Budget holidays in the Crimea: prices and a full description of the resorts. Economy trip to Crimea: how to save money and what to see

Tourism today has become the most favorite form of recreation. Isn't it interesting to visit a new area, meet new people, bask in the warm sun and swim to the full in the sea? In addition, vacation sea ​​coast helps to strengthen the immune system, which means that the body will be protected from infectious diseases for a long time. It is not true that this requires a large amount of money. Today you can have a good rest and for a small amount. Available cheap vacation in Crimea.

How to choose a place for an inexpensive vacation

After an endless winter, you definitely want to visit the sea. Why not go to the Crimea? This is an excellent Russian health resort. Everything is there: well-groomed sandy beaches, warm sea, beautiful nature. Along Black Sea coast built great amount boarding houses. The rooms are equipped on different levels. You can always find cheap rooms. If you are interested in where the cheapest is worth considering private sector. locals rent housing for the most low prices. For these purposes, they always have prepared premises and are equipped with the most necessary. It should be borne in mind that there will be no luxury services there, but it is important that there is a place to relax and basic amenities. Often tourists do not need much. Most of the time they spend on the seashore or at exhibitions and excursions. Therefore, the main thing is to have a bed for the night and a place where you can eat. And where is cheaper rest in the Crimea, we will understand further.

How to choose the cheapest area

There are many amazing and unique places in Crimea, each corner is good in its own way. Central regions- a rather expensive pleasure, and a cheap vacation in the Crimea is possible only in remote areas. In the middle of summer, the cost of living for one person is about four hundred rubles a day. Those who have an average income go to Yalta and Alushta. Interested in where it is cheaper to rest in the Crimea? If you go a little further away - to Malorechenskoye or Rybachye, then the rest will be half the price. Where is cheaper vacation in the Crimea? in Nikolayevka. This is a small town on the west coast. If the pebbles on the beach do not scare you, then the rest will be wonderful.

Rest in Feodosia

This is also a cheap holiday in a long time famous for its beautiful surroundings, good beaches. If you are in good health and have the strength to climb the slope every day, then you can rent rooms in a boarding house. The cost of living in them is quite affordable, and besides, there will be no problems with food. It can be one-time or three-time. Often, right at the station, you can see people with signs like “Crimea. Rest. Private sector. Cheap". Usually in this way you can rent a whole house for a family. And there is also a separate yard, kitchen, shower. The average price of such a service is about two hundred rubles per day per person. Often, to make holidays even cheaper, many families join together and rent a house together. This is not only cost savings, but also an opportunity to spend time with friends, in a fun company. There are many in the area so food will never be a problem.

Rest in hotels

Seaside cities are always happy to host everyone who wants to relax. Many hotels and inns have been built for these purposes. Holiday organizers take into account that the financial capabilities of people are completely different. Double rooms are a little expensive (in the season - sometimes about a thousand rubles). But you can rent the same room for four people, then the price will be halved. Many hotels organize meals for their residents. If you compare its cost with prices in restaurants or canteens, then it does not differ much. And how many times to eat, tourists decide for themselves. Usually, in hot weather, a person does not need abundant high-calorie food, it is quite possible to get by with one lunch, and the rest of the time, snack on salads, fruits, and dairy products. All this can always be bought in stores. A little advice for vacationers in the Crimea: you should not buy everything in central stores. It is better to buy products in remote areas - it is more natural, tastier and cheaper there.

Rest "savages"

Crimea is always glad to guests. Rest by the sea is cheaply possible. This is confirmed by many tourists who prefer to relax as savages. You just need to buy a train ticket and get off at the station in any town near the Black Sea. Visitors are always met by people with offers of housing. Different prices. It all depends on the location, the condition of the house. But experienced tourists offer to make such inquiries from those who have already been to the peninsula. In such cases, there will be no overpayment to intermediaries, the price will be much lower, and besides, the place of residence is verified.

Crimea today

After recent political events, many Russians go to rest there. It is no longer necessary to issue a passport, you can come at any time and enjoy a wonderful vacation. Those who have already visited Evpatoria, Saki, Chernomorsky, Feodosia, Kerch, note that cheap holidays are possible in these areas. A lot has been built in Crimea. On the western and eastern coasts, you can rent a separate guest house for only nine hundred rubles a day. About four people can live in it. There are canteens, buffets, shops. And if you drive a little further away from large settlements, then there the cost of living per person is on average about two hundred rubles in the midst of the season.

