The smallest country in Italy. African countries

African countries

Africa. Welcome to African countries. Get acquainted with the list of countries that are part of Africa. Their detailed description geographical position, capitals, flags, currency and more. Here you can find out what the climate is in these countries, a list of attractions that you should visit. Find out what customs control rules should be observed when entering the country. Get acquainted with the peculiarities of the rules of local behavior and find out what dangers to be wary of in a particular country.

4. Anthem

listen to the national Anthem of Cape Verde:

5. Currency

National currency of Cape VerdeCape Verdean escudo ( Cabo Verde Escudo) , literal CVE . One escudo is formally equal to 100 centavo , however coins denominated in centavo are not currently issued, and those previously issued are not legal tender. July 1, 1977 Cape Verdean escudo replaced colonial escudo of the Cape Verde Islands, which has remained the national currency since the country gained independence on July 5, 1975, the exchange was carried out in a ratio of 1: 1. Currently in circulation are coins in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 escudo, as well as banknotes in denominations of 200, 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000 escudo. All inscriptions on coins and banknotes (except for the names of biological species) are made in Portuguese.

Use the currency converter below to quickly and easily convert Cape Verdean escudo into rubles, dollars, euros or any other world currency at the current rate.

coins of Cape Verde

banknotes Cape Verde

6. Cape Verde on the world map

Republic of Cape Verde- the state located on the Cape Verde Islands, in the Atlantic Ocean, about 600 km off the west coast of Africa. The Cape Verde Islands are a collection of 10 large And 8 small islands in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, divided into the Leeward and Windward groups. The Windward group includes the islands: Santo Antan, San Vicente, San Nicolau, Santa Luzia, Sal, Boavista. The Leeward group includes the islands: Santiago, Brava, Fogo, Mayu. Small islands: Branco, Grande, Dos Passaros, Luis Carneiro, Razo, Santa Maria, Zapado, Sima. The total area of ​​Cape Verde is 4033 km2.

The relief is mountainous with a large number of extinct and active volcanoes. Rocky shores are difficult to access. There are very few natural harbors, the largest of which is Mindelo. Highest point of the country Republic- current Fogo volcano (2840 m).

The vegetation of the islands is extremely scarce; massive deforestation over the centuries has also contributed to depletion water resources: the river network is on the verge of extinction, short riverbeds dry up, filling with water only during the rainy season. The islands are seismically active, earthquakes often occur.

7. What to see in Cape Verde

Attractions Cape Verde is a stunning nature, numerous architectural monuments and museums, high-class resort complexes and a unique underwater world. attractions Cape Verde:

  • peak of Guido do Cavaleiro (Santo Antan Island)
  • Topu de Coroa volcano (Volcano Topu de Corot) (Santo Antan Island)
  • Pico da Cruz mountain range (Santo Antan island)
  • Mount Monte-Grande (Sal Island)
  • wild beaches of Baia das gatas (Sao Vicente island)
  • Mindela (MINDELO) - port city
  • Fishing village Salinas (Fogo Island)
  • Santa Maria market (Sal island)
  • Cidade Velha (CIDADE VELHA) (Santiago Island) is the oldest settlement in Cape Verde
  • Salt mines of Pedra Vincente Lume (Sal island)

8. Major cities

Ten largest cities Cape Verde:

  1. praia (Praia) capital and the largest city of the island nation Cape Verde located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Senegal, on the island of Santiago. The population of the capital is 151,435 people.
  2. Mindelo (Mindelo) - second largest city Cape Verde, located in the northwest of the island of San Vicente in Porto Grande Bay, a natural harbor formed in the crater of an underwater volcano Population of Mindelo 70,610 people.
  3. Espargoush (Espargos) - main city municipality of the island of Sal, located in the central part of the island. Population of Espargos- 17,080 people.
  4. asomada (Assomada) - a city on the island of Sotavento Santiago. Since 1912 it has been the seat of the municipality of Santa Catarina, which includes the central western part and most of the interior of the island. This is the most Big city in this region Population of Asomad 12,020 people.
  5. Pedra Badejo (Pedra Badejo) - a small town that occupies the 5th place in terms of population in its country (9,490 people).
  6. Porto Novo (Porto Novo) a city on the island of Santo Antao Cape Verde, with a population of 9,430
  7. San Philip (Saint Philip) is a city on the west coast of Fogo Island. It is the capital of the island and the seat of the municipality of São Filipe, with a population of 8,190.
  8. Tarrafal (Tarrafal) - a village on the northern coast of the island of Santiago, 70 km from the capital of the state, the city of Praia, at the foot of Mount Graciosa6. Population settlement Tarrafal 6 650 people.
  9. Santa Maria (Santa Maria) - fishing and tourist town in the south of the island of Sal, with a population of 6,260 people.
  10. Sal Rey (Sal Rei) - a city on the northwest coast of the island of Boa Vista in the eastern part Cape Verde. Sal Rey is the main urban settlement of the island and the seat of the Municipality of Boa Vista, with a population of 5,400.

9. Climate

Climate in Cape Verde tropical quite hot and dry. The coolest time is January-February, at which time the average air temperature is +21°C ... +23°C, but in the mountains it can be much lower. But in August, the archipelago is blown by south and southwest winds that bring rain. The air becomes clean and cool, although it is drier in the mountains than on the coast. The daytime air temperature can rise to +36 °C, and at night it can drop to +18°C ... +20 °C.

The average annual precipitation is 100-300 mm, and their maximum falls on the period from August to October. On the flat islands, precipitation is quite rare, but in the mountains there are heavy showers, and can reach 500 mm per day. Such showers destroy the fertile topsoil.

From the Sahara, dry and hot winds blow for several hours a day from October to June "harmattan", bringing with it heat and the smallest Saharan dust. It hangs in the air for a long time, forming a "dusty fog". best time for travel in cape verde the period from August to October is considered when warm pleasant weather guarantees a comfortable stay.

10. Population

Population of Cape Verde 549 195 people (data as of January 2020). Approximately 70% of the population of the country Creoles(descendants from mixed marriages of Portuguese and Spanish settlers with Africans), 28% are Africans and 1% are Europeans. Each of the 9 inhabited islands can be compared to a miniature racial melting pot with its own cultural characteristics and local dialects resulting from the mixing of Portuguese and various African languages. Thanks to government efforts to combat illiteracy, by the mid-1990s, 72% of the population could read and write. Average life expectancy of the female half population of Cape Verde is 73 - 75 years old, and male - 67 - 69 years old.

11. Language

Official languages ​​in Cape Verde are Portuguese And Creole . Apart from Portuguese, many dialects are used from mixing Portuguese and African languages, of which the most common are Creole dialect Criulu (a mixture of Old Portuguese and African Swahili) and cabuverdian . Natives of West Africa widely spread the French language on the islands.

12. Religion

Cape Verde is one of the most Catholic countries Africa. Christianity, which has spread here since the middle of the 17th century, is practiced by approximately 93% of the population of the islands. Of these, 90% belong to the Roman Catholic Church, 3% are Protestants (mostly parishioners of the Church of Nazareth). 7% of residents Cape Verde adhere to traditional African beliefs, are members of religious sects or profess Islam.

13. Holidays

National and public holidays in Cape Verde in 2020:

  • January 1st - New Year
  • January 13 - Democracy Day
  • January 20 - Heroes Day
  • May 1 - Labor Day
  • May 10 - Mother's Day
  • June 1 - Children's Day
  • June 21 - Father's Day
  • July 5 - Independence Day
  • August 15 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • September 12 - National Day
  • November 1 - All Saints Day
  • December 25 - Christmas

14. Souvenirs and gifts

Small scroll souvenirs and giftsCape Verde:

  • african masks
  • african textile
  • clay figurines
  • ox horn and coconut products
  • tortoise shell products
  • carnival costumes
  • ceramic products painted in national traditions
  • carpet tracks
  • a piece of a volcano in the form of an ordinary lava stone on a substrate
  • wicker baskets
  • coral and pearl jewelry
  • wooden animal figurines

Customs regulations of Cape Verde do not restrict the transit of foreign currency, and when entering / leaving, filling out a declaration on the import / export of foreign currency is not required. Import and export of local money is prohibited.


