The best vacation in the summer at sea. Where to have a cheap vacation at the seaside this summer

Updated: 28.02.2019 Oleg Lazhechnikov


It has already happened more than once that our friends asked us for advice at different times of the year, but where is the best place to go now? And what about the rains now? What is the weather like in...? Well, and so on. To make life easier for myself and for all of you, I have collected here the most attractive destinations and countries where it is better to relax in each particular month.

The set of recommendations below is general, and for each country you must then look at the weather forecast separately and read the climate features of the place and beach where you are going. The information was collected based on reviews from the forums, because the websites of travel agencies and tour operators often contain complete nonsense, like that it is best to relax in Egypt in August (the heat is incredible there!)

I want to draw attention to the fact that there are such magical places in the world where you can relax peacefully. all year round, for example, in Thailand in Pattaya, Cha-am, Hua Hin. Or in the Canaries on the island of Tenerife, where the weather is favorable all year round. Or so loved by all the beautiful Maldives. Therefore, I will not mention them every month.

Where is the best place to relax in January

If you want to sunbathe and swim in the sea, the best place is Asian beaches (Indonesia, Bali, Thailand (Phuket, Krabi, Phi Phi, etc.), Malaysia, India, Goa, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Seychelles, UAE) or beaches caribbean(Dominican Republic, Cuba, Tahiti, etc.)

You can also rush to Egypt or Tunisia, but keep in mind that it will be just comfortably warm there for walking, but not for swimming or sunbathing.

When planning your trip, don't forget that January is a holiday month and it's best to buy all your tickets in advance.

Where is the best place to relax in February

The hottest countries this month are Thailand (Phuket, Krabi, Phi Phi, Chang), Cambodia and their closest neighbors Myanmar, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Vietnam is also good, especially for surfers, because there big waves. You can try to go to Bali, although there is still a risk of getting into the rainy season. You can also go to countries a little to the west, for example, the United Arab Emirates, Goa, Sri Lanka or the Maldives.

Starting in February, Europe is slowly opening its doors, and already in February you can arrange a sightseeing trip to the south of Italy.

And you can have a good rest in the Canary Islands. Or choose an even more western direction and relax in February in another hemisphere, for example, in the Caribbean.

Where is the best place to relax in March

Most popular place beach holiday in March you can call Egypt. And although it may still be a little windy, it is already warm enough to bask on the beach and swim in the Red Sea. Also, it is not very hot this month in the UAE, the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean islands.

In March it also becomes possible to visit Chile, Brazil, Mexico.

The beaches of Asian countries and islands such as Thailand (O. Samui, O. Tao, O. Phangan), Vietnam (although there may be big waves), Singapore, Malaysia, Goa, Sri Lanka, Seychelles are still friendly for tourists. , Maldives. The real dry hot season begins in Bali.

Where is the best place to relax in April

April is already a warmer month and more and more countries are ready to welcome tourists to their beaches. The Asian countries of Thailand (O.Samui, O.Tao, O.Phangan), Vietnam, Malaysia, the island of Bali are still friendly in terms of weather. One of the best choices might be Hainan Island in China. And the Maldives remain invariably favorable in terms of weather.

Rawai Beach, Thailand

In Goa, they say, the humidity is high, it's hot and there can be high waves, but the weather is good.

In Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco, it is warm in April, but not yet hot, and in Israel (in Eilat), April is considered the peak of the season.

The sea in the Canaries and the Caribbean remains warm and friendly. From April you can also go to Malta, but keep in mind that at this time there is a peak tourist season.

Well, in April, bus tours around spring Europe are already actively starting to travel.

Where is the best place to relax in May

The most popular destinations are Turkey and Egypt, in these countries it is not hot yet, but it is already very good. The weather is about the same in Tunisia and Morocco.

Of the Asian countries, the beaches of Thailand (O. Samui, O. Tao, O. Koh Phangan), where it is hot, but still bearable, the Seychelles, Singapore, Indonesia, Bali, Vietnam with clear weather and clear sea, remain invariably good. An additional plus is that on May 25, all Buddhist countries celebrate Buddha's birthday beautifully and brightly.

You can go to the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean if you are not embarrassed by short-term tropical downpours. It's good on Tenerife, it's hot during the day and slightly cool in the evening, but the water in the ocean may seem cool.

In May, active flowering begins throughout Europe and this is an excellent period for traveling to any European country, especially beautiful, they say on the Cote d'Azur of France.

Where is the best place to relax in June

The most popular summer destination is Turkey and all kinds of beaches in Europe, such as Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Italy, Spain and nearby islands, such as Sicily, Mallorca, Malta. But on the Cote d'Azur, the sea is still cool this month, but you can just ride around the beautiful towns of France.

You can also suggest that you go to Greece with its islands of Crete, Rhodes, Corfu, Zakynthos or Cyprus, but keep in mind that it can still be cold there.

From the East Asian countries, you can choose Bali, where in June it is not so humid and there is no rain, or Thailand (O. Samui, O. Tao, O. Koh Phangan). I would warn you against trips to other Asian and South African countries - it is too hot there during this period. As well as in the Caribbean, although many at this time still travel to the Dominican Republic.
And in Tunisia and Morocco, on the contrary, there may still not be enough warm sea.

Well, various parts of our homeland are gradually becoming available, and not only the Black Sea resorts, but also various places for hiking, such as the Caucasus, for example.

Where is the best place to relax in July

If you are a big fan of the heat, then in July it's time for you to go either to the European Mediterranean beaches in countries such as Italy, Spain, Portugal or Greece with its islands of Crete, Kos, the Cyclades, Rhodes, Corfu, where due to the breeze is not so hot, either in Morocco or the Caribbean, for example in the Dominican Republic. The season in Tunisia also begins in July and, according to tourists, it is good in Bali and in Thai Koh Samui, Tao, Phangan.

And do not forget the Mediterranean islands of Mallorca, Sicily, Malta, where it is hot, but the heat is not very felt.

Friends advised us to be sure to write that this month is very good on Azure coast in France, and the sea is already warm and the weather is great.

If you prefer a little calmer weather in terms of heat, then it's time for you to go to the Black Sea beaches of our country, Ukraine or Bulgaria, or soak up the sun at Adriatic Sea in Montenegro and Croatia.

In July, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is already quite ready to receive tourists, and throughout Russia you can find a lot of cool places for wild recreation and hiking. They say that this month is the season in Karelia, for example.

Where is the best place to relax in August

August is the hottest month of the summer, and if you are not afraid of the heat, you can go on vacation to the Mediterranean beaches of Europe in Spain, Italy, France ( Cote d'Azur) or Greece, Cyprus and Crete, where, due to the dry air, the heat should be more bearable.

It should not be so hot at sea in Montenegro, Croatia and Bulgaria.

Good weather for a beach holiday in August in United Arab Emirates and in Southeast Asia on the islands of Thailand - Koh Samui, Tao, Phangan or in Indonesia on about. Bali. If you are not afraid of waves and strong currents, then you can go to Sri Lanka.

In Turkey, the heat subsides by the end of August, and the sea will still be just as warm. Although Egypt remains popular, it will be very difficult to relax there because of the scorching sun. Just like in Cuba and the Dominican Republic, where it is very hot and humid and the rainy season may already begin.