From all of the above, the following conclusions can be drawn. People with different incomes can go to Crimea. The main thing is to choose a place and decide for yourself how exactly you want to relax. If you want to spend time with children, then quiet town with shallow sea would be ideal. Prices in small resorts are quite reasonable, and good accommodation is not difficult to find. The only advice for vacationers: ask in advance which recreation centers, boarding houses, hotels are located there. If you want to rent a separate house, it is better to do it in advance. If there are no small children in the family, then it is quite possible to take a chance and find accommodation when leaving the train. Such services have long been worked out in coastal areas.

From the south and west, the peninsula is washed by the Black Sea, and from the east by the Sea of ​​Azov. On the entire Crimean coast, the climate is similar to the Mediterranean. The swimming season starts in mid-May and ends in mid-October, and at this time the water is rarely colder than +21+23ºС. In summer it is always sunny here, and the air, compared to Black Sea resorts Caucasus, much less humid. Therefore, resting on the peninsula is very useful for people with respiratory problems, as well as for children.

IN Western Crimea, in the region of Evpatoria and the city of Saki, the climate is seaside-steppe. Warm, herbal-scented winds from the Crimean steppes often blow here. Local sanatoriums and boarding houses are in great demand and use the mud and brine of Saki Lake and healing mineral waters for treatment.

Tourists love the eastern part of the peninsula for secluded bays, excellent pebble and sandy beaches and picturesque foothills. Excursions to the famous Genoese fortress and the reserve at the foot of ancient volcano Kara-Dag, the ancient city of Acre and the house-museum of Maximilian Voloshin. Small villages lying between Feodosia and Kerch guarantee a more secluded vacation in the Crimea. Without intermediaries, it is possible to rent cozy cottages, apartments and hotel rooms in them.

The picturesque South Shore stretches beyond the ridge Crimean mountains. The most luxurious hotels of Crimea were built here. Compared to other parts of the peninsula, the South Coast has the most expensive housing in Crimea. Vacationers in Yalta, Alushta, Gaspra and Foros are happy to make excursions to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, get acquainted with the beautiful Crimean palaces, and also travel to the top of Ai-Petri, the Chatyr-Dag plateau, to the bizarre rocks of Demerdzhi and to Grand Canyon Crimea.

Housing in the private sector of Crimea

You can rent a house in Crimea in any part of the peninsula. Compared to large hotels, boarding houses and sanatoriums, the private sector in Crimea offers a greater choice of options and affordable prices. Private owners always respond flexibly to changes in demand, annually carry out the necessary repairs and try to ensure that their housing meets the modern requirements of vacationers.

In the summer season, Crimeans are happy to rent out rooms and separate houses to tourists, which have everything you need for comfortable rest- comfortable furniture, refrigerators, air conditioners, TVs and Internet access. In addition, all the resorts of the peninsula have modern guest houses and private mini-hotels. Their owners are always ready to offer their guests an inexpensive transfer from Simferopol airport and assistance in organizing excursions.

Crimean housing prices in the private sector in 2019 differ slightly from the previous tourist season. On the South Shore, housing is traditionally more expensive, but in other resort areas you can find quite affordable options. To rent cheap, you need to rent accommodation without intermediaries, as well as book it at least 3 months before the trip. Economy class housing is usually rented out in small resort villages and not on the first line from the sea.

Booking rooms in Crimean hotels

Crimean hotels are located in settlements with good resort infrastructure. Rest in such places has a number of advantages - there is a well-developed system public transport and food, there medical institutions and shops. Almost all Crimean hotels offer their guests full service, meals, parking and transfers. It is also convenient that vacationers can use hotel laundries, hairdressers, beauty salons, gyms and playgrounds.

Prices for 2019 in Crimea compare favorably with expensive resorts. At the same time, private guest houses and mini-hotels, as a rule, are cheaper. Many hotels offer discounted rates if booked months in advance.

