baths are perfect place for luxury holiday. They were built in 1883 and are the first spa resort in Hungary.

14. Hollokő

There are many villages in Hungary where the traditional way of life is still alive, but Hollokö stands out among them. Picturesque scenery, beautiful old houses and colorful traditional costumes make visiting this village an unforgettable experience. Here you feel a complete immersion in the old Hungary of the times of the Habsburg Empire.

15. Jewish Budapest (Jewish Budapest)

Did you know that Budapest has the largest synagogue in Europe. Hungary has experienced a real renaissance of Jewish life in the last decade, and now Budapest is the traditional center of Jewish life, this is the 7th district of the capital.

16. Aggtelek

Aggtelek is the largest cave system in Central Europe. It looks like a strange combination of an enchanted forest and a fairy queen's palace. No wonder she's listed world heritage UNESCO.

17. Tokaj

Tokaj is the area where the so-called "wine of kings" dessert wine is grown. It is believed that the grape juice from these hills in the north-east of Hungary is as good as in Burgundy.

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Sights of Hungary. The most interesting and main sights of cities and regions of Hungary: photos and descriptions, location. What to see in Hungary in a week.

In Hungary, a huge number sights that take us to different periods of the country's history, which have had a great influence on our time. And big number monuments architecture is of global importance. So let's move on to the story top attractions in Hungary .


Capital of Hungary. The city, often referred to by Europeans as the "Pearl of the Danube". The city is famous for its amazing panoramas. Before the outbreak of World War II, the city was the European musical capital. One of the most beautiful buildings and the main attraction of Budapest is the parliament building. It contains the Hungarian crown, which the founder of the country, Istvan I, received from the hands of the Pope. The most beautiful and largest church in the city is also named after the first leader of the country. This is the Basilica of St. Stephen, which houses the relics of the right hand of the first Hungarian king. The Royal Palace, located in the old part of the city of Buda, cannot be ignored. This majestic 13th-century building has now become a cultural center and a museum.

Be sure to walk along the Landsheed, a chain bridge built in 1849. While in the Pest area, be sure to look at the largest synagogue in Europe and the second largest in the world, the building of which was built in 1859. Visit also wonderful museums - National Museum Hungary, the Museum of Fine Arts and the Museum of Modern Art.

Second largest after the capital tourist facility in Hungary. The surface area of ​​this picturesque lake is more than 600 square kilometers. There are many resorts and sanatoriums on the shores of the lake. In summer, there are many vacationers and doctors here, and in winter the surface of the lake turns into a skating paradise.

You can get to the lake from Budapest along a magnificent highway.

The city was built on the site of the ancient Roman settlement "Alba Regia". In the early Middle Ages it was the capital of Hungary. There is a magnificent museum of antiquity “Ruins of Gorzium” and a cathedral, the construction of which dates back to the 18th century. By the way, at the heart of the cathedral are the ruins of an 11th-century church. In the same city, one of the world's largest bus factories, the famous Ikarus, is located. In the early eighties of the 20th century, Ikarus was one of best buses in Europe.

The Royal Fortress, which later became the Archbishop's Palace, has now become the Fortress Museum. The walls of the fortress appeared in the X century, the construction of which was carried out by the prince of Giza. The founder of the state, Istvan the Holy, was also born here.


The city of true military glory. Next to him, such an important victory for the Hungarians over the Turks was won, the yoke of which they felt on themselves for almost 170 years. In Eger in excellent condition historical quarters, Baroque-style narrow streets and sidewalks.

Pay attention to Eger Cathedral and the building of the minaret, to the top of which a staircase of a hundred steps leads.


Balneological resort with a unique thermal lake. The most powerful lake feeds mineral spring, the temperature in which in summer is 33-35 ° C, in winter it is not much colder - 25-28 ° C. The hydrology of the lake is interesting due to the complete renewal of all water within three days. The bottom of the lake is covered with a layer of silt about a meter thick and contains many active minerals, which makes it very useful in the treatment of many diseases. The lake is one of the main natural attractions of Hungary.

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Of course, Hungary cannot be compared in popularity among tourists with such recognized leaders as Spain, Italy and France. However, this injustice is easy to correct, because having visited Hungary once, you will definitely want to come back again!

What can you do in Hungary? Live or at least go on an excursion to one of the many medieval castles, of which there are more than 4.5 thousand in this country! Be sure to visit the Marzipan Museum in the suburbs of Budapest, as well as one of the local museums dedicated to the long history of winemaking in this country.

In addition, Hungary hosts numerous carnivals and festivals every year, known for their fun atmosphere and original traditions. Equestrian tourism is also popular in the country - there are many stables where you can rent an obedient horse and ride along one of the tourist routes.