In September it is comfortable in the Canary Islands, although the water there may not be very warm.

And the most expanse for hikers begins in Russia. This month you can go on a hiking trip to the Altai Mountains, go to Baikal, the Urals, or you can just have a great time on Lake Seliger.

Where is the best place to relax in September

The most popular destination in September will be Turkey, where it is not so hot anymore, and the water in the sea is still very warm. The same weather is in Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt.

It is better to go to the European beaches of Bulgaria, Croatia and Montenegro in the first half of September, because then it may start to rain and it will be already cold. But in Italy, Greece, Cyprus, the weather will still be very good. September is generally considered best month to visit Cyprus. In Spain, you can visit Mallorca, Malaguf. If it rains there, it will be mainly in the second half of September and will be short-lived for the time being.

The velvet season this month is also in Sicily, even if it rains, the sea is still warm.

September is the high season for Bali, during this time the weather is great there and it is no longer hot in the Canaries, although the sea may seem cold.

You can still relax on the resorts of Ukraine and Russia, the weather there is still warm too.

Where is the best place to relax in October

In October, you can perfectly relax in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, it will not be hot anymore, but the water is still pleasantly warm. The same can be said about Israel and Jordan.

It is also still possible to go to Turkey, although it can be cool in the evenings.

In Greece (especially on the islands of Crete, Rhodes) it is still warm, but there may already be strong winds. But in Cyprus, the weather is great in October.

From the European islands, one can cautiously suggest Sicily, Malta. The sea there is not as warm as before, but you can still swim.

Opens its doors East Asia, October is considered the best time to relax in the UAE, you can already swim in China on about. Hainan, and in Goa, and in Thailand (Puket, Krabi, Pi Pi, Koh Chang, Pattaya, Koh Samet) ends the main rainy season.

Where is the best place to relax in November

In Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, the velvet season begins in November, but this does not mean that it will be cold, just not so hot during the day, and cool in the evenings. Mauritius or Maidera (Portugal) are also suitable for a holiday in November.

In the Canary Islands and Cyprus, the swimming season continues, although it may also seem a little cool.

But the real season opens in the countries and islands of East Asia: in the UAE, the Maldives and the Seychelles it is no longer hot, but comfortably warm. The dry season begins in the south of Vietnam, in Malaysia it is best to go on western islands, there is almost no rain, just like in Cambodia. In Thailand, visit the islands of Phuket, Krabi, Phi Phi, Lanta, Ranong, Phang Nga, Satun, Chang and Samet in November.

November is best time for holidays in India, Goa, Sri Lanka, where the water temperature is almost the same as the air temperature.

In Mexico and in Caribbean(Cuba, Dominican Republic) the dry season begins, although short-term showers are still possible.

Where is the best place to relax in December

In usually choose those places where it is warmest of all this month. And this is undoubtedly East Asia. In Goa in December, the high season, you can go to Sri Lanka or one of the islands of Thailand (Phuket, Krabi, Phi Phi, Chang, Samet, etc.). No less warm in neighboring countries - Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia. Vietnam is also warm, but the ocean is a little restless.

Many choose the United Arab Emirates, but keep in mind that the water can already be chilly in December. Egypt and the Canary Islands are like a roulette this month, the weather can be normal, or it can be windy and cold.

In the Caribbean (Cuba, Dominican Republic) in December it is warm and mostly dry, although it may rain for a short time.

P.S. If you have any interesting and useful information on the topic where it is better to relax in each month, I will be glad for any of your feedback and comments.

P.P.S. Remember that depending on the country, you need to use different hotel booking systems, one in Europe, another in Asia. But prices in all systems at once for the same hotel can be found in the metasearch engine, a very convenient joke.

Life hack 1 - how to buy good insurance

It is unrealistically difficult to choose insurance now, therefore, to help all travelers, I am compiling a rating. To do this, I constantly monitor forums, study insurance contracts and use insurance myself.

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We have studied guidebooks, forums, blogger reports, booking systems, websites with food prices and selected the most affordable countries for vacations. For each, we calculated the budget for two people a day and converted it into dollars. This is the average amount for a couple of travelers who live in the same room, do not like to spend too much and stick to the golden mean in everything. After all, everyone understands different things by comfort: one will have enough beds in a hostel, others will still choose among five-star hotels. Therefore, we did not take into account luxury hotels and restaurants, but found out how much it costs to eat in ordinary local cafes and live in guesthouses, mini-hotels or apartments on Airbnb.

In some countries, spending can easily be cut by one and a half to two times if you use public transport, is in not tourist places and look for hotels on the principle of "we only spend the night." For India and Indonesia, for example, we recommend a daily budget of $40-50, but these countries can be traveled as a couple for $20 per day.

Faktrum publishes a very useful article from the Skyscanner blog that will help you plan your vacation profitably.

Cheap countries without a visa


Approximate prices:

You can have a hearty and cheap meal in Armenia at every turn: khachapuri in Yerevan costs up to 500 drams ($ 1), lamajo (a flatbread with spicy meat filling) - up to $ 1.7, and a crayfish kebab near Lake Sevan - about $ 3. The average bill in a simple cafe is $3-4, and for a dinner for two in a tourist restaurant, pay $7-30.

Photo source:

The capital of Armenia has cheap hotels with double rooms for 25-30 $. If you like home comfort on vacation, rent a nice studio in a quiet area for $20 or an apartment in the city center on Airbnb for $30-40 per night. Outside the capital, prices are slightly lower. In Armenia, as in Georgia, a stranger may invite you for coffee, dinner, or even an overnight stay. Agree: this is not fraud, but hospitality.

Standard route:

Yerevan and environs; lake Sevan; Vanadzor and Lori Gorge; Khor Virap Monastery with views of Ararat; Vorotan Valley and Tatev Monastery.


Without a visa, you can enter Armenia for up to 180 days during the year. If you want more, find out how to apply for an Armenian visa.


Approximate prices:

There is no street food as such in Georgia. You can catch on the go only fresh khachapuri or lobiani, which are sold on every corner for 2–3 lari ($1). Lunch in a cafe will cost $6, and for a generous dinner with wine, pay from $8. An intermediate option is khinkali: you won’t have to look for them for a long time, one piece costs 60–70 tetri (0.25–0.30 $). A dozen khinkali with a salad and a glass of beer (for everything - $ 4) is enough to eat for the whole day.

A modest double room in Tbilisi and Batumi costs from $40 per night. It will cost $10 less to rent an apartment in a pleasant area near the center of the capital. In seaside Batumi, you can rent small apartments in the private sector in 2016 for $20–25. Prices here are strongly tied to the season: an apartment by the sea with a fresh renovation and all amenities in the middle of summer costs about $40 per day. In less touristy places, you can easily find guest houses with rooms for $15-30.

Standard route:

Tbilisi; Mtskheta and the Georgian Military Highway; cave city in Vardzia; Signagi and Kakheti; Svaneti; Batumi and the Black Sea coast. If time permits, you can take a one-way ticket to Georgia, travel further across the land to Armenia or Turkey and fly home from there.