Duty-free import of up to 200 cigarettes or 250 grams of tobacco, 2 liters of wine, up to 1 liter of strong alcoholic beverages, 250 ml of perfume or 50 gr of perfume. Duty-free import and export of fresh fruits and vegetables weighing up to 5 kg, as well as other products and things in quantities intended for personal consumption, is allowed.


It is forbidden to import weapons, psychotropic and toxic substances, drugs and medicines containing opiates (an exception for those who have a prescription and a doctor's prescription). To the territory Cape Verde it is prohibited to transport plants without additional control procedures and phytosanitary certificates.


Mains voltage Cape Verde: 220 volt, at a frequency of 50 hertz. socket type: Type C, Type F.

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Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe) or full official name Republic of Zimbabwe (Republic of Zimbabwe) - a state located in the southern part of the African continent. Until 1980, the country was a colony and was called Southern Rhodesia , and even earlier, an empire was located on these lands Monomotapa , whose capital was called Zimbabwe. The history of these parts is very interesting and eventful, with a constant struggle against uninvited visitors from Portugal, British rule and racial discrimination. However, it was during the era of colonization that the country's economy was on the rise: Agriculture, processing and mining industries, and today it is among the poorest countries on the planet. Zimbabwe attracts tourists with its natural beauties, national parks, caves with rock paintings ancient people and of course the famous Victoria Falls.

Zimbabwe - "stone houses"

1. Capital

Capital of Zimbabwe– the most modern and busiest city in the country Harare (Harare) , located in the north-eastern part of the republic, at an altitude of about 1500 m. The city was founded in 1890 by British settlers and until 1982 was called Salisbury (Salisbury) . Since 1898, the city was under the protectorate, and in 1923 Salisbury declared the administrative center of the self-governing colony of Southern Rhodesia, in which power belonged to the white population. Today Harare is the largest city Zimbabwe, its cultural and industrial center, with wide branched avenues, green parks, glass skyscrapers, perfectly combined with old Dutch-style buildings. The main attractions of the capital are the unique reserves of exotic African nature, the National Archives and the National Gallery. Zimbabwe, which store paintings by European artists and art objects made by local craftsmen. Close to Harare is one of the wonders of nature - Victoria Falls.

2. Flag

Flag of Zimbabwe is a rectangular panel with seven equal horizontal stripes, with an aspect ratio of 2:1. The stripes are located on flag in the following order: green, yellow, red, black, red, yellow, green. On the left side of the canvas is a white equilateral triangle, inside which, against the background of a five-pointed red star, a golden “ bird of Zimbabwe" .


  • green color symbolizes agriculture in Zimbabwe
  • yellow - a symbol of wealth in minerals
  • Red color - the blood shed during the War of Independence.
  • black color - ethnicity of the indigenous African peoples of Zimbabwe
  • White color - a symbol of peace
  • bird - the historical heritage of Zimbabwe

The stylized image of the bird refers to the valuable archaeological rarities found on the territory of the country - figurines made of steatite stone, which have become the national symbol of the country. Today, the image of the Zimbabwe bird is minted on coins and placed on the coat of arms of the state.

Coat of arms of Zimbabwe is a composition in the center of which there is a green shield with 14 white-blue waves in the upper part, which is held by two forest kudu antelopes, standing on top of an earthen mound, consisting of stalks of wheat, cotton, and corn sprouts. Ancient ruins are depicted in the center of the shield Greater Zimbabwe. Behind the shield, on the left side, there is an agricultural hoe and on the right side, a Kalashnikov assault rifle, which are tied together with a twisted golden-green rope. The coat of arms is surmounted by a red star and the Bird of Zimbabwe, and at its base is a silver ribbon with the motto in English: : « Unity, Freedom, Work » which in translation means: "Unity, Freedom, Labor" .


  • kudu antelope - a symbol of the unity of various ethnic groups in Zimbabwe
  • earthen mound - the need for constant provision of the inhabitants of the country
  • green shield - the fertile lands of the country and the waters of the republic
  • Great Zimbabwe symbolizes the historical heritage of the nation
  • hoe and machine gun - the struggle for peace and democracy, as well as the transition from war to peace
  • gold and green stripes - national financial companies and economic protection
  • bird - historical heritage Zimbabwe
  • red five-pointed star - a symbol of revolution, the struggle for freedom, hope for a better future

4. Anthem

listen to the national Anthem of Zimbabwe

5. Currency

The national currency of Zimbabwe until 2009 was Zimbabwe dollar (zimbabwean dollars) (international designation: ZWL, letter designation $, Z$) equal to 100 cents. However, on April 12, 2009, it became known that the circulation of Zimbabwe dollar. Instead, the inhabitants of the country began to use US dollars, pounds sterling of the United Kingdom, as well as the currencies of neighboring states with a more stable economy.

In 2016 due to lack of cash US dollars promissory notes issued in the country quasi-currency , linked to US dollar in a ratio of 1:1. In 2019 Zimbabwe decided to start issuing its own national currency again - RTGS ( Real Time Gross Settlement— Gross calculations in real time) and refuse the dollar as a means of payment. Well RTGS not yet announced. According to the head of the Central Bank of Zimbabwe, John Mangoudia, it will be set naturally during trading on the new interbank foreign exchange market. All surrogate currency and electronic dollars will be renamed to dollars RTGS.

6. Zimbabwe on the world map

Republic of Zimbabwe- inland state, located in the south Africa, bordering in the south with South Africa, in the southwest and west - with, in the west and northwest - with, in the east - with Mozambique. Has no access to the sea. General Zimbabwe area is 390,757 km², most of which is covered by a plateau mashona And Matabele occupying the central part of the country. The average elevation of these plateaus is 1,371 meters. From the north and south of these plateaus are hills Matobo And Chizarayra. From the east, the plateau is bordered by a mountain range - Eastern highlands with the highest point of the country - Mt. Inyangani (2592 meters). The rest of the country is occupied by plains. The most low point Zimbabwe- river crossing Runde And Save(height - 162 meters above sea level). The main rivers Zambezi, Limpopo, Sabi, Shangani, Sanyati and Lundi. A large reservoir was created on the Zambezi River - caribbean, also on Zambezi famous Victoria Falls . The width of the water flow in it is 1700 meters, and the height is 120 meters.

7. What to see in Zimbabwe

Below is a list of the most popular attractions, which you should pay attention to when drawing up a plan for excursions in Zimbabwe:

  • Devil's pool
  • Victoria Falls
  • Masuwe Reserve
  • Reserve Matetsi
  • National Gallery of Zimbabwe
  • Great Zimbabwe National Monument
  • Matobo National Park
  • Huenj National Park
  • Tewly Park
  • Zambezi River
  • Ruins of the Acropolis

8. Major cities

  1. Harare (Harare) capital of Zimbabwe– population 1,725,976 people
  2. Bulawayo - population 748,674
  3. Chitungwiza - population 357,145
  4. Mutare - population 185,273
  5. Epworth - population 152,116
  6. Gweru - population 141,816
  7. Kwekwe - population 99,578
  8. Kadoma - population 77,498
  9. Masvingo - population 72,115
  10. Norton - population 67,138

9. Climate

Climate in the northern part Zimbabwe subequatorial , and in the south tropical, with three distinct seasons. The first season, the so-called warm wet summer, which here lasts from November to March, with an average air temperature of + 22 ° С ... + 26 ° С, the second season - cool dry winter(from April to June, with an average air temperature of + 15 ° С ... + 18 ° С, there are even frosts in the mountains), the third season - hot dry spring a (from August to October, with an average air temperature of +30°С to +35°С). The average annual rainfall in the Limpopo River Valley is 350 - 400 mm, on the plateau - 900 - 1000 mm on the plateau and about 2000 mm - on the Eastern Highlands. Their maximum number falls on the period from December to January.