Be sure to set aside a day to visit the flea market, where you can find a real treasure among the merchandise! There are also resorts in Hungary with thermal springs and baths, where you can not only relax, but also improve your health. This country is also known as the birthplace of Dracula, the most famous vampire in the world, whose prototype was the local prince, famous for his bloodthirstiness. Nature lovers can go to national park, for example, in the largest floodplain forest in Europe - Gemenz. We are sure that a trip to Hungary will not disappoint you, and while you are packing your bags, we will tell you about the most famous sights of this country.

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What to see in Hungary?

The most interesting and Beautiful places, photos and a short description.

The largest building in Hungary and business card Budapest. There are guided tours of 691 rooms of the parliament building today, including in Russian. All the rooms of the Parliament are decorated in a lush, medieval style, and the building itself is striking in its grandeur and original combination of such different styles of architecture as neo-Gothic and Parisian Beaux-Arts.

This is the main Catholic church in Hungary, located in the city of Esztergom. From a distance, the cathedral looks more like a majestic government building with a dome. However, this is a church, and the largest and highest in the country. The Basilica of St. Adalbert is famous for its marble columns, statues, rich mosaics and bright frescoes.

This chain bridge connecting Buda and Pest was the first such permanent structure built on the Danube River. Before entering the bridge, travelers are greeted by powerful lions, and the bulls of the bridge are distinguished by unusual illumination and look especially beautiful in the evenings. For more than 150 years, the Széchenyi Bridge has been doing an excellent job with its main function - it connects the two banks of the Danube and the two parts of Budapest.

The small town of Vysehrad is located north of Budapest, and it had every chance to remain one of the many settlements unknown to tourists. However, even the ancient Romans built a fortress here, which was then used for protection during the invasions of the Tatars and Ottoman troops. The Vyshegrad fortress was glorified by its wine cellars and the most famous prisoner - Vlad Tepes, aka Dracula.

The largest lake in all of Central Europe and the most famous resort Hungary. On the shores of the lake there are many hotels and hotels, several mineral and thermal springs come here. Lake Balaton is also famous for its excellent fishing. It is navigable, so a yacht trip will give you a lot of pleasure.

This resort is one of a kind, as it is located not in a man-made building, but in a cave created by nature itself. Of course, it has been slightly ennobled in order to create the most comfortable conditions for vacationers. The resort of Miskolc-Tapolca is not only an excellent swimming pool with useful mineral water but also a beautiful beech forest with a park.

The entire historical center of the city of Sopron is a monument of architecture, and sustained in the same style - the Austrian baroque. There are several ancient churches, an equally ancient synagogue and a fire tower. The heart of the city is the central square, completely surrounded by old houses, many of which have become museums.

The richly decorated Neo-Renaissance building immediately catches the eye. Even if you are not an opera lover, visit this theater to see its luxurious decoration, sculptures, paintings and ornaments. According to the level of acoustics Hungarian State Opera theatre second only to the Paris Opera and Milan's La Scala.

The oldest monastery in Hungary, founded in 996. Now listed by UNESCO, remains functioning monastery order of the Benedictines, so that only part of the premises is open to tourists. There are always many pilgrims and guests of the country here. In addition, the monastery has a college for boys and the largest non-state library in the country.

This is the largest thermal lake in Europe. It is noteworthy that due to the huge flow of water, the lake is almost completely renewed every day. In the mineral-rich water of Lake Hevis, there are always many people who want to improve their health. Its thermal waters are especially useful for patients with radiculitis, gout and those suffering from joint pain.

The city of Gödöllő is only a thirty-minute drive from Budapest and is known for its luxurious royal palace, for which crowds of tourists come here. The palace, built in the 18th century, has been perfectly preserved and today is a museum complex. It is interesting for its imperial interiors and lush decoration.

This powerful medieval castle, almost destroyed during the battles of the Second World War, was carefully restored and today is the cultural center of Budapest. Here are the House of Hungarian Wines, the National Library, the Museum of History, the Hungarian National Gallery and a number of historical buildings.

This is an example of a karst region with numerous caves, limestone cliffs, rivers and gorges. It is in Aggtelek that the largest stalactite cave in Europe, Baradla, is located. In multi-kilometer weaves underground passages and labyrinths, you can get lost, so it is better to visit the caves of Aggtelek with an experienced guide.

This village, where only 465 people live, has turned into a real ethnic museum under open sky. People come here to see how the Hungarians lived many years ago and to buy souvenirs made by local craftsmen. It is noteworthy that the inhabitants of the village of Holloko do not play a role in front of tourists at all - they really live like that, preserving their traditions and crafts.

This is a bath, or rather, the largest bath complex in Europe. It looks like a real palace with a dome and turrets. The Szechenyi Baths have long been one of the attractions of Budapest. People come here not just to wash, but to swim in the outdoor pools, take advantage of the very healthy baths with thermal water and see the rich decoration of the premises.