Citizens of Russia can spend a whole year in Georgia without a visa.


Daily budget for two: $65–$75

Approximate prices:

A fragrant chicken skewers skewer in Abkhazia costs about 200 rubles ($ 2.7), a cheburek with cheese and meat - 70 rubles ($ 1). Lunch in a cafe by the sea will cost $5–12 for two, and a hearty dinner in an apatskhe (national cuisine restaurant) will cost $9.5–13.5. For a one and a half liter bottle of homemade Abkhaz wine, give about $ 2.7.

On Airbnb, you can rent a room in a house by the sea in Sukhumi for $10 per day, and an apartment in the city center for $37 per day. If you dare to look for housing on the spot, it can come out even cheaper: a room in a private house in Gagra can be rented for $ 9, and near Pitsunda there are options for $ 8 for two. A room in a good seaside hotel in Abkhazia costs $20–33 per day.

Standard route:

Botanical garden, Kelasur wall and the ruins of the Bagrat castle in Sukhumi; monastery and underground karst cave in New Athos; beaches of Gudauta, Pitsunda and Gagra; nature reserve near Lake Ritsa.


To enter Abkhazia, Russians do not need a visa or a foreign passport - an ordinary one is enough. Fly to Adler - from there it is only 10 km to the Abkhaz border, which runs along the Psou River.


Daily budget for two: $55-65

Approximate prices:

Lunch in street cafes costs from 12 to 50 thousand kip ($ 1.5-6), in a tourist cafe or restaurant - 50-100 thousand ($ 6-12). On average, a simple double room will cost about $ 12 per day. In the village of Vang Vieng, you can bargain on the spot and settle for this amount in a room with a wonderful view of the mountains. But in the capital - Vientiane - it's cheaper to book a hotel in advance: rent a cozy room for $15-17.

Almost all the sights of Laos are paid, although they are very cheap: for example, the entrance to the Paku caves will cost $ 2.5. These Buddhist caves can be reached by boat on the Mekong - $ 8 you will pay for the round trip and a stop at the "whiskey village". Renting a motorbike with a manual transmission for the whole day in Laos costs about 70,000 kip - for $ 9 you are completely free to move around the country.

Standard route:

Vientiane; Luang Prabang; trekking in the Bokeu National Park and / or rafting on the picturesque U River; Pakse and the waterfalls of the Bolaven Plateau; cruise down the Mekong south to Si Phan Don or up to the 4000 Islands. You can continue the adventure in Cambodia or, if you move in the opposite direction, in Thailand.


If you are visiting Laos for less than 15 days, you do not need a visa. The only requirement is that the passport must be valid for 6 months from the date of entry.


Daily budget for two: $40–50

Approximate prices:

Street food in Indonesia costs a penny: nasi goreng or mi goreng (fried rice or noodles) will cost no more than $ 1.5-2. You can have breakfast and lunch in local cafes for $2.5–4.5, and a hearty dinner costs $5–8, depending on the level of the establishment. You can rent a decent room in a guesthouse in Sumatra for $10, in Java - for $10-15, and in Bali - for $15-20. Traveling between the islands is also cheap - a ferry ride costs about $3.

Standard route:

Since you have already flown 9,000 km, sitting out your entire holiday in Bali, no matter how beautiful it may be, means depriving yourself of many impressions. There are 17,000 islands to choose from, from tiny paradises like Gili to Sumatra the size of Spain. Don't miss Borobudur and the Bromo volcano in Java, visit Lake Toba or go on a jungle trek in Borneo.


Citizens of the Russian Federation can enter Indonesia without a visa for 30 days after international airports Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Denpasar, Batam Islands, as well as through four seaports. At other border points, Russians can obtain a visa on arrival for a period of 30 days.


Daily budget for two: $45–$55

Approximate prices:

Banh mi sandwiches in Vietnam are sold at every step for 10-15 thousand dong (0.5-0.7 $), the same price for juices in fruit shops. For a bowl of pho soup in a cafe, pay $1–2, and for 0.5 liters of homemade beer bia hoi - $1. In local eateries, they feed for a penny: two servings of fish or chicken fried in ginger sauce with a bowl of rice and a bowl of soup - $ 2. In a presentable restaurant, these amounts are multiplied by 2-3. A hearty seafood dinner at a tourist establishment with Vietnamese cuisine will cost $12–20. If you miss European dishes, a $5 pizza will save you. You can eat at fast food Lotteria with a burger, french fries and soda for $3. Imported alcohol in Vietnamese stores costs no more than duty-free shops, and a bottle of local rum can be bought for $3–4.

You can rent a double room in a Hanoi hotel for $11-15, in Mui Ne village prices start at $10 for a bungalow with a shower and air conditioning near the sea, and in Nha Trang you can still rent a nice room with amenities for $6-10. Service in Vietnamese hotels is at its best, regardless of star rating. Breakfast is included in the price nine times out of ten.

Standard route:

Hanoi; Halong Bay; Museum of Cham Sculpture in Da Nang; Nha Trang; the village of Mui Ne; Dalat; Hoi An Museum City; Phu Quoc Island off the coast of Cambodia.


Citizens of the Russian Federation can rest in Vietnam without a visa for up to 15 days.


Daily budget for two: $70–80

Approximate prices:

Serbian analogues of fast food - cheese pie gibanica, spicy sausages chevapchichi, splashes (cutlets with a side dish or in a bun) - cost no more than 200 dinars ($ 2). Moreover, to eat, one splash is enough. You can dine together in a decent restaurant for $7–9.

A simple double room in Belgrade hotels costs about $30 per day. For $16 you can rent a room in a hostel, and for $25–35 you can rent an apartment in the center.

Standard route:

Belgrade; Novi Sad; Smederevo; national parks Tara or Fruska Gora; Baina-Bashta or other towns along the picturesque Drina River; Drvengrad is an ethnic village from Kusturica's films. You can go to even cheaper Macedonia.


Russian citizens do not need a visa to travel to Serbia if the trip is within 30 days.


Daily budget for two: $80–$90

Approximate prices:

Montenegrins' favorite national fast food - burek (a round pie or tubes stuffed with vegetables, cheese or meat) - is sold for $1 in bakeries and on the beaches. A generous portion of cevapcici with potatoes and pita costs $5-9 - and it's enough for two. It is even cheaper to have a bite to eat in mesara. These butcher shops sell semi-finished products, but you can ask to fry the same chevapchichi on the spot - this is called "make on rostil". A hearty breakfast in a Montenegrin cafe for two can cost $7-10, and a three-course restaurant dinner will cost $25-30. If you move away from coastal establishments literally 500 meters, you will save up to 50%.

The most expensive city in terms of housing is Budva: at the peak of the season, simple one-room apartments by the sea are rented for $ 35-45 per day. But even in Budva, even in summer, you can rent a neat room in a guesthouse or a small studio for $20 if you book in advance. In winter, prices for hotels and apartments in Montenegro fall by almost half.

Standard route:

Podgorica; resorts of the Bay of Kotor (Kotor, Perast, Risan, Koshtanitsa, Tivat, Herceg Novi); resorts of the Adriatic coast (Budva, Becici, Rafailovici, Sveti Stefan, Petrovac, Bar); monastery Ostrog; National parks Lovcen and Durmitor with the Tara river canyon.