10. Population

Population of Zimbabwe 16,943,178 people (data as of April 2019), of which 98% are Africans , predominantly peoples Shona (about 80%) and Ndebele (about 15%). In addition to Africans, a small percentage of mulattos and Asians (Indians and Chinese), as well as Europeans (English, Portuguese) live in the country. Average life expectancy of the female half population of Zimbabwe is 52-54 years old, and male - 51-53 years old.

11. Language

Zimbabwe has 16 official languagesEnglish , Shona , Ndebele , Venda, Sign Languages, Kalanga, Khoisan, Xhosa, Nambia, Ndau, Nyanja, Sesotho, Tswana, Tonga, Chibarwe and Shangani. However, the most common language is Shona, which is considered their own. "first" language about 70% population of Zimbabwe and the Ndebele language, which is "native" for 20% of the population. English language used in business and serves as the main language for the majority of the population of the Republic. In secondary school, education is conducted entirely in English.

12. Religion

One of the most common religions in Zimbabwe is an Christianity , it is practiced by about 80% of the country's population. Of these, 10% are Catholics, and the rest are Protestants, members of sects, marginal organizations and adherents of Afro-Christian syncretic cults. 17% of the population of Zimbabwe adhere to local traditional beliefs, 1% are followers of Islam, 0.3% profess Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism. Adherents of new religious movements are about 0.3%.

13. Holidays

National and public holidays in Zimbabwe:

  • January 1 - New Year
  • April 18 - Zimbabwe Independence Day
  • movable date in March-April - Easter and Easter holidays
  • May 1 - Workers' Day
  • May 25 - Africa Day
  • August 12 - Heroes Day
  • August 13 - Defense Forces Day
  • December 22 - National Unity Day
  • December 25 – Christmas
  • December 26 - Boxing Day

14. Souvenirs and gifts

Below is a small scroll most common and popular souvenirs and gifts which tourists usually bring from Zimbabwe:

  • drum of the Batonka tribe
  • wooden giraffe on six legs
  • wooden ritual masks
  • wooden statues
  • wooden animal figurines
  • stone sculpture of the Shona tribe
  • 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollar bill
  • crockery, ornaments, vases and cutlery made of copper
  • soapstone figurines
  • healing herbs
  • jewelry

15. "No nail, no wand" or customs regulations

Customs regulations of Zimbabwe do not limit the amount of imported foreign currency, but the amount over $50 000 subject to mandatory declaration. The export of foreign currency is allowed no more than $10 000 for one person.


Duty-free import of up to 200 cigarettes, or 50 cigars, or 100 cigarillos, or 500 g of tobacco, 1 liter of alcoholic beverages (over 25% of alcohol by volume), or 2 liters of light alcoholic beverages (up to 25% of alcohol by volume) is allowed. Non-commercial number of gifts and other goods for personal use.


It is forbidden to import hunting weapons and ammunition, automatic and military weapons, explosives, drugs and narcotic preparations in any form, medical preparations containing narcotic substances, raw precious stones. The export of agricultural products, hunting trophies and unprocessed dredges is prohibited. stones, cultural artifacts and other objects of cultural significance, palm trees and any products made from them.


The importation of pets requires a veterinary certificate and a vaccination certificate. Basic health information for travelers to Zimbabwe.

Malaria is present in Zimbabwe. Routine vaccination is recommended for all travelers planning to visit this country. All travelers should consult a doctor before traveling to the country and make sure you have all the necessary vaccinations.

Mains voltage Zimbabwe: 220 volt , at a frequency of 50 hertz . socket type: Type D , Type G .

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West Sahara (Western Sahara) - disputed territory located in the northwest Africa which only 84 states have recognized so far. Until 1976, the region was a Spanish possession and was called Spanish Sahara . In 1979 West Sahara was occupied Morocco, only 20% of the territory remained unoccupied. On April 23, 2005, the Polisario Front, waging a guerrilla war against Moroccan troops with the support of Algeria, proclaimed Western Sahara an independent state under the name Saharan Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) .

West Sahara located on the territory of the Sahara desert, and in the west it is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. All the best resorts of the country are concentrated along the entire coast. It is here that travelers can find the finest hotels, restaurants, bars, sports grounds, and entertainment complexes, soak up the warm sand in a quiet and secluded place, swim in the clear waters of the ocean, get acquainted with the history and culture of the nomadic people of the Sahara.

1. Capital

Capital of Western Sahara city El Aaiun (El Aaiun) located in the northwest Africa, 20 km from the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The city occupies the territory of an oasis on the southern bank of the Hamra river valley. Due to the fact that the city is under the control of Morocco, the actual temporary capital is the city of Tifariti. El Aaiun divided into two parts: the lower one, which includes the old center, and the upper one, where the city administration is located. A little higher than the urban area, a dam was installed on Hamra, along which a highway of national importance passes.

The city was founded by the Spaniards and until 1958 was part of the Spanish protectorate. In 1975, after the Spaniards left this area, by decree of the ruler of Morocco, King Hassan, the territory of Western Sahara was occupied, including the city El Aaiun. From that period to the present time, the control of the Moroccan administration has been carried out here. The city is unusual in that many of its streets still do not have their own names. Only numbers are used to designate them. Of the historical buildings, the remains of the Spanish fort, the Great Mosque and the Spanish Cathedral have been preserved.

2. Flag

Flag of Western Sahara is a four-color rectangular panel, with an aspect ratio of 1:2. The flag consists of three equal horizontal stripes: black, white and green (from top to bottom). On the right side, near the flagpole, there is a red isosceles triangle, the base of which coincides with the right side of the flag. The white stripe features a red crescent and a star.


  • black color symbolizes death
  • White color- a symbol of peace
  • green color symbolizes eternal life
  • Red crescent and star - symbols of Islam

Coat of arms of Western Sahara is a composition in the center of which are two crossed rifles with the flag of the country. Above the rifles are a red crescent and a star. Coat of arms on both sides it is framed with olive branches, and at its base, on a red ribbon, the motto is written in black letters in Arabic «حرية ديمقراطية وحدة» , which means - "Freedom, Democracy, Unity" .


  • black color symbolizes death
  • White color- a symbol of peace
  • green color symbolizes eternal life
  • olive branches symbolizes peace
  • Red Crescent and the star are the symbols of Islam
  • rifles- a weapon with which residents defend the independence of the country

4. Anthem

listen to the national anthem of Western Sahara

5. Currency

official currency of Western Sahara is an Saharan peseta(unofficial letter designation - EHP), but in fact in this territory in circulation are used Moroccan dirham , Algerian dinar , Mauritanian ouguiya And Euro . It is noteworthy that Saharan pesetas made only in the form of coins, no banknotes. First Saharan pesetas were issued in 1990 in denominations of 1, 2 and 5 peseta . Standard coins are currently issued in denominations of 1, 2, 5 and 50 peseta , as well as commemorative coins in denominations of 100, 200, 500, 1000, 5000, 40,000 peseta from various metals: copper, copper and nickel alloys, steel, silver and gold.