This small village is located on the peninsula of the same name, on Lake Balaton. The places here are incredibly picturesque, the peninsula itself is recognized as a protected area. The village of Tihany is a very calm, green, comfortable resort, the "pearl of Balaton", which is also located only 140 kilometers from Budapest.

The largest Catholic church in Budapest. It looks quite austere and very majestic, but inside it pleases the eye with magnificent decoration with gilding, beautiful mosaics, beautiful stained-glass windows, bronze bas-reliefs and a statue of St. Stephen. The relics of its patron are kept in the cathedral, in whose honor a religious procession takes place every year.

Visiting card of the city of Pecs. This cathedral looks very unusual - four towers in the corners make it look more like a castle or a mosque. However, this is a Roman Catholic cathedral, which has been rebuilt several times since 1064. True, this building still visited the mosque - during the Turkish rule.

The bend of the Danube is considered to be the most picturesque area in Hungary. Traveling in this region of the country usually starts from Visegrad, which is ancient capital countries. Here you can see the royal palace, the ruins medieval fortress, Castle in the Air, the Museum of King Matthias Corvinus, as well as the Shalamon Tower.

A favorite place for walking and relaxing for Budapest residents and guests of the city. In Varosgilet Park, you can visit the zoological and botanical parks, the Museum of Fine Arts, an amusement park, the Transport Museum, Vajdahunyat Castle, the Gundel Restaurant, the Budapest Circus, as well as the famous Szechenyi Baths. The park has several artificial lakes.

For Hungarians, goulash is the crown national food, and depending on the density and ingredients, this dish can be either the first or the second course. The soup is called “Gulyas leves” and is a fragrant stew with a fair amount of melt-in-your-mouth meat, topped with dumplings (balls of dough), flavored with spices and paprika, and served with a slice of wheat bread freshly removed from the oven. The form of serving adds color to an unusual and hearty dish - waiters often bring goulash soup in beautiful clay pots. Besides, National cuisine Goulash is also famous as a second dish, of which there are several varieties. The name of the stew is "Porkolt". As a rule, for the preparation of goulash, tender meat is taken - beef, pork or lamb, which is fried and stewed in a dressing of onions, tomatoes, paprika and aromatic herbs. Hungarian chefs and vegetarians did not ignore them, inventing something special for them - "Gomba porkolt" - mushroom goulash.

3. Relax at Lake Balaton

Balaton is rightly called the "Hungarian Sea", because millions of vacationers come here as an alternative to sea tours. Thanks to the mild climate, the abundance of adjacent forests and warm water, Balaton is a real sunny paradise for beach lovers. In addition to traditional entertainment on the lake, you can go in for water sports (sailing and surfing), as well as take part in equestrian competitions, go fishing or admire the local wild "inhabitants" - herons, geese and swans. beach season at Balaton begins with the onset of May days and ends in late autumn. However, the winter lake also captivates the eye with its splendor, hiding behind a lacy blanket of ice and as if hiding its waters from the winter cold.

4. Climb Mount Gellert

Mount Gellert is one of the most striking sights of both Budapest and Hungary. The mountain received its name as a sign of respect for Saint Gellert, who was the spiritual mentor of the King of Hungary - Istvan, and also baptized the Hungarian people. However, he was subsequently punished in a terrible way - he was placed in a barrel studded with nails and lowered from the mountain into the waters of the Danube. Therefore, the mountain was named after the bishop, and later, in memory of him, a monument to St. Gellert was built on the slopes. By the way, on the mountain you will find a memorial to Istvan himself, as well as the "Monument of Freedom". The mountain is dotted with parks and adorned with a waterfall, but that's not all. Tourists from all over the world climb the observation deck of Mount Gellert in order to admire the beauties of the Hungarian capital from above. They say that it is from this place that the view of Budapest opens up simply amazing. Try it too!

5. Ride the oldest metro on the continent and the longest tram on the planet

You may be surprised, but the first metro in Europe opened in Hungary. Moreover, the stations of the yellow line "M1" in Budapest today look exactly the same as a hundred years ago, and on "Deák tér" you have the opportunity to look into the Hungarian Metropolitan Museum - "Millennium Underground". In addition, you will be amazed that tickets are punched in the metropolitan metro.

As for the trams, you will need lines 6 and 4 in Budapest, which are up to 54 meters long, thus making them world famous. By the way, these metropolitan trams are not only the longest on the planet, but also the busiest, because tourists, trying to get in touch with the world history of transport, often use the services of hospitable fifty-year-old trailers. Movement along the picturesque banks of the Danube enhance the impression of the trip.