Citizens of the Russian Federation can stay in Montenegro without a visa for 30 days in a row.

Cheap countries with visa on arrival or online


Daily budget for two: $40–$45

Approximate prices:

Street food in India costs almost nothing: a portion of a vegetarian thali (rice, stewed vegetables, lentils and flatbread) will cost 50 rupees ($ 0.8), and you can have a hearty lunch at a local eatery for 150 rupees ($ 2.3). The average bill in tourist restaurants is $3-6.

With housing, the situation is similar: almost everywhere for $5–8 you get a set of beds, walls and a roof, for $10–15 you get a decent room with air conditioning. In Mumbai, Goa and Kerala, prices during the peak season - from December to February - increase by 2-3 times. You can rent a scooter for a day for 200–250 rupees ($3–4). If you are traveling for a long time, it is better to take a scooter immediately for a week or a month - it will come out even cheaper, about 150 rupees per day, and you can also see neighboring states.

Standard route:

Delhi; Agra; a circle through the cities and villages of Rajasthan or a journey through the foothills of the Himalayas to Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand; and further - according to interests: either to Varanasi and Nepal, or to the south, to Mumbai and Goa or to Kerala. If time permits, visit Punjab (Amritsar), Kashmir and Ladakh.


If you enter India through the airports of Chennai, Delhi, Goa, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Cochin, Hyderabad and Trivandrum, you can apply for a visa online.


Daily budget for two: on a track in the mountains - about $ 40; in the rest of the country - $45–50.

Approximate prices:

In Nepal, you can have a hearty lunch together in a street eatery for 400–500 rupees ($4–5). In tourist cafes, prices are 2-3 times higher, a dinner for two will cost closer to $15.

You can rent a double room in a cheap guesthouse with a shower and a toilet on the floor for $5–8 per day. For $15-20 you can live in a decent hotel in Kathmandu. The average cost of a small comfortable double room in Nagarkot is from $15 per night, and in Pokhara - from $10.

Standard route:

Kathmandu and surroundings (Bhaktapur, Nagarkot); a few days in the Chitwan reserve; Lumbini; Pokhara and hiking in the mountains - to Everest, Annapurna, Manaslu, etc.


A Nepalese visa can be obtained both at the Embassy in Moscow and at the airport upon arrival. Just fill out the online form 15 days before your trip and present it at the border.


Daily budget for two: $70–80

Approximate prices:

You can buy a fried spider, a kilo of mango or a bunch of bananas in Cambodia for $1. Two servings of baked mussels with salad will cost $6. A hearty dinner with pork steak, potatoes and vegetables costs the same amount, and for a huge pizza for two in an ordinary cafe you will give about $ 5. A glass of local beer in seaside bars costs $ 0.5, a pitcher will be brought for $ 2. You will spend more on spiritual food in Cambodia than on ordinary food: a ticket to Angkor for 1 day - $20, for 3 days - $40, for a week - $60. Behind the rise above Angkor Wat on yellow hot-air balloon pay 20$.

A room with a double bed, air conditioning and a shower in a guesthouse in the Sihanoukville resort can be rented for $12-15 per day, and comfortable rooms in Phnom Penh hotels cost $15-20 per night. Khmers do not like to bargain, it is better to book accommodation in advance.

Standard route:

Siem Reap and temple complex Angkor; Lake Toplessap with floating villages, the beaches of Sihanoukville (Ochutel Serendipity, Otres); the island of Koh Rong; national park Phnom Bokor; Phnom Penh.


You can get a visa to Cambodia immediately upon arrival or in advance - via the Internet.

Sri Lanka

Daily budget for two: $60–70

Approximate prices:

Food in Sri Lanka is similar to South Indian food both in taste and prices. Roti (spring rolls) range from Rs 40 ($0.28) for a vegetarian option to Rs 120 ($0.8) for a chicken and cheese triangle. $0.14 for a bunch of bananas, $0.25 for a drinking coconut, $0.42 for a kilo of papaya. King prawns in the Hikkaduwa market sell for $7/kg, and buy a 0.75-liter bottle of red rum for $10. Kottu (something like a shredded hamburger) in non-tourist cafes costs $ 1.5-2. Two servings of a dinner of seafood, rice and curry, salad and beer in a restaurant will cost $ 7-10.

The average price for a room with hot water and a fan in a guesthouse is $14–20 per day. In party places like Mirissa and Unawatuna on south coast prices above - below New Year and until March, locals rent housing for $28–55 per night. Prices for double rooms in Colombo hotels start from $ 25, for $ 16 you can spend the night in a hostel. If you plan to stay in Sri Lanka for a long time, it is wiser to rent a house or apartment for $330 per month (including utility bills) on the spot.

Standard route:

Colombo; the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage; Temple of the Tooth in Kandy, Lion Rock in Sigiriya, other Buddhist sights in Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa; the tea plantations of Nuwara Eliya; national reserve in the Sinharaja forest.


There are three ways to get a visa to Sri Lanka - at the Embassy in Moscow, upon arrival at the airport or online.

Cheap visa countries


Daily budget for two: $80–$90

Approximate prices:

You will not find street food in the Asian sense of the term in Romania. In a cheap cafe or fast food, you can have lunch for about 10–30 lei ($2.5–7). A hearty lunch in the restaurants of Brasov and Sighisoara will cost $12–14. Dinner at the advertised institution in Bucharest will cost 100 lei ($24).

On average across the country, a simple double room in a guesthouse or two-star hotel costs $20–30. An apartment in the heart of Bucharest can be rented for $30-40 per day, in Brasov, focus on $35-45.

Standard route:

Bucharest; the Danube Delta; Mamaia and other Black Sea resorts; Peles and Bran castles ("Dracula's castle"); medieval Brasov; the Transylvanian towns of Sighisoara and Sibiu. If you are traveling by car, do not miss the beautiful mountainous Transfagaras route.


Romania is a member of the European Union, but has not signed the Schengen Agreement. With a national visa, you can not only travel around the country, but also go to Bulgaria, Croatia and Cyprus. If you already have a long-term entry permit for these countries or a multiple-entry Schengen visa, you do not need to obtain a separate visa for Romania. In other cases, you need to apply for a Romanian visa.


Daily budget for two: $85–$95

Approximate prices:

The famous Hungarian goulash costs from 950 forints ($3.3). You can have a bite to eat together in an inexpensive cafe for $10, and you can have a thorough dinner in a restaurant for $28. An impressive pizza will cost $ 5, and a cup of coffee with a delicate cake in Hungarian tsukrazdy (pastry shops) is estimated at only $ 2.5.

Cozy apartments in the very center of Budapest on Airbnb cost from $35-45 per night, in guesthouses on the outskirts you can live in comfortable rooms for $25. Apartments near Lake Balaton will cost another $5 cheaper.

Standard route:

Budapest with its baths; the bear park Medveotthon in Veresgyhaz; ethnomuseum under open sky Skansen near the city of Szentendre; ancient Szekesfehervar; abbey of Pannonhalma; Lake Balaton and 10 more short trip ideas from Budapest.