Without intermediaries in Crimea, tourists can rent comfortable economy-class apartments or inexpensively rent boathouses located on the seashore, right next to the beaches of Feodosia, Ordzhonikidze, Yalta, Alushta, Partenit, Nikolaevka and Schelkovo. All such housing was built on the peninsula in recent years, that is, it is modern and comfortable.

Villas are perfect for relaxing a large family, several couples, a group of friends or colleagues. They are located in the picturesque green areas of the Crimea and have closed areas. Renting a villa for the whole summer, you can negotiate significant discounts.

How to relax in the Crimea

Many tourists are not limited only to sea bathing, but like to visit modern water parks. It is also interesting to visit the spectacular shows in which the Black Sea bottlenose dolphins take part.

Diving is very popular in Crimea. The most interesting diving points are located near the coast of Sevastopol, Sudak, Novy Svet and Koktebel. lovers active rest can go rock climbing, equestrian tourism and speleology.

It is good to diversify a beach holiday in Crimea with excursions, where you can see the archaeological sites of ancient Taurida, cave cities, beautiful mansions and beautiful waterfalls. In addition, several colorful festivals take place in Crimea in the summer - the Feodosia festival "Genoese Helmet", the Crimean Aviation Games, the "Wine Festival" in Koktebel and the holiday of lovers of fish cuisine "Barabulka".

The Crimean peninsula, washed by two seas, deservedly received the name "Planet in miniature". It seems that everything is here: mountains, plains, seas, rivers and lakes, diverse vegetation, rich animal world. Cities surprise with interesting architecture, and many books have been written about the history of the peninsula. It has its own traditions and culture, cuisine and famous Crimean wines. IN rating of the best places to stay in Crimea includes the most popular and beloved by tourists resorts and cities that want to come again and again.

Alushta - only the sea can be better than the mountains!

Photo: in-crimea.com

The resort town of Alushta is located in the most picturesque place on the southern coast of Crimea. Surrounded by mountains, washed by the sea and rich in vegetation, the city attracts true connoisseurs of magnificent landscapes. In the Alushta region there are many hiking trails that rise to the tops of the mountains and present amazing panoramas of the city and the sea. Guests of Alushta can see the ruins medieval fortress Funa, Dzhur-dzhur waterfall, amazing stone sculptures in the "Ghost Valley", beautiful gardens and old mansions, as well as go on an excursion to wonderful mountain lakes.


  • Picturesque landscapes.
  • Pure mountain air.
  • Thanks to the winds, it is not stuffy in summer.
  • From Simferopol to Alushta, through the pass, a trolley bus runs, along the way you can enjoy magnificent views.

Disadvantages: on the beaches in the season "there is nowhere for an apple to fall."

From the reviews about the rest in Alushta:

“Alushta is a song! This is a fairytale! I look at these mountains, the sea, vineyards, and it feels like I was in another world! On the one hand, it’s hard to believe that there is such a place on Earth, but on the other hand… like at home!”.

“Three years ago we discovered Alushta, and we don’t need more! Everything is here! Stunning sea, breathtaking views, beautiful mountains! Beaches, entertainment… No, that's not what we come here for. Here - nature, air, walks. It's great that there are such places ... now we have, in Russia!

Yevpatoria is the best place to relax in Crimea with children

Photo: www.ng.ru

From the time of the USSR to the present, it is Evpatoria that is considered the best children's resort on the territory of the Crimean peninsula. This health resort is famous for its safe beaches with sand and small shells, favorable climate and many health facilities. At the height of the season, concerts and performances by children's groups are held on the shore. The city also has theaters for children, a water park, a dolphinarium, a dinopark, numerous playgrounds and amusement parks. Parents will not be bored either - sightseeing and developed infrastructure entertainment will brighten up your vacation by the sea.


  • All conditions for interesting pastime with children are created.
  • Clean, safe sandy beaches.
  • Affordable prices.

Disadvantages: during the high season there are quite a lot of tourists.

From the reviews about the rest in Evpatoria:

“When my son was small, he was often sick, we were advised to take him to the sea. I heard a lot of good things about Evpatoria, we started to go there. Indeed, a place for children to relax is the best in Crimea! The climate is good, the sun, clear sea, sand, shells... In addition, my son really likes to watch performances, go to the theater, to the dolphinarium. We rested mainly in sanatoriums in order to attend health procedures.