6. Enjoy real wine

First of all, try the local famous "Tokay" - its taste is breathtaking and makes even the most sophisticated winemakers from all over the planet ask for more. Why be surprised? Hungary is the mother of Tokaj wine! Where can you find this wine? Perhaps everywhere - everything wine cards restaurants are decorated with this type of wine, all wine cellars and factories offer tasting and sale of "Tokay". Other varieties of wines - Sopron, Villan and Eger - have proven themselves excellently. The most colorful place for wine tasting is the legendary "Valley of Beauties" in the city of Eger, where more than 200 wine cellars are collected, offering tourists the best wines of Hungary and generously treating travelers with real goulash. Do not forget about the local "Bull's Blood", which is actually equated to the elixir of courage, because after drinking this wine, the soldiers defended Eger before the Turks, although the number of enemies was 40 times greater than the defenders.

7. Conquer the Danube on a boat

The Danube River is the pride of the Hungarians, as well as the Volga for the Russians. In addition, it is rather an international pride, because the length of the river reaches almost 3000 km and flows or is considered the border of 10 countries, and the Danube drainage basin is present in 9 more states. Agree, the river is a legend - you just want to get in touch with it! Tourists have regular flights local ships different comfort and exciting content. You can take an evening sightseeing tour of the Danube while enjoying a glass of wine, or book a trip with a whole entertainment complex, including a banquet, live music, performances by artists and animators.

8. Rejuvenate at Lake Heviz

If Balaton is the largest in Europe freshwater lake, then Heviz is the largest warm water. You can swim here at any time - even in a fierce cold, wrapped in openwork clouds of steam above the water. In Heviz, not only water is healing, but also a multi-meter layer of silt at the bottom of the lake. It is said that many people make pilgrimages here, trying to regain youth or stop old age. It should be noted that all visiting vacationers are invariably satisfied with the result and impressions of a holiday on Heviz, because this is incomparable with anything. Under the lake is so powerful thermal source that the water in Heviz changes every 28 hours, and the temperature never (even in winter) drops below +26-28°C. Rough vegetation in the form of the dazzling beauty of tropical lilies on the surface of Heviz brings the final note to the euphoria of being here.

9. Visit the Marzipan Museum

Marzipan is a sweet made from almonds and sugar, but in Hungary the production of this confectionery was turned into an art form, constructing paintings, figures and other masterpieces from such simple components. There are 5 Marzipan Museums in Hungary - in Szentendre (the most famous), Budapest, Eger, Keszthely, Pecs. The expositions are dazzling, to some extent jewelry work of creation. In the halls, you can admire full-length figures of celebrities, for example, Michael Jackson, a map of Hungary, the capital's Parliament, film and cartoon characters and other fascinating sweet exhibits. Each museum has a confectionery shop where you can enjoy the taste of marzipans and buy your favorite items for gifts to loved ones upon returning home.

10. Visit the Polovtsian village of Holloko

Can you visit the past? In Hungary, yes. The village of Hollokyo (translated into Russian as the Raven Stone) is a journey into the past, living a calm measured life until today, despite millions of prying eyes of tourists. The history of the village goes back to the 13th century, 67 local buildings are considered architectural monuments. Holloko is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and is an open-air ethnographic exposition that lives everyday village life. About 400 residents live here, doing their usual business (woodcarving, pottery, embroidery, animal husbandry, work in the garden and garden) under the general observation of the guests of the settlement, which adds color to visiting this ancient place.

Night Budapest is an unforgettable sight. Illumination immerses the city in a special atmosphere of the Middle Ages. According to tourists, the most fascinating view of Budapest at night opens from the deck of a boat or a floating bus plying the Danube. A scattering of skillfully illuminated bridges, the outlines of majestic buildings, fresh air and the soothing sound of river water - all this plunges the guests of the capital into an atmosphere of magical mood with a feeling of being in the medieval past.

12. Buy colorful local souvenirs

Few people know that Hungary is the birthplace of the Rubik's Cube and ballpoint pen. But these world-famous things were invented by local nuggets - the sculptor Rubik and the journalist Biro. Therefore, in the form of a souvenir from Hungary, you can buy an unusual wooden handle with a painting or a puzzle in national packaging. In addition, Hungary is rich in porcelain, black ceramics, wooden souvenirs and hand-embroidered items. Also, do not forget about the local excellent wines, the miraculous Unicum balm, marzipans that captivate the eye and the national spice - paprika, which is sold both ground and crushed, and in the form of colorful clusters.

A separate topic is the saturated flea markets of Budapest: a real storehouse of historical monuments and antiques, where you can buy items and decorations that breathe antiquity.

Hungary - interesting country with a colorful culture, picturesque beauties, healing natural gifts, a fascinating history and a rich architectural heritage. The above tips will help you feel the country to its secret depths.