A Schengen visa is required to enter Hungary.


Daily budget for two: $80–$90

Approximate prices:

A cup of coffee in Bulgaria costs from 0.8 to 1.5 leva (0.5–0.8 $), a bowl of soup (pileshka - chicken or topcheta - with meatballs) - about 1 $, and shopska salad - 2-3 $ . You can have breakfast in a cafe in Sofia for $ 10 for two. A three-course dinner with drinks in a decent metropolitan restaurant will cost about $20–22.

June, July and August are summer holidays. Schoolchildren are starting vacations, the lucky ones have waited for summer vacation at work, students are making plans for the summer period. The activity of searching for tours in different directions is increasing. Summer is the most traditional period for holidays. The question of where to go on vacation in the summer inexpensively becomes very relevant.

If a summer rest plan in advance, you can save a lot by taking advantage of the spring sales of promotional tours " early booking". Up to 35% discount can be Spain, Greece, UAE and other countries, if you pick up and pay for the trip planned in June, for example,.

Holidays abroad

beach holiday

Invariable choice for many Russians is an inexpensive foreign vacation. For this, select cheap tours to countries:

  • Turkey
  • Egypt

Exotic lovers and owners of a plump wallet choose Maldives, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Mexico and Brazil. In these tropical countries you can relax all year round. If you are not afraid of many hours of flight across the ocean, the hot sun and rapid rhythms, go there and you will enjoy your vacation in the tropics!

For those who love European beaches, we can recommend going to Mediterranean Sea:

  • Croatia

In every country beautiful beaches, interesting sights, excellent National cuisine, shopping opportunities, European level of service. You can rent a hotel on your own, buy tickets and apply for a visa, and then organize a trip according to your own scenario. And you can use one of the offers of travel agencies and go on vacation without any worries. The ticket will include air travel, meals, hotel, transfer, and excursions. A company representative will be in constant contact with you.

Most budget holiday at sea abroad Bulgaria. This country attracts Russians with the absence of a language barrier, the sandy beaches of Sunny Beach and Golden Sands, the gentle sea, low food prices, and friendly people. Many Russians have bought their own homes in Bulgaria. And if you do not have your own apartments, then numerous hotels will provide comfortable conditions in Varna, Burgas, Nessebar, Pomorie, Ravda and other towns on the coast.

Sightseeing holidays in Europe

Summer is a great time not only for a beach holiday, but also for educational trips. The best option is to combine the sea and excursions. Traveling to Europe requires a visa and a passport. Loved by our compatriots Italy offers two-week itineraries with a rest on the seashore. Having visited a dozen cities of Venice, Rome, Florence, Genoa in a week, tourists settle in a cozy coastal town and enjoy the sea for the second week.

Excellent excursions are organized in such countries:

  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Portugal
  • France
  • Benelux
  • Germany
  • Czech

There are short excursion tours at Week End by plane to one of the European capitals. There are extensive bus programs in five to seven European countries. In any case, you are guaranteed interesting vacation and a lot of indelible impressions. Do not forget to take a camera and comfortable shoes on such a trip.

Worth a visit in summer Scandinavia and the Baltics.

Summer Sweden

The harsh climate of these parts makes the off-season not very comfortable for travel. But in summer you can plunge into the Baltic Sea, lie down behind the dunes on sandy beaches. Palanga, Jurmala have always been a favorite holiday destination for Russians. Resort towns The Baltic States, where you can not only relax, but also receive medical procedures:

  • Sigulda
  • Palanga
  • Druskininkai
  • Parnu
  • Saarema Island

Of course, it is impossible to visit Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia and not look into the ancient medieval cities. Excursion programs in Riga, Tallinn, Vilnius, Trakai will give you a real immersion in the Middle Ages. You will wander along narrow cobbled streets, taste national dishes in taverns, hear organ grinders play and street musicians sing. You can get to a national holiday and see a costume procession.

Summer ferry tours to Scandinavia

Inexpensive, accessible to many tourists ferry tours on the Baltic Sea worth considering as an option for a summer vacation. Excursions to the Scandinavian cities will not be tiring, since in the summer in Scandinavia there is no sweltering heat. You will be able to visit Helsinki, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen. In each city, tourists are waiting for a variety of educational programs.

Summer holidays in Russia and the former republics of the USSR

Many vacationers choose to vacation in Russia. There are many good reasons for this:

  • Love for the native land
  • Desire to explore the expanses of their country
  • Unwillingness to travel long distances

This list does not include an item of financial costs, since holidays in Russia are not always cheap and very affordable. Since the tourism industry is actively developing in our country, the level of services provided is growing, and the prices for these services are rising accordingly.

Ride along tourist route in Russia it may be more expensive than a flight to Turkey or Egypt, and a cruise on the rivers of Russia is commensurate with a Mediterranean cruise.

Camp sites - rest for incorrigible romantics

If there is not much money in your pocket, but the soul asks for romance, good option turns out held on any hostel. In this case, you do not have to travel far. Many camp sites since Soviet times have been spread in picturesque places on the banks of rivers, lakes, in the mountains and near the city. By the way, many houses have been restored, amenities have appeared in them, and the level of comfort does not at all resemble the simple life of Soviet recreation centers.

But swimming in a river or lake hiking in the forest, evening songs by the fire, barbecue and sauna, horseback riding, boating, catamarans, fishing, mushrooms and berries, clean air will make the rest full and enjoyable. If you are considering this option, pay attention to the recreation centers of the Moscow region, the Volga region, the Volga River delta, chosen by fishermen, as well as numerous tourist centers in your region, information about which is easy to find on the Internet.

Rest on the coast of the seas

coasts Azov and Black Seas still Russian tsars chose to rest. No wonder palace complexes and summer residences of royalty have been preserved in the Crimea. And now any Russian can rest there. Many sanatoriums and boarding houses on the Black Sea have been preserved since ancient times. Each Black Sea resort good in its own way.

Sea of ​​Azov

Anapa is famous for its sandy beaches. That's why there are so many children here. health camps and sanatoriums. Vouchers for children are distributed through the departments of social security, you just need to get in line. Or you can just come to Anapa or Vityazevo, rent an apartment and relax.

Gelendzhik has a mild climate, good beaches, private hotels. This city has a water park, which people come to relax from all over the Black Sea coast.

It's not just dark nights, it's clean beaches, lots of entertainment, Sochi Park, Olympic venues, Riviera Park, Arboretum, circus, summer theaters and many tours in the summer. You can see the most famous actors, singers, musicians from all over the country, visit various shows and concerts.

Small towns on the coast will delight you with their hospitality, delicious food, excellent fruits, reasonable housing prices even in season. Pay attention to such cities as Loo, Lazarevskoye, Dagomys, Kabardinka. You will be welcome everywhere.

This free republic on the Black Sea has a unique natural wealth. The subtropical climate, sea air, relic pines of Pitsunda make the rest in this region useful and unique. The resorts of Gagra, Athos, Sukhum receive vacationers in the summer. Prices for accommodation in private hotels and meals are lower than in Sochi. And Abkhazian tangerines, grapes and other fruits are much cheaper here than in other cities. Visa and passport are not needed.