Kerch Peninsula - the best vacation spot in Crimea
for lovers of silence

Photo: crimeaplus.ru

Rest on the Kerch Peninsula is preferred by those who are tired of the city noise, the din of tourists, the night resort life. Kerch is a quiet "paradise" that has preserved its pristine nature with unique flora and fauna. Along the coast Sea of ​​Azov spread out Karalar landscape park, unique in its kind. The coastline is indented with small cozy bays, called " General's beaches". In this secluded place, camping lovers have a unique opportunity to choose a bay to their liking and enjoy the sea, sun and silence. There are boarding houses and hotels on the peninsula, but housing in the private sector is in great demand, the prices for which are much lower than on the southern coast of Crimea.


  • Small number of tourists.
  • Acceptable prices.
  • Sandy beaches.
  • Unique nature.

Disadvantages: the coast is dangerous, often come across sharp stones.

From the reviews about the rest on the Kerch Peninsula:

“Every year my friends and I get into cars and go to the Crimea. Our favorite place- this is the "Coast of 1000 Bays" or "General's Beaches". When you arrive there, it seems that we are alone in this world ... Or we got on desert island. The abundance of insects and snakes is a little annoying, but we have never suffered from them. ”

"Most beautiful place in Crimea - this is Kerch! Amazing nature! Amazing sea! Virgin beaches! There are places where there are no traces of the omnipresent man at all. Like in a dream! Or in a novel about Robinson Crusoe! Beauty, of course, is somewhat harsh - the steppe, stones, but there is something charming, attractive in this corner of the Crimea ... ".

New World - the most beautiful bays in Crimea

Photo: i.io.ua

In the south-east of Crimea, 6 km from the city of Sudak, among the picturesque juniper groves, there is a "paradise" - the village New World. This place is famous for its three most beautiful bays: Green, Blue and Blue, named after the color of the water. The Golitsyn trail connects the bays, walking along which you can enjoy unique and breathtaking views. There are beaches in the New World for every taste - well-maintained in the Green Bay, wild and hard-to-reach in the Blue and Blue. The water is warm, the beaches are sheltered from the wind. It is noteworthy that if there is a storm in one of the bays, then it is calm in others, so vacationers have the opportunity to swim even if the weather is not very favorable. The seabed in the bays is very interesting for scuba divers - there are many underwater caves, several sunken ships, a rich underwater world.


  • A good place for swimming in any weather.
  • Spectacular landscapes.
  • Healing air.
  • Not too many tourists, no city bustle.

Disadvantages: quite high prices.

From the reviews about the holiday in Novyi Svet:

“All my best photographs from Crimea were taken in the Novy Svet region - the views there are unique, amazing beauty. Interesting landscapes, clear water, a riot of green colors. It's like you're in another world!"

“I advise all my friends to definitely see such a miracle of nature as the coast of the New World in Crimea! It's just a must!!! You fall in love with this place once and for all, and the memories of it are vivid! I have never seen such beauty anywhere, although I have traveled a lot.”

Sevastopol is the best vacation spot in Crimea for fans of excursions

Photo: 1.bp.blogspot.com

The Hero City of Sevastopol is, first of all, an object of strategic importance, a port city, and also a city of legend. Therefore, Sevastopol is famous for its numerous and rich museums, the expositions of which are dedicated to the Second World War, the fleet and the sea. Fans of antiquities will be interested in visiting the Tauric Chersonese Museum-Reserve with the ruins of the ancient city (located within the boundaries of Sevastopol), as well as going on excursions to ancient fortresses and cave monastery in the suburbs of Sevastopol. For relaxation, you can go to Cape Fiolent, where, in addition to the most beautiful beaches you can enjoy breathtaking views of the bizarre rocks and St. George's Monastery, as well as go scuba diving.


  • Rich excursion program.
  • Low housing prices from "private owners".
  • good beaches in the suburbs.


  • In summer, the city is quite stuffy.
  • The beaches are far away.