6. Western Sahara on the world map

West Sahara- disputed territory in North Africa, bordering Morocco in the north, Algeria in the northeast, Mauritania in the east and south, and the Atlantic Ocean in the west. General Western Sahara area is 266,800 km² , much of which is low and flat desert with extensive areas of rocky or sandy surfaces. The territory of the country is conditionally divided into 2 regions - South (Rio de Oro) and North (Seguiet el Hamra). The lowest point is the Sebzhet-Takh depression (-55 m), the highest is the nameless mountain in the north (463 m).

There are no permanent rivers, the soils are stony and sandy desert. The plant world is quite poor - mainly shrubs and grasses, and only near rare oases and in the lower reaches of dry rivers do they grow different types acacia, arborvitae, palm trees and ficus. The main representatives of the animal world are wild boars, antelopes, snakes, cheetahs, jackals and hyenas.

7. What to see in Western Sahara

Below is a list of the most popular attractions, which you should pay attention to when planning excursions in Western Sahara :

8. Major cities

  1. El Aaiun (Laayoune) capital of Western Sahara– population 183,691 people
  2. Dakhla - population 58,104
  3. Smara - population 40,347
  4. Bujdur - population 36,843
  5. El Marsa - 10,229 people
  6. House - population 8769
  7. Mahbes - population 7331
  8. Guelta Zemmour - population 6740
  9. Bir Enzaran - population 6597
  10. Tishla (Trishla) - population 6036 people

Population data for cities in Western Sahara is for 2015.

9. Climate

Climate of Western Saharadry tropical , with rather high temperatures and frequent fluctuations in daily indicators. The average daytime air temperature in the interior of the country is +32°C ... +36°C, sometimes it rises to +50°C, and at night the air cools down to almost zero. On the coast, the indicators are more comfortable during the day: + 18 ° С ... + 22 ° С. There is very little precipitation and, as a rule, their average annual amount does not exceed 100 mm, and in most parts of the country even 50 mm.

10. Population

Population of Western Sahara622,823 people (data as of April 2018), the majority are Moorish Arabs. The country is also home to the nomadic Regeibat Captivity, other Bedouin groups and settlers from Morocco. Average life expectancy of the female half population of Western Sahara 61 - 63 years, and male 57 - 59 years.

Discover population of Western Sahara at this moment you can

11. Language

Official languages ​​of Western Sahara are literary Arab And Spanish (former colonial language). However, the most common and native language for inhabitants of Western Sahara is an hassania(a colloquial variety of Arabic), which has the official status of the state language. The northern parts of Western Sahara are dominated by Berber .

12. Religion

home religion in Western SaharaIslam . Sunni Muslims make up almost 100% of the entire believing population of the country.

13. Holidays

National and public holidays in Western Sahara:

  • January 1 - European New Year
  • movable date in september - february - Ramadan
  • movable date in October-February - Eid as-Saghir (Eid al-Fitr), the end of Ramadan
  • movable date - the first day of Muharram (Muslim New Year)
  • movable date - Maulid, the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad
  • movable date in April - Eid al-Kabir (Eid al-Adha), the feast of the sacrifice
  • May 1 - Labor Day
  • July 9 - Youth Day.
  • February 27 - Proclamation Day of the Saharan Arab Democratic Republic

14. Souvenirs and gifts

Below is a small scroll most common and popular souvenirs and gifts which tourists usually bring from Western Sahara:

  • wooden boxes and chess sets
  • house shoes-grandmothers with upturned toes
  • forged lamps
  • cosmetics based on natural oils
  • local wooden decorations
  • local leather goods
  • original openwork jewelry
  • spices
  • cotton shawls
  • wool carpets
  • exotic dishes made of clay and copper

15. "No nail, no wand" or customs regulations

Western Sahara customs regulations do not limit the amount of imported foreign currency, however, amounts over 1,500 US dollars are subject to mandatory declaration. you need an amount equivalent to 15,000 Moroccan dirhams or more. The local currency is prohibited for export, and you can exchange money back only with a receipt for the initial exchange. An amount in a currency that does not exceed the declared amount is allowed for export, otherwise the purchase must be confirmed with a certificate from the bank.


You can import duty-free: 1 liter of spirits and 1 liter of wine, one block of cigarettes, 250 grams of raw tobacco, 50 cigars, perfumes up to 5 grams and items for personal use. Professional video and photographic equipment can be imported with a special permit and included in the declaration. Permission will also be required in the case of the transportation of purchased antiques.


Materials containing elements of violence, pornography and erotica, drugs, products that violate the laws of Islam and offend believers, drugs and weapons fall under a complete ban. Sports weapons and cartridges can only be imported with a special permit. It is forbidden to export objects of history and art for which you do not have an export permit.


Pets (dogs or cats) can only be brought into Western Sahara if they have an international veterinary certificate.

Mains voltage Western Sahara: 230 volts , at a frequency of 50 hertz . Socket types: Type C , Type F .

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Zambia (Zambia) or the full official form − Republic of Zambia (Republic of Zambia) - a state located in South Africa. Independence Zambia acquired in 1964, and before that it was subordinate to Great Britain and was called Northern Rhodesia . This is a country with interesting culture, original traditions, unique places, memorable for a lifetime. On this earth are the most beautiful reserves, with rare animals, a variety of birds and unusual plants. Vast expanses of still unexplored national parks, tiny villages densely populated by local natives, world famous Victoria Falls and a life that has not changed for centuries. This small African country has almost no cities and one of the lowest populations in the world. African continent.

Egypt (Egypt) or official name: Arab Republic of Egypt (Arab Republic of Egypt) - a state located in North Africa and the Sinai Peninsula of Asia. Egypt- the cradle of one of ancient civilizations, the largest country in the Middle East, located on two continents. calling card The Egyptian people are the tombs of the pharaohs, the pyramids, the mysterious sands and the endless desert. In Egypt Not only the most interesting excursion program, but also a comfortable stay on amazing beach resorts on the shore Mediterranean And Red Seas. There are all conditions for diving enthusiasts, and the marine life is one of the most beautiful in the world. Egypt- these are high-class hotels and restaurants for every taste, vibrant and varied nightlife, exciting and informative cruises on the Nile on comfortable boats, evening performances in Cairo opera house . Egypt- one of the most mysterious states, whose history attracts tourists from all over the world, one of the most popular tourist destinations.

Djibouti ( Djibouti) , officially Republic of Djibouti (Republic of Djibout) - a small African state in East Africa, located next to restless Somalia. Late 19th to mid 20th century Djibouti was a colony of France, and only in 1977 the country gained independence. Djibouti- one of the driest countries in the world, whose typical landscape is mountain ranges, extinct volcanoes and lava plateaus, there are hot springs and unique salt lakes, due to the white coating of salt, sometimes it seems reminiscent of the North Pole. Here you will not see bright, colorful jungles and rich fauna, on the contrary - deserted Martian landscapes, the unusualness of which takes the breath away even from the most sophisticated travelers. Coast Djibouti has wonderful long beaches, a huge number of coral coastal reefs and luxurious laurel fields.

Djibouti - a country of "space" landscapes

1. Capital

Capital of the Republic of Djibouti– port city Djibouti located on the south coast of the Gulf of Tadjoura indian ocean. The city was founded in 1888 by the French as an outpost of their colonial expansion to East Africa. Since 1892 it has been the administrative center of the colony French Coast Somalia, and only in 1981 Djibouti became a free port. More than half of the country's population lives in the capital, and its entire economy is built around international port and free economic zone Djibouti. From colonial times to Djibouti remained the largest French military base in Africa, where a significant part of the French Foreign Legion is stationed, as well as a large American military base.

The urban space of the capital is divided into European and African regions. The European quarters, located near the port and the central Menelik Square, are built up with buildings in the Ottoman and neo-Moorish style and contrast strongly with the poor "people's" district of Balbala. The symbol of the capital and its main attraction is Presidential palace in which the President of the Republic and the Council of Ministers sit. Magnificent beaches Djibouti attract diving enthusiasts and allow you to immerse yourself in the enchanting world of the Indian Ocean.