Rest in Crimea

There is no such person who has not visited at least once in Crimea. For Russians, now this is no longer the near abroad, but their native land, and therefore a trip to the Crimea is quite possible. Especially in demand sandy beaches Evpatoria. There are many children's sanatoriums, and the sea smoothly goes into the depths. Very comfortable for children.

It is in the Crimea that it is easy to combine a vacation at sea with informative and exciting excursions. Worth visiting Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Livadiyskiy and Vorontsov Palaces, visit swallow's nest. The mountain serpentine along which the route passes is beautiful and fascinating. The road dives into tunnels, climbs mountains and goes along the sea. Picturesque views capture the imagination.

Popular resorts in Crimea:

  • Evpatoria
  • Zander
  • Koktebel
  • Foros

Almost anywhere you can not only relax, but also get medical procedures with healing mud and unique mineral water. For this, there are resort clinics and sanatoriums on the seashore.

Amber coast of Kaliningrad

On the shore Baltic Sea vacation in summer is very comfortable. And for Russians, that piece of the sea is available, which is located in Kaliningrad region. Unique pine air combined with sea air creates a healing effect, especially suitable for people with heart and lung diseases.

The most popular health resorts in the region are located in Svetlogorsk, Yantarny, on the Curonian Spit. Treatment, excellent food, walks, excursions - all this will give a positive charge for the future.

Cruises on rivers and seas

Interesting tours that offer cruise companies are consistently popular. On the decks of magnificent sea and river cruise liners you can find tourists of all ages. This type of holiday is great for the elderly, couples, pensioners. Often, groups of schoolchildren go on a cruise along the Volga, for example, to Volgograd, Astrakhan.

In Russia, the most popular cruise on the great Russian river Volga. The abundance of routes will satisfy every taste and budget. The point of departure can be any city on the banks of the Volga. You can go for 3 days, for example, from Saratov to Volgograd and back. Or you can go from Moscow to Astrakhan and back for 3 weeks.

Cognitive and comfortable will also be a summer vacation spent on the deck of a ship cruising the Black Sea with a stop at seaports Krasnodar Territory and Crimea.

The opportunity to see the "pearls" of the Black Sea coast in one trip, the most beautiful cities Odessa, Sevastopol, visit Crimean resorts, the summer royal residences of Livadia, Alushta, Yalta, almost every tourist can enjoy the subtropical beauty of the coast.

Those who live in the eastern part of our vast country will like interesting tours along the Siberian rivers Ob, Irtysh, Yenisei, Lena. Interested, for sure, weekend tours with "green" stops, swimming, for example, on the ship "Novosibirsk". Informative and comfortable excursions for a week, 10 days on the Ob "Altai Festival", "Novosibirsk - Tomsk".

Having chosen for yourself such an unusual type of travel as a cruise, you will see from a new perspective the solution to the question - where to go on vacation in the summer.

Advantages of a cruise holiday in Russia:

  • Comfortable cabins
  • Meals on board
  • Entertainment program on board
  • Excursion program in the cities of stops
  • A tireless journey
  • No need for passports and visas

Balneological health resorts

Residents of Russia and neighboring countries will enjoy the freshness and coolness of the resorts of Karelia, the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody. After all, this wonderful place is a combination of fresh mountain air and local color. Moreover, the main component of recreation at these resorts is a unique amount of mud springs and mineral waters, so you can restore your health here.

Popular balneological resorts Russia and Ukraine:

  • Essentuki
  • Zheleznovodsk
  • Evpatoria
  • Kislovodsk
  • Truskavets
  • Matsesta

Matsesta mud has been glorifying the Black Sea resort of Matsesta for more than a hundred years. Every vacationer Black Sea coast The Caucasus will definitely visit this unique place, even if there is no need to take procedures. And for healing, these muds are simply excellent, for a whole year people forget about their health problems after a course of treatment.

For wellness, you can also go to Western Ukraine which is famous for its healing waters. The territory of the Carpathian and Transcarpathian regions is simply dotted with water sources with a diverse composition, for example, Truskavets. Vacationers will be able to improve their health and treat the gastrointestinal tract, drink healing water, breathe fresh mountain air and enjoy the beauty of the Carpathians. Numerous health resorts will accept those who wish at any time of the year.

Ski resorts in summer

Increasingly popular in the summer, gain ski resorts , because nothing heals better than fresh, frosty, mountain air. Among the resorts of Russia there are a fairly large number of health resorts that can please tourists in the summer, among them:

  1. Krasnaya Polyana
  2. Elbrus region
  3. Dombai

Of course, in search of snowy and slippery slopes, you will have to climb higher, but such a vacation will be remembered for a long time.
Among the Austrian ski slopes, there are many places where you can go to rest not only in winter, but also in summer. The most famous summer resorts are Dachstein, Tux, Kaprun. The rest of the ski resorts in Austria are closed during the hot season.

But for those who cannot live without snowy mountain slopes, special snow tubes have been built in some countries. Artificial snow pleases skiers in such facilities in the United Arab Emirates, in Finland no worse than the real one. After dizzying descents through the snow, you can dive into the warm sea or river.

Tourists, like almost everything in this world, can be classified. And even split into types and subspecies. Then it turns out that among them there are many people who are terrified of flying. But they love to travel. And before such an aerophobic tourist, the question arises - where, in fact, to go. And on what.


Tourists, like almost everything in this world, can be classified. And even split into types and subspecies. Then it turns out that among them there are many people who are terrified of flying. But they love to travel. And before such an aerophobic tourist there is a difficult question - where, in fact, to go. And on what.

There are options, of course. But we will not talk about car tourism here, just as we will not talk about bus tours. And even more so, we will not talk about tourism on foot. We will tell you where you can go abroad by train. And, in fact, you can go to almost any corner of Europe and Asia (Kim Jong Il traveled to us on his armored train). There would be time.

The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, Crimea. It seems that there is already a foreign country and the sea. But only lazy people don't know about Crimea. In the meantime, there are other places.


How to get there
Two trains leave daily for Sofia - No. 382 at 19.20 and No. 3 at 21.34. Travel time is a little more than two days - about 58 hours.

What to do
Sofia itself is quite an interesting city. A lot here will remind you of the times when Bulgaria was considered the 16th republic of the USSR - both architecture and people. A lot of people speak Russian, and they treat Russians well.

And then everything depends on your imagination - you can order excursions to the ancient Bulgarian monasteries, which for the most part are located in an amazing beautiful places, among mountains and forests, and get where you need either by car or by bus. You can choose your own ski resort.

And you can go to the sea. Bulgaria is not Siberia, and it takes less than a day to get from one end of the country to the other. There are three main resorts on the coast - Albena, Golden Sands and sunny Beach.

Golden Sands is perhaps the most respectable resort. There are the most good five-star hotels and there are the most high prices. Albena is a little more democratic, but even there almost all even three-star hotels are decent. For those who like to remember the past, there are hotels and two-star hotels - they are not much different from typical Soviet boarding houses of the 70s and 80s. But also extremely cheap. The beaches there are sandy, the entrance to the sea is convenient, and the sea itself is clean.