From the reviews about the rest in Sevastopol:

“As a former sailor, I can say that Sevastopol is beautiful city! I saw a lot, but Sevastopol won my heart! You can walk endlessly along its green alleys, breathe in the sea air, relax in the shade of trees. If you want to enjoy nature, there are many excursions in the suburbs for every taste: even mountains and monasteries, even waterfalls!

“Even as a child, my parents took me to rest in Sevastopol, since then this city has been the best, most beloved for me! I can walk around it for hours and discover something new and interesting - either a museum or a charming park. I like to swim and sunbathe on the Yashmovy beach, which is not far from the city - it’s gorgeous there and there is no hype.”

Sudak - the sunniest resort of Crimea

Photo: crimea-hoteli.com

Another well-known and beloved by many resort city of the southeastern coast of Crimea is Sudak. Surrounded by mountains, the city is famous for its mild climate, warm sea ​​water and the largest number in the Crimea sunny days in a year. People come to Sudak not only for recreation, but also for treatment - the air saturated with iodine and ozone has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, and treatment with mud, mineral and sea water is also widely known. The city has a developed infrastructure, a water park (one of the best in Crimea), a dolphinarium, and a beautiful embankment. Of the sights, one can single out the ancient Genoese fortress, where jousting tournaments are held, the factory of champagne wines of Prince Golitsyn.


  • Favorable climate.
  • The resort is good for recovery.
  • Large selection of entertainment.
  • Acceptable prices.

Disadvantages: in the high season, dirty sea, crowded beaches.

From the reviews about the rest in Sudak:

“We went to Sudak in September, and I remember this vacation for the rest of my life! Quiet, calm, clear sea, perfect weather, half-empty beaches, fruits. We walked a lot, enjoyed nature, watched local sights. We will definitely go there, but not in the season, they say - there is literally a crush on the beach.

“For many years I have been going on vacation to Sudak, I like this air. I am charged with iodine and ultraviolet for the whole year, and practically do not get sick. I also love mud treatments - after them the skin is like that of a baby, and swimming is good for muscles and bones.

Yalta - the most fashionable resort of Crimea

Photo: comerartadvisory.com

Yalta is the most famous and, perhaps, the most luxurious resort city of Crimea. There are many luxury hotels owned by famous personalities, you can see luxury yachts on the pier, admire the villas in the suburbs, and the best restaurants in Crimea await guests in the city center. Being amazing in beauty, picturesque place, Yalta is also a museum under open sky. Guests of this city will enjoy the beauty architectural monuments, ancient palaces and estates, numerous chapels and churches, rich parks and reserves. Boat trips, bus and walking tours are organized from Yalta, and the city also has a zoo and cable car.


  • Lots of attractions.
  • Developed infrastructure.
  • Luxurious mountain view.
  • It is convenient to get to any corner of the Crimea.
  • There are interesting VIP beaches.


  • A lot of tourists and few free beaches.
  • High prices.

From the reviews about the rest in Yalta:

“My family and I always rest in Yalta every year! For me, this is the most beautiful town of the Crimea (we traveled around the entire peninsula with excursions). I didn’t go into how much cheaper it is to live in the villages, we just like to relax in comfort. After all, once a year you can afford it!”.

“Almost every season we drive with friends in cars across the Crimea. Who is closer, in fact, but I love Yalta. I just like to walk along the long embankment, walk along the streets and admire beautiful houses. BUT Botanical Garden, and the cable car! .. In general, Yalta is a civilization, a well-groomed southern town, and most of Crimea is villages and nature. One thing is bad - it is very expensive to stay there for a long time. ”

Which Crimean resort is the best?

Surprisingly, there can be many opinions about the same place. This also applies to the Crimea. Some like the resort for its developed infrastructure and abundance of entertainment, others want solitude in the bosom of nature. Thus, lovers of silence and empty beaches are better off choosing small villages for recreation, remote from the city boarding houses, which are almost everywhere. And rest in large resort towns in the season it “threatens” with crowds of tourists, not very clean beaches And high prices. But, a mandatory program for everyone is excursions that will give a true picture of this wonderful place. In Crimea, they are represented in incredible numbers, from any corner of the peninsula.

