The most important attractions of each country. The most interesting sights of Russia

Tourists annually: 9–10 million

The Great Wall of China sounds simple yet powerful. The 8851.9 km long structure stretches across China, and its most impressive section, Badaling, is located 75 km from Beijing. Most of the wall has survived to this day, although it was built during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), and the beginning of the construction of individual sections dates back to 770 BC. Such a large-scale construction was possible thanks to the labor of millions of slaves and prisoners of war, on whose backs granite