By the way, if you go from Sofia to Albena or Peski, it is worth spending a day and stopping by the road to the ancient capital of Bulgaria called Veliko Tarnovo. The city is very beautiful, located in the mountains, and below, visible from almost everywhere, a river flows. Here, by the way, there used to be the dacha of Zhivkov, the last Secretary General of Bulgaria. And the party elite, as you know, did not choose bad places for recreation. There are many hotels in Tarnovo, most of them are inexpensive, but very comfortable. How inexpensive are the restaurants here - dinner for two with all the delights local cuisine(it is necessary to write a separate chapter about it) and alcohol will cost about 20 dollars.

And finally, Sunny Beach. It is located closest to Sofia and is today almost the most developing resort in the country. The prices here are the lowest, there are many hotels to choose from for every budget and taste, the beaches are sandy. For those who like to live not in hotels, we can recommend going to the nearby ancient city Nessebar - you can easily rent a house there cheaper than in the Crimea, with all the amenities. Yes, and the sea there is the same - only on the other side.

In general, Bulgaria is almost an ideal option for an inexpensive holiday without flights.


How to get there
Two trains depart daily to Cologne - No. 11 at 22-15 and No. 249 at 18.19. Travel time - 37 hours. From there, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8.38, train number 13 leaves for Berlin. Another Berlin train number 247 leaves the station on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 13.30. Travel time - a little more than a day - about 28 hours.

What to do
In Cologne itself, by and large, there are two attractions. This is the cathedral of the same name, which is located next to the station, and the Cologne Carnival, which takes place here annually in the second half of February. Then a lot of tourists from all over the world come to the city and hotels need to be booked in advance.

But in general, few people go to Cologne. The local station is a huge connecting terminal, and from here you can go to any city in Germany, as well as almost any city in Europe. One of the most popular routes- Moscow - Cologne - Paris. Just a few hours after the arrival of the Moscow train to Cologne (you will have time for both the cathedral and the beer), the train leaves for Paris in the evening, where you will arrive early in the morning. In other words, Cologne should be considered as a transshipment route on the way by train to Europe. Well, where you want to go is up to you.

From Berlin, of course, there are also trains to Europe. But it’s stupid to go there in transit (especially since it’s more convenient to get to Paris through Cologne). You have to go there just to see the city. Moreover, Berlin is now called almost the most fashionable and modern city in Europe. Architecture of new styles and trends, many progressive clubs, etc. In a word, this is a metropolis for a new generation. Or, as they say in fashion magazines, this is the mainstream of the youth movement. But, of course, that other generations have something to do here. Especially if we remember our history. Also, by the way, there is almost the best zoo in all of Europe.


How to get there
Every day, two trains depart from Helsinki - No. 31 at 17.42 and No. 32 at 22.50. Travel time is a little less than 14 hours.

What to do
The city itself is small but pretty. As someone said about Finland, everything there is as it should be with us, but it is unlikely to be. With such an idea, Helsinki in particular and Finland in general should be treated. There are no special attractions here, but it’s nice to just wander around, go to a restaurant and taste old Russian cuisine. But on the other hand, when you get to Helsinki, you can take, for example, a ferry and go to Stockholm. In fact, there are many places to go on cruise or ferry boats from Helsinki. But it is desirable to plan all this in Moscow.

Also in Moscow, you can pre-order a small house on the lakes. Such a pleasure is worth $500 for a house for 4 for a week. And then you find yourself in a virgin forest, with many mushrooms and berries (in summer, of course), surrounded by a network of lakes with crystal clear water and a lot of fish. Plus, the kit for the house, as a rule, includes a sauna and powerboat. The only problem - except for berries, mushrooms and fish - that is, pasture food - food is not provided in such houses. And you have to take everything with you. For example, in a rented car.


How to get there
On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 20.30, train number 15 leaves. Another train number 205 leaves for Zagreb at 7.10 on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Travel time is two days.

What to do
Zagreb itself is often referred to as little Vienna for its resemblance to the capital of Austria. And that's right. It is worth spending at least a day there to see all the sights. Well, then - just a few hours away are all famous resorts Croatia, and there is only a question of choice - where to go. You can, by the way, relax for a week in Croatia, go to Montenegro for the second week, since it’s nearby and, fortunately, there are also trains from Belgrade to Moscow.


How to get there
From to Belgrade, two trains depart daily - No. 15 at 20.30 and No. 344 at 8.20. Travel time is two days.

What to do
If our tourists have long actively mastered Croatia, then Montenegro is still an unknown place for them. And in vain - because it is, without any exaggeration, one of the best places in general in the world. Here is the cleanest water in the Mediterranean - it is so transparent that the bottom is visible even at a depth of 50 meters. Here are magnificent beaches and mountains, here is the second largest canyon in the world on the Tara River, which is a national park, there is a beautiful Skadar Lake, surrounded by ancient monasteries. In short, there is everything you need to relax. And, most importantly, it is still relatively cheap here.


How to get there
From to Vienna, train number 202 leaves daily at 21.40. And on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, there is another train number 21 - departure at 23.40. Travel time is just over 30 hours.

What to do
About Vienna, you can write a separate book, and more than one. One has only to say, no matter how trite it sounds, that this is one of the the most beautiful capitals Europe. With a lot of sights, a lot of cultural events, and simply this is the city that you must see at least once in your life if you want to feel involved in world history and culture. Well, after that you can go to ski resorts - there are more of them than there are casinos in Moscow.


How to get there
Two trains depart daily from Bratislava - No. 21 at 23.40 and No. 705 at 19.50. Travel time - 33 hours.

What to do
Bratislava is a small city, but very picturesque, stretching along two sides of the Danube. In general, you should go to Slovakia either to ski resorts - here, if there are good slopes, it is more or less cheap, or go for treatment - almost all Slovak resorts are one way or another focused on medicine. But the country itself is beautiful - most of it is located in the mountains, and the views here are breathtaking. And since the tourism industry began to actively develop here a few years ago, there have been no problems with the service.


How to get there
Two trains leave daily for Budapest - No. 15 at 20.30 and No. 16 at 18.25. Travel time is a little less than 40 hours.

What to do
Budapest is one of those few cities in the world that you fall in love with right away. And forever, you just have to visit there. Moreover, the views here are for every taste - on the right bank of the Danube, the city soars up, drowning in forests, and the left side of the city, flat, lies in front of you at a glance. As in the palm of your hand lies the Danube with its openwork bridges. In a word, Budapest is such a self-sufficient city that there is no need to go anywhere else besides it. You can easily spend a week there and not get bored. But even in this case, there are places in Hungary. Like, for example, the largest lake in Central Europe, the name of which was heard by almost everyone. Balaton is his name. And it completely replaces a vacation by the sea. In addition, Hungary occupies one of the first places in the world in terms of the number of explored and used sources of thermal healing waters - more than a hundred balneological resorts operate here. In a word, there are a lot of options for recreation here.


How to get there
Every day two trains leave for Bucharest - No. 3 at 23.34 and No. 382 at 7.39. Drive for almost two days.