Every year, prices for holidays in the Crimea increase by about 10-15%. At the same time, a rapid increase in the level of incomes of Ukrainian residents is not observed. When the question still arises: “Where to relax in the summer?” - from the proposed options - on the sea in the Crimea or, for example, at home under the TV or in the country - the majority will undoubtedly choose a vacation on the sea in the Crimea. But not always our possibilities coincide with our desires. An alternative is a budget or inexpensive vacation in the Crimea. There are 7 golden rules when, how and where you can have an inexpensive vacation in Crimea. At the same time, an inexpensive vacation does not always mean bad or poor quality.

Rule one - choose the right time to relax in the Crimea. The cheapest vacation in the Crimea, of course, in the low season. This is the period from the beginning of the year (approximately from January 10) to the beginning May holidays and then from October until the end of the year. In the low season, prices for holidays in Crimea fall two, and sometimes even three times compared to the high season (July-August). Inexpensive holidays in Crimea are also possible in the half-season - usually, in the period after the May holidays in Crimea until mid-June, and then from mid-September to October.

Rule two - choose the right place to stay in the Crimea. For example, a vacation on the South Coast (Yalta, Alushta, Partenit, Alupka) will cost you more than a vacation on the Western coast of Crimea (Zaozerny, Sandy, Corner, Mezhvodny, Chernomorsky, Olenevka, Nikolaevka) or East coast Crimea (Beregovoe, Koktebel, Ordzhonikidze). If you want to relax in the Crimea cheaply and cheerfully - look for accommodation in seaside villages and towns remote from the promoted resorts. For example, in the vicinity of Alushta, you can cheaply rent housing in Solnechnogorsk, Pushkino, Kanak, Privetnoy, Rybachy. Here the climate and the sea are the same as in Alushta, only the prices for accommodation and food are more affordable.

Rule Three - You can rent a house in Crimea inexpensively not only in the private sector. In every seaside village or town there are sure to be inexpensive boarding houses, mini-hotels or recreation centers, where the cost of an economy class room (with shower and toilet on site) is almost the same as the cost of a room in the private sector of Crimea. The advantages of resting at a camp site, in contrast to the private sector or an apartment, are its own large territory and developed infrastructure (its own dining room and / or kitchen, the presence of a playground, parking, gazebos, barbecues, etc. on the territory). Perhaps the cheapest vacation in Crimea is a savage in a tent on the seashore. Conditions, of course, zero, mosquitoes, etc., but the savings are significant and there are many impressions. A better option is to rest in a tent camp in the Crimea. Such tent camps equipped with makeshift tables for eating, outdoor showers and rural toilets.

Rule four - book accommodation in Crimea in advance. If you want to save about 10% or even 20% on your vacation in Crimea, arrange a room in advance. Often boarding houses, recreation centers, hotels and hotels of Crimea are ready to provide good discount, if you book a room for the summer in the low season and make a full or partial prepayment.

Rule five - we cook ourselves or are looking for a vacation in the Crimea inexpensively with meals. Eating in cafes or restaurants is not a cheap option. If you have free time, and you are not burdened by the process of cooking while relaxing at sea in Crimea, cook to your health, especially when you are relaxing in Crimea with children or a large family. Also one of budget options, which inexpensive boarding houses and recreation centers in Crimea can offer you, is when meals are already included in the cost of living. In this case, you will clearly know the cost of a holiday in the Crimea and will be able to avoid additional costs.

Rule six - We go on excursions ourselves. Not everyone can afford the services of a tour guide, along with transport escort. Make a payment for a few hours, even saturated excursion route for a family with a modest budget - an unaffordable luxury. Therefore, it is best to choose a few interesting, in your opinion, sights of the Crimea and go on an excursion on your own. Transport connection in Crimea it is very well developed, so getting to the desired object will not be difficult.

Rule seven - avoid shopping on the beach or keep it to a minimum. Typically, food mineral water, juices, beer, ice cream in the stalls on the beach will cost more than anywhere else. This applies to souvenirs, jewelry, etc.

Undoubtedly, each of us has his own idea about inexpensive vacation in Crimea. Below are inexpensive boarding houses, recreation centers, the private sector, cheap hotels Crimea. Have a nice holiday!