2. Flag

Flag of Djibouti is a three-color rectangular panel, the aspect ratio of which is 2:3. The flag consists of two equal horizontal stripes: blue above and green below. At the flagpole there is a white isosceles triangle, on which a red five-pointed red star is depicted.


  • blue color symbolizes the sky and water, namely the Indian Ocean, which washes the shores Djibouti, as well as the people of Issa
  • green color symbolizes the nature of Africa and the Afar tribes
  • white color is a symbol of peace and harmony

Coat of arms of Djibouti- a symbol of the confrontation between two clans: afarov (danakil) And Issa (Somali). These clans have long been at war with each other. When Djibouti was colonized France, the whole political life of the country was ruled by a clan danakil. But when the republic gained its independence and was no longer a colony, the government passed into the hands of Somalis. These events in the early eighties led to skirmishes and discontent between the clans. Ten years later, they have grown into civil war, which ended only in this millennium. On the coat of arms of Djibouti two laurel branches woven together are depicted, glorifying their state. top coat of arms decorated with a bright red five-pointed star, and under it is a spear covered with a shield. On either side of the spear are hands holding two drawn swords.


  • laurel branches symbolize the glory of the young state
  • spear and shield - traditional weapons of the local population
  • hands symbolize the two main clans of the republic - afarov (danakil) And Issa (Somali)
  • the red star is a symbol of the unity of the people

4. Anthem

listen to the national anthem of Djibouti

5. Currency

National currency of the Republic of DjiboutiDjiboutian franc (international designation - DJF ), equal to 100 centimes. Currently in circulation are coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 francs , as well as banknotes in denominations of 1000, 2000, 5000 and 10,000 francs . According to the data of the local Central Bank, there are also centimes - small coins of Djibouti (100 centimes are equal to 1 franc ). But due to rapid inflation, almost no one uses them. Well Djiboutian franc to ruble or any other world currency can be viewed on the currency converter below :

coins of Djibouti

banknotes (bills) Djibouti

6. Djibouti on the world map

Djibouti- a small state in the northeast Africa, bordering in the southeast on Somalia, in the south and west - on Ethiopia, in the north - on Eritrea, and in the east it is washed by the waters of the Bab el-Mandeb Strait and the Gulf of Aden of the Indian Ocean. Republic of Djibouti Square is 23,200 km² .

The relief of the country is mountainous and is an alternation of mountain ranges and lava plateaus, with cones extinct volcanoes. Highest point in DjiboutiMount Musa Ali (height 2028 m), the Central part of the country is occupied by rocky, sandy or clay plains, the most low areas, which are salt lakes. Most big lake Assal . All rivers are dry. The vegetation cover of the Republic is desert or semi-desert, the grass cover is very sparse. On individual mountain peaks and the slopes are sparse forests of junipers, olive trees and acacias, and in the oases - palm trees.

7. What to see in Djibouti

Here is a small list of attractions which you should pay attention to when planning excursions to Djibouti:

  • volcano Ardoukoba
  • Mount Garbi
  • Mount Hemed
  • Mabla Mountains
  • mountain range Goda Mountains
  • Arrei Mountains
  • Arta Mountains
  • Boura Mountains
  • day forest national park
  • Djibouti mangrove swamp
  • Mosque Hamoudi
  • Lake Abbe
  • lake Assal
  • Doumeira Islands
  • Moucha island
  • Khor Ambado beach
  • port of Djibouti
  • Djibouti Presidential Palace
  • Strait of Bab el-Mandeb
  • Tropical Aquarium Djibouti
  • Boina fumarole field
  • fumarole field Garbes
  • djibouti central market

8. Major cities

10 largest cities in the Republic of Djibouti:

  1. Djibouti is the capital of the Republic of Djibouti
  2. Ali-Sabye
  3. Dikhil
  4. Tadjoura
  5. Ali Adde
  6. Holhol
  7. Yoboks

9. Climate

Climate of Djibouti tropical , extremely hot and dry. The average air temperature throughout the year ranges from +26 °C to +30 °C, and in the hot season (from June to September) - +36 °C to +40 °C. There is very little precipitation - from 50 to 130 mm per year, 95% of the days of the year pass without precipitation. The water temperature in most reservoirs is 30 ° C ... 35 ° C and does not contribute to cooling at all.

10. Population

Population of Djibouti is 931 115 people (data as of February 2019). The majority (62%) are the Issa, Abgal and Dalol Somali peoples. 34% are Afars (or Danakil) and 4% other peoples: French, Italians, Greeks and Arabs (mostly from Yemen). Standard of living in Djibouti quite low, and more than 45% of the country's inhabitants are below the poverty line. A tenth of the Djiboutians lead a nomadic or semi-nomadic lifestyle. The average life expectancy of the female half of the population is 44-46 years, and the male half is 42-44 years.

Discover population of Djibouti at this moment you can

11. Language

Official languages ​​of the Republic of Djibouti French And Arab . On the French spoken in educational and administrative institutions, Arabic spoken by Yemenis and other immigrants from Arab countries. The majority of the population speaks Somali And Afar languages ​​belonging to the Cushitic language group.

12. Religion

dominant religion in Djibouti is an Sunni Islam , it is practiced by 94% of the country's population, and there is also a small number of Shiites. 5% of the inhabitants of the Republic are adherents of Christianity, 1% of Djiboutians profess Buddhism and Hinduism. Some nationalities in parallel retain adherence to traditional beliefs.

13. Holidays

National holidays in Djibouti:

  • January 1 - New Year
  • movable date in December - February - Eid el-kebir (Muslim holiday Eid al-adha - Eid al-Adha)
  • movable date in December-February - the 1st day of Muharram (New Year according to the Muslim calendar)
  • May 1 - Labor Day
  • movable date in spring-summer - Mulud (Maulid-an-Nabi, the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad)
  • June 27 - Independence Day
  • movable date in October - Al-isra al-miraj (Rajab Bayram - a Muslim holiday in memory of the night journey of the Prophet from Mecca to Jerusalem and back)
  • movable date in October - November - Ramadan (Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Fitr), Muslim holiday of the end of the post

14. Souvenirs and gifts

Below is a small scroll most common and popular souvenirs and gifts which tourists usually bring from Djibouti:

  • Arafats
  • pearl products
  • coral products
  • shell products
  • embossed leather products (knife cases, bags, flasks, paintings)
  • silverware
  • leather jewelry (bracelets, necklaces, beads)
  • beads
  • silver jewelry

15. "No nail, no wand" or customs regulations

Djibouti customs regulations do not limit the amount of imported / exported national and foreign currency.


Duty free import allowed up to 200 pcs. cigarettes, spirits (with an alcohol content of more than 22%) - up to 1 liter, liqueurs and fortified wines (strength less than 22%) - 2 liters, dry wines - up to 2 liters, up to 50 g of spirits, 1 kg of meat, 2 kg fishes. Food products must be labeled with expiration dates.


Import prohibited narcotic substances in any form, weapons and ammunition, printed and video materials of a pornographic nature. The export of historical values, corals, sea turtle shells, other types of marine flora and fauna, as well as the skins of wild animals is prohibited.

16. Voltage in the electrical network

Mains voltage Republic of Djibouti: 1971-1997 bearing the name Republic of Zaire, and in 1960-1964Republic of the Congo. Before 1960 years was a colony of Belgium. There are two states in Africa with the same name: Congo co the capital of Brazzaville And Democratic Republic of the Congo co the capital of Kinshasa. Both of them are located in the pool Congo river and on its banks. DR Congo- second largest country in Africa and eleventh in the world, which has many national parks, reserves and other natural attractions that have remained in their original form. Despite their natural wealth, DR Congo is one of the poorest countries in the world. There are quite often cases of armed robberies in the country, including against foreigners. An increased security risk is visiting the eastern and northeastern regions of the country, along the borders with Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda and Sudan, where there are years of fighting between government forces and illegal armed groups.

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This is a list of the 15 smallest countries in the world. Countries that can be compared in size to a small city. You can walk almost every one of these countries from end to end in less than a day.

The smallest state on earth. The Vatican is located on the territory of the Eternal City of Rome, on the hill of Monte Vaticano and has a length state border, only 3.2 km. In a few hours you can easily walk around the whole country. According to official figures, the population of the Vatican is just over 800 people. Another 3,000 people are not citizens of the country, but come here every day to work.

The Vatican is one of the largest museums under open sky. Here is a real treasury of works of art and architectural monuments, relics of Christianity and unique creations of great masters. A huge number of believers and tourists visit the territory of the Vatican every day.

The second place in the list of microstates is occupied by the Principality of Monaco. Its territory is 1.95 sq. km. The length of the state border with France is 4.4 km. The population density in Monaco, unlike the Vatican, is very high - the country is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. Local residents are mainly engaged in serving tourists, who are attracted here by magnificent beaches and great amount gaming establishments.

The Republic of Nauru is a dwarf state on the coral island of the same name in the western part Pacific Ocean with an area of ​​21.3 km² and a population of 12 thousand people. Nauru is the smallest independent republic on Earth, the smallest island state, the smallest state outside Europe and the only republic in the world without an official capital.

Tuvalu is a dwarf Pacific state in Polynesia. The length of the coastal strip is 21 km. The state is located on 5 atolls and 4 islands of the Tuvalu archipelago. The total land area is 26 km². The population of the country is 14 thousand people. The islands gained independence in 1978 (before that, the archipelago was a British colony).

The name of the country, translated from the Tuvalu language, it means “eight standing together” (meaning the eight traditionally inhabited islands of Tuvalu. The main problem of the islands is the rise in the level of the world ocean, which threatens to flood many of the islands, most of which are located no higher than 5 meters above sea level The country lives on the help of other countries, because it does not have its own natural resources.

5. San Marino

European state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of Italy. The name comes from the name of the Christian saint who founded the state. The country claims to be the oldest state in Europe. The area of ​​the state is 60.57 km². Almost 80% of the country's territory is occupied by mountains and rock massifs. The population is 33 thousand people. San Marino is one of the few modern countries with positive economic indicators. Government revenues exceed expenditures and the country has no external debt.

Another dwarf European state. The area of ​​the country is 160 km². The name of the country comes from the ruling dynasty of Liechtenstein. The Principality is located in the spurs of the Alps, the most high point- Mount Grauspitz (2599 m). One of the largest rivers flows through the western part of the country Western Europe- Rein. The population of the country is 38 thousand people.

Despite its size, Liechtenstein is a prosperous industrial country with a developed banking system. In addition, the Principality of Liechtenstein is included in the black list of "tax havens" - states where residents of other countries evade taxation.

The Marshall Islands is a Pacific state in Micronesia. The state is located on 29 atolls and 5 islands of the Marshall Islands archipelago. The length of the coastal strip is 370.4 km. The total land area is 181.3 km² and 11,673 km² are occupied by lagoons. The population of the Marshall Islands is 65 thousand people.

The maximum height above sea level is 10 meters. In the event of a significant rise in the level of the World Ocean or global climate change, serious environmental consequences are inevitable on individual islands.

The Republic of the Marshall Islands does not have a permanent military force. According to the concluded agreement, the United States is responsible for the security and defense of the country. They have an obligation to protect the Republic of the Marshall Islands and its citizens from outside attacks and threats.

The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis is a state in the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea, consisting of two islands - Saint Kitts and Nevis. Both islands are of volcanic origin, mountainous. The area of ​​the country is 261 km². The population is 53 thousand people. The total length of the coastline is 135 km.

The islands were discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1493, but the Spaniards did not colonize them. Great Britain and France fought for the possession of the islands for a long time. In 1983, the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis gained independence.

The islands have rich tropical vegetation. Mountainous areas covered with dense tropical forests and orchards. Creepers, mangoes, breadfruit and cinnamon trees, tamarind, avocados, bananas, papaya grow here. On the tops of the mountains, forests give way to meadows, with no less abundant vegetation. Numerous tropical birds and butterflies live in the forests, as well as monkeys. Many seabirds nest on the coast, including pelicans. The waters abound with fish.

The Republic of Maldives or simply the Maldives is a state in South Asia, located on a group of atolls in the Indian Ocean, south of India. The state is a chain of 20 atolls, consisting of 1192 coral islands. The population is about 330 thousand people. The total area is 90 thousand km², the land area is 298 km². The capital of Male - the only city and port of the archipelago - is located on the atoll of the same name and is the smallest capital in the world. Nevertheless, one third of the total population of the country lives in Male.

The basis of the economy is the service of tourists. Hot but comfortable weather all year round (air temperature between 24 and 30°C) has made Maldives a place of pilgrimage for tourists from all over the world. Fishing is in second place.

The Republic of Malta is an island state in the Mediterranean Sea. The country consists of three inhabited islands: Malta, Gozo and Comino and many small and uninhabited ones. The territory of the state is 316 km². The population of Malta is 420 thousand people. The country bears the title of the least populated state of the European Union.

The main branch of Malta's economy is tourism. Most of the cultural and historical sites are associated with the Knights of the Order of St. John (Order of Malta). Due to the wide variety of urban and natural landscapes, Malta is a popular filming location for feature films. Malta is the only country in Europe that does not have rivers, lakes or its own sources of fresh water.

Grenada is an island state in the southeast Caribbean Sea, occupies the island of Grenada and the southern part of the Grenadines. The total area is 344 sq. km. The population is 110 thousand people.

The island of Grenada is of volcanic origin. In the center of the island there is a forested mountain range, above which Mount St. Catherine (840 m), the highest point in the country, rises. There are few rivers on the island, but there are many streams and springs. Grenada's economy is based on tourism as well as offshore financial business.

The song "Grenada", written by M. Svetlov in 1926, as it turned out, has nothing to do with the state of Grenada.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is an independent state in the Caribbean. The territory consists of the island of St. Vincent and 32 small islands of the Grenadines. Area - 389 km². The population is 105 thousand people.

On the island of Saint Vincent is active volcano Soufriere. In our era alone, it has erupted at least 160 times already. The last eruption was in 1979. The beaches of the island are covered with black volcanic sand; the exception is the white sandy beaches at the southern end of the island.

Barbados is a small state in the West Indies, located on the island of the same name, resembling a pear in shape. The island has an area of ​​431 km² and is mostly flat with some hills in the middle. The population is 290 thousand people. Barbados is one of the leading developing countries in terms of living standards and literacy.

The basis of the economy is tourism. Many historical monuments associated with the rise of piracy in the Caribbean. Barbados is also famous for the production of the famous pirate rum. Approximately every 3 years, the island is in the zone of passage of hurricanes and suffers greatly from the elements.

Antigua and Barbuda is a state in the West Indies located on three islands- Antigua, Barbuda and Redonda. The total area is 442 km². The population is 90 thousand people.

The main source of income is tourism. Antigua and Barbuda is ready to receive tourists 365 days a year. Coastline Antigua forms many bays (in fact, these are relic volcanic craters) and a long strip of first-class beaches (it is believed that there are exactly 365 of them on the islands). There are both beaches with developed infrastructure and completely wild, secluded corners.

The Republic of Seychelles is an island nation in East Africa. It is located in the western part of the Indian Ocean, slightly south of the equator. The republic consists of 115 islands, only 33 of them are inhabited. The islands cover an area of ​​455 square kilometers. The population of the country is about 90 thousand people.

main source of income Seychelles for a long time there was an export of cinnamon, coconut and vanilla. Since 1976, when Great Britain granted independence to the Seychelles, tourism has become the main source of income (up to 75% of foreign exchange earnings).

The fruit of the Seychelles palm, which grows only in the Seychelles, weighs 20 kg and is considered the largest fruit in the plant world.

Historically, it so happened that humanity seeks to divide the vast expanses of our planet into separate pieces. In the course of thousands of years of conquest, each nation has secured its own territories - some have more, some have less.

We learned the names of most large countries at school, but few people remember about these states. They do not have huge armies or natural deposits, but are known for their tiny area. This compilation contains the 10 smallest countries in the world!

10 Maldives

This ranking of countries in descending order is headed by . Among the top tiny countries, they have the largest area - 298 km². But in terms of population density, this state can compete with any large country - more than 400 thousand people live here on such an area.

The Maldives consists of 26 atolls, which, in turn, are a chain of 1192 coral islands. The only city in the Maldives - Male, it is also the capital of this country. This amazing archipelago is a unique ecosystem with reefs, various types of fish and marine life.

9 Saint Kitts and Nevis

This small country covers an area of ​​261 km² and consists of two islands - St. Kitts and Nevis. It is located in the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea and has the title of the smallest state in the Western Hemisphere. The population of Saint Kitts and Nevis is small - only 50 thousand people.

The state is well known among tourists and the income from this destination is more than 70% of the country's GDP per year. It also processes sugar cane and shellfish. The largest city of this country, and concurrently the capital, is inhabited by 11 thousand people. Saint Kitts and Nesiv have their own army of 300 people.

8 Marshall Islands

The Republic of the Marshall Islands covers an area of ​​181.3 km² of land. It is located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean and is a chain of atoll islands. These islands were discovered in 1526 by Alonso de Salazar, and for many centuries passed as a colony from one country to another.

Today, these 34 atoll islands are real paradise. The territory of the republic has a unique head start and fauna, which, by the way, was almost destroyed by man. In the middle of the 20th century, Americans tested a hydrogen bomb here. The explosion was so powerful that it surpassed Hiroshima by 1000 times. However, local residents managed to slowly restore the ecosystem of the islands.

7 Liechtenstein

The European Principality of Liechtenstein is tiny and very famous in the world. Despite its area of ​​160 km², this state has a very powerful economy and developed industry. It can serve as an example for many powers due to its unique system of government in such a way that the people here lived very well.

Liechtenstein is located in Alpine mountains and borders Switzerland and Austria. The name of the country comes from the ruling dynasty, which has been ruling together with the Landtag for many years. The population of this European country is small - about 36 thousand people.

6 San Marino

On the sixth line of our rating is the state of San Marino, which has an area of ​​​​60 km². It is unique in its location - it borders Italy on all sides. The name of the country was formed from the name of the saint who founded it according to an ancient legend - the stonemason Marin.

With modern borders, San Marino is considered the most ancient state in Europe, it was founded in 301. Almost the entire territory of the country (80%) is the foothills of the Apennines, so there is practically no arable land here. The population of the country is 33 thousand people with such a small area. This country has many unique architectural monuments on its territory.

5 Tuvalu

This small state in Polynesia has an area of ​​26 km². It consists of nine coral atolls, four of which make up the Tuvalu archipelago. The discoverer of the islands, Alvaro Mendanya de Neira, called them Lagoons, but they received their name Tuvalu only in 1975.

This beautiful place, however, made it to the ranking of the poorest countries as of 2016. The area of ​​the islands is decreasing from year to year, so in 50 years, according to experts, Tuvalu may completely disappear from the face of the Earth as a state. The population of the country according to the latest data is just over 12 thousand people.

4 Nauru

The dwarf state of Nauru covers an area of ​​21 km² and was very popular in the middle of the 20th century. Such popularity was provided by phosphates, which the territory of this piece of land was full of. But today, only dilapidated mines remain from phosphates, and the country's ecology has been irretrievably damaged even for tourism.

Like the islands of Tuvalu, Nauru is located near the Republic of Kiribati and is located 42 km south of the equator. This country does not have an official capital, and the population is only 10 thousand people. But, unlike Tuvalu, this dwarf country has again begun to develop its economy and increase its birth rate.

3 Monaco

The third line of our rating is occupied by the well-known European Principality of Monaco. Probably everyone has heard about it, despite the fact that it occupies only 2.02 km². The legendary Monaco Grand Prix races are held here, and the casino in Monte Carlo is very famous among gambling enthusiasts.

The population of Monaco (with such and such an area!) Is 38 thousand people. This is a lot, but such popularity has its own explanation. For a long time there was no taxation in Monaco, so many businessmen, wealthy foreigners settled here and large companies were founded. Monaco is governed by Prince Albert II, who is assisted by a national council.

2 Vatican

The State of the Vatican, with its tiny area of ​​​​0.44 km², is a very powerful state that has been deciding the fate of many countries for many centuries. The country's population is equal to the number of employees - 836 people. At the same time, the Vatican has no economy, and the country's budget is replenished only through numerous donations from Catholic organizations.

Here is the residence of the Pope - the heart of the Catholic Church. The state is located inside Rome and is directly associated with Italy. But despite the proximity, the Vatican gained its independence in 1929 and has been an independent country ever since. By right, he has the title of the smallest country in the world, but there is another state that should be paid attention to.

1 Order of Malta

And the first place in this list is occupied by the state, which some countries do not recognize as a separate state unit. We are talking about the Order of Malta with a territory of 0.012 km². This Order has about 13,000 members who have the country's passports and use their own currency.

Not all countries recognize the sovereignty of the Order of Malta and consider it only at the level of diplomatic relations. The largest city of the Order is Fort St. Angelo, which the country rents from Malta. If you do not take into account the shaky recognition of this sovereignty, then the Order is the smallest state in the world.

All these dwarf states rightfully take their place in the ranking of the smallest countries. They are unique and distinctive, and most of them, despite their small territory, are prosperous countries.

Africa is the largest region in terms of area (30 million sq. km.), which includes 54 independent states. Some of them are rich and developing, others are poor, some have access to the sea, while others do not. So how many countries are there in Africa, and which states are the most developed?

North African countries

The entire continent can be divided into five zones: North Africa, West Africa, East Africa, Central Africa, South Africa .

Rice. 1. African countries.

Almost the entire region of North Africa (10 million square kilometers) lies on the territory of the Sahara desert. This natural area is characterized by high temperatures; it is here that the highest temperature in the world in the shade is recorded - +58 degrees. The largest African states are located in this region. These are Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Sudan. All these countries are territories with access to the sea.

Egypt - the tourist center of Africa. People from all over the world come here to enjoy warm sea, sandy beaches and infrastructure, fully suitable for a good holiday.

State of Algiers with the capital of the same name, is the largest country by area in North Africa. Its area is 2382 thousand square meters. km. The largest river in this area is the Sheliff River, which flows into the Mediterranean Sea. Its length is 700 km. The rest of the rivers are much smaller and are lost among the deserts of the Sahara. In Algeria, oil and gas production is carried out in large volumes.

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Sudan - a country in the North African region, which has access to the Red Sea.

Sudan is sometimes called the "country of three Niles" - White, Blue, and the main one, which is formed as a result of the merger of the first two.

In Sudan, dense and rich vegetation of tall-grass savannas grows: in the wet season, the grass here reaches 2.5 - 3 m. In the very south there is a forest savanna with iron, red and black ebony trees.

Rice. 2. Ebony.

Libya - a country in the Central part of North Africa, with an area of ​​1760 thousand square meters. km. Most of the territory is a flat plain with heights from 200 to 500 meters. Like other countries in North America, Libya has access to the Mediterranean Sea.

West African countries

West Africa washed by Atlantic Ocean from the south and from the west. Here are the Guinean forests of the tropical region. These areas are characterized by alternating rainy and dry seasons. TO West Africa include many states, including Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Mali, Cameroon, Liberia. The population of this region is 210 million people. It is in this region that Nigeria (195 million people) is located - the largest country in terms of population in Africa, and Cape Verde - a very small island state with a population of about 430 thousand people.

Agriculture plays the main role in the economy. West African countries are leaders in the collection of cocoa beans (Ghana, Nigeria), peanuts (Senegal, Niger), palm oil (Nigeria).

Central African countries

Central Africa is located in the western part of the mainland and lies in the equatorial and subequatorial belt. This area is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Guinea. There are a lot of rivers in Central Africa: Congo, Ogowe, Kwanza, Kvilu. The climate is humid and hot. This area includes 9 countries, including Congo, Chad, Cameroon, Gabon, Angola.

In terms of natural resources, the Democratic Republic of the Congo is one of the richest countries on the continent. Here are the unique rainforests - the Selva of Africa, which make up 6% of the rainforests of the whole world.

Angola is a major export supplier. Coffee, fruits, sugar cane are exported abroad. And in Gabon, copper, oil, manganese, and uranium are mined.

East African countries

The shores of East Africa are washed by the Red Sea, as well as the course of the Nile. The climate in the area in each country is different. For example, the Seychelles are characterized as humid maritime tropics dominated by monsoons. At the same time, Somalia, also belonging to East Africa, is a desert where rainy days practically does not happen. This area includes Madagascar, Rwanda, Seychelles, Uganda, Tanzania.

Some East African countries are characterized by the export of specific products that are not available in other African countries. Kenya exports tea and coffee, while Tanzania and Uganda export cotton.

Many people are interested in where is the capital of Africa? Naturally, each of the countries has its own capital, but the capital of Ethiopia, the city of Addis Ababa, is considered the heart of Africa. It has no access to the sea, but it is here that representative offices of all countries of the mainland are located.

Rice. 3. Addis Ababa.

South African countries

South Africa includes South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland.

The Republic of South Africa is the most developed in its region, and Swaziland is the smallest. Swaziland borders South Africa and Mozambique. The population of the country is only 1.3 million people. This region is located in the tropical and subtropical climate zone.

List of African countries with capitals

  • Algiers (capital - Algiers)
  • Angola (capital - Luanda)
  • Benin (capital - Porto-Novo)
  • Botswana (capital - Gaborone)
  • Burkina Faso (capital - Ouagadougou)
  • Burundi (capital - Bujumbura)
  • Gabon (capital - Libreville)
  • Gambia (capital - Banjul)
  • Ghana (capital - Accra)
  • Guinea (capital - Conakry)
  • Guinea-Bissau (capital - Bissau)
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo (capital - Kinshasa)
  • Djibouti (capital - Djibouti)
  • Egypt (capital - Cairo)
  • Zambia (capital - Lusaka)
  • Western Sahara (capital - El Aaiun)
  • Zimbabwe (capital - Harare)
  • Cape Verde (capital - Praia)
  • Cameroon (capital - Yaounde)
  • Kenya (capital - Nairobi)
  • Comoros (capital - Moroni)
  • Congo (capital - Brazzaville)
  • Cote d'Ivoire (table - Yamoussoukro)
  • Lesotho (capital - Maseru)
  • Liberia (capital - Monrovia)
  • Libya (capital - Tripoli)
  • Mauritius (capital - Port Louis)
  • Mauritania (capital - Nouakchott)
  • Madagascar (capital - Antananarivo)
  • Malawi (capital - Lilongwe)
  • Mali (capital - Bamako)
  • Morocco (capital - Rabat)
  • Mozambique (capital - Maputo)
  • Namibia (capital - Windhoek)
  • Niger (capital - Niamey)
  • Nigeria (capital - Abuja)
  • Saint Helena (capital - Jamestown) (UK)
  • Reunion (capital - Saint-Denis) (France)
  • Rwanda (capital - Kigali)
  • Sao Tome and Principe (capital - Sao Tome)
  • Swaziland (capital - Mbabane)
  • Seychelles (capital - Victoria)
  • Senegal (capital - Dakar)
  • Somalia (capital - Mogadishu)
  • Sudan (capital - Khartoum)
  • Sierra Leone (capital - Freetown)
  • Tanzania (capital - Dodoma)
  • Togo (capital - Lome)
  • Tunisia (capital - Tunisia)
  • Uganda (capital - Kampala)
  • Central African Republic (capital - Bangui)
  • Chad (capital - N'Djamena)
  • Equatorial Guinea (capital - Malabo)
  • Eritrea (capital - Asmara)
  • Ethiopia (capital - Addis Ababa)
  • Republic of South Africa (capital - Pretoria)

What have we learned?

Africa is the hottest continent on Earth. There are 54 independent states on the territory of the mainland, which belong to one of five regions: North Africa, East Africa, West Africa, Central Africa, South Africa. African countries and their capitals are unique. Each country has its own characteristics and characteristics.

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An area equal to thirty-two thousand square kilometers constituted the Papal States. And it was just over a hundred and fifty years ago, in the middle of the nineteenth century. But the year 1870 was marked by an event that changed everything: Rome becomes the main city of Italy. And the papal region becomes part of the Vatican as a state only appears when the Pope and the Italian government managed to agree, namely, in 1929. It was then that independence was recognized, and the smallest country acquired its own control.

On any today you can meet the followers of the Roman Catholic Church, the center of which is the Vatican. The smallest country in the world is ruled by the Holy See, whose sovereign is the Pope. He is elected for life by the College of Cardinals, which consists of two hundred and five representatives, but only 115 of them have the right to vote in the conclave. and the pope holds the legislative power in his hands, and this smallest country is governed by a governor, who, however, is also appointed head of the Roman Catholic Church.

Today, the Vatican occupies an area equal to 0.44 square kilometers and borders on all sides with only one state - Italy. Mostly citizens of the Holy See live on the territory of the city-state, and the total population is slightly more than eight hundred people. But, despite this, economically the smallest country feels pretty well. Catholics all over the world send donations here, and this is the main source of state income. A fairly large "piece" of the income falls on the share of tourists. Most visitors do not spare money to buy gifts and souvenirs for relatives, friends, colleagues and just acquaintances.

But the heart of the Catholic world is, first of all, priceless treasures, which people from all over the world come to see. There is no person who has not heard of the Vatican Library. Manuscripts relating to the period of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, books, of which there are more than one and a half million, manuscripts, coins and medals, geographic Maps and engravings are the library's golden fund. The Sistine Chapel is known not only as a place of secret meetings of the Pope, there are murals made by the hand of the great Michelangelo. St. Peter's Basilica is the largest and most significant building of the Vatican, which for five hundred years has been inextricably linked with the names of such great masters as Raphael and Michelangelo, Bramante and Giacomo della Porta.

The smallest country in Europe and the world has its own railway line, which is only seven hundred meters long, but it is part of the Italian railway. Also surprising is the presence of a helipad, which is connected to two airports in Rome. The Vatican, of course, also has its own post office, police and railway station, its own Ministry of Foreign Affairs and an army of one hundred people. Newspapers are published here, stamps are printed, coins are minted. The presence of its own telephone network and broadcasting station, and most importantly, such attributes of state power as the flag and coat of arms, indicates that the smallest country is completely independent, that it does not depend on Italy, although its entire territory is located inside the Italian capital. Most countries have diplomatic relations.

The Vatican is located in great location, not far from the Tiber flowing through the whole of Rome. The picturesque hill Mons Vaticanus got its name from an ancient oracle. And the appearance of magnificent gardens in this place is also associated with the name of Caligula.