What to do
In fact, it is difficult to ask such a question in Romania. If only because there is Mountain peaks Carpathians, and the majestic Danube with its untouched nature, and the Black Sea beaches. Here you can ride skiing and lie on the beaches, here you can wander around Bucharest for days with its unique Franco-Romanian style of architecture, or you can go to the ancient Transylvanian cities. Where you will certainly be reminded of Dracula. Instead of blood, it is better to drink very good local wine. Here, in Romania, Byzantine style and Orthodox monasteries of northern Moldavia and Bukovina are mixed. Western Romania looks like a surviving fragment of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and, for example, in Constanta, the hand of both the Romans and Ottoman Empire. In short, Romania is like a kaleidoscope.


How to get there
Two trains leave daily for Prague - No. 21 at 23.40 and No. 209 at 22.18. Travel time is just over 30 hours.

What to do
Thousands of guidebooks have been written about Prague, and all of them are similar in one thing - you should visit it at least once in your life. Nowhere else in the world will you sit in a beer house located in a 13th century building, nowhere else is there such a combination of undestroyed antiquity and rhythm. modern city. But in addition to Prague in the Czech Republic, there are also ancient castles, and medical resorts (Karlovy Vary has become a Russian health resort for so long), and a unique cuisine and ... In a word, read Hasek again - everything is said about the Czechs.


How to get there
There are four trains to Beijing with. On Tuesdays #4 leaves at 21.57, on Wednesdays #3 leaves at 7.40, on Fridays #20 at 23.53 and on Saturdays #19 leaves at 22.50. Travel time - from 131 to 144 hours.

What to do
At first, you will look out the window for almost a week - China, as you know, is not close to us. And after such a journey, you will rest for a few more days. But further - if you have survived such a road, you can take another train and head, for example, to the coast - this will be the only opportunity for you to see the sea world South-East Asia without using an airplane. Look there, believe me, there is something to see - the beaches of China are not much different from Thailand or Bali. And the rest - China is a country with such an ancient and powerful culture that even a few years will not be enough for a complete inspection. Although in itself a trip to China by train is already exotic.

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If you have firmly decided that you do not want to spend your vacation on popular resort, where prices are 10 times higher, then we have good news for you. Forbes magazine talked to experts who told about the most unusual and little-known places that will give you a lot of new experiences and, perhaps, change your life.

And we are in website supplemented this list and chose not only the most interesting, but also inexpensive destinations where you should go this year. You probably haven't even heard of many of them.

1. Zanzibar

Based on the name, it seems that this is an island where you can only go to honeymoon trip but it is not as expensive as many people think. This heavenly place belongs to Tanzania and is surrounded by warm Indian Ocean. Endless white sand beaches, turquoise waters and beautiful nature- all as in the picture.

How to get there: The cheapest option is to fly to Tanzania to Dar es Salaam, and from there on a brand new ferry for only $ 35 (3 hours). Or on a small plane for $100 (20 minutes).

Housing: Experienced travelers advise the Surf Escape hotel, where a room costs $ 40 per night, it is located right on the beach, there is a place for surfing, a beach area. And incredible sunsets.

Where to go: For adventure seekers - jungle walks, island tours, diving and surfing. For those who want to relax peacefully, there is a white sand beach.

2 Naples, Italy

Naples is one of oldest cities on the European continent. It's filled to the brim cultural monuments: from seaside castles to underground catacombs. This is a real archive of history that entices and fascinates.

How to get there: Ticket prices for Naples start at $150.

Housing: Hotel prices tend to be high, starting at $116 for a 4-star hotel. But a cozy European-style apartment can be rented for only $35 per day.

4. Tasmania, Australia (Tasmania, Australia)

If you want to get to the resort, then Tasmania is not for you. There are beaches and lakes where you can swim in the clearest water, but this is not what people come here for. There are world-class hikes here. Tasmania boasts epic scenery, suspension bridges, forest huts, huge waterfalls, neon night lights and the purest air.

How to get there: There are many budget local flights to Tasmania: from Sydney, Canberra, Perth or Melbourne. But the most the best option is to rent a car in a major neighboring city and explore the state on your own.

Housing: Hotels start from $39 per night, hostels - from $31. It will be cheaper to rent an apartment - from $15 per night.

5. Cuzco, Peru

The capital of the Inca Empire, which is on the list world heritage UNESCO is one of the most unusual cities in the world. There are monuments ancient civilization, colorful buildings of several cultures, and locals walk in national costumes and sell clothes made of llama wool.

How to get there: There are flights to the local airport from all over the world. And in the city, experienced travelers are advised to move only on foot.

Housing: Hostel - $ 13, hotel - $ 35, apartments - $ 24 per day.

6. Istanbul, Turkey

Recently, the Turkish lira has fallen sharply, which means that it has become much cheaper to go to Istanbul. Istanbul is home to one of the oldest markets in the world, ancient palaces, museums and more.

How to get there: Today it is one of the cheapest destinations. The city itself is best explored on foot or by bike.

Housing: Hostels - $ 14, hotels - $ 18, apartments - from $ 18 per day.

7. Karpathos, Greece (Karpathos, Greece)

The Greek island of Karpathos is a place where sun, sand, history and low prices. Here you can see the ancient ruins at Agia Anastasia or visit the National Archaeological Museum. In addition to relaxing on the beach, you can engage in active sports: fishing, windsurfing, snorkeling, diving and sailing.

How to get there: Greece is one of the most profitable destinations this year, so finding cheap flights to a local airport is not difficult. The city is worth walking.

Housing: Experienced travelers prefer to rent studio apartments, prices for which start at $ 50. There are also many budget 5-star hotels up to $ 100 per day.

Where to go: To one of the beaches (Chicken Bay, Apella, Kato Lako, Lefkos, Achata), tours.

8. Jeju Island, Korea

Wooded temples, blue mineral water and many unusual dishes. Jeju Island is not the most famous part of Korea, but the prices here are more than affordable for any traveler.

How to get around: The island is best explored by car, but there are also fast and convenient bus routes.

Housing: A hostel or hotel starts at $27 per night. Asian-style apartments can be found from $20 per night.

9. Montenegro (Montenegro)

Travelers who decide to come to Montenegro will be greeted with massive mountains, ancient Roman villas, clear waters and incredible landscapes. In addition, there are gorgeous Adriatic beaches in Budva, Becici and on the island of Sveti Stefan. As well as the famous spa resorts of the Bay of Kotor.

How to get around: Most cities are so tiny that they can be explored on foot. Convenient buses and trains run between cities.

Housing: Hostels - $13, hotels - $60 per night. Apartment by the sea - from $ 35.

10. Mostar, Bosnia

Mostar - old City and a pristine stretch of the Ottoman Empire. The place is unique in that two different cultures (Europe and Asia), two religions (Muslim and Christianity) coexist here, and the medieval arch bridge(Star Most), whose history is as unique as the city.

How to get around: It is better to move around the city on foot or rent a bicycle.

Housing: Hostel - $ 19, hotel - $ 25. And good apartments can be rented for only $ 16 per day.

12. Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a small state that will give you a great experience and does not require a lot of money. There is delicious food, the rocks of Sigiriya, surfing in Arugam Bay, climbing to the top of Adam's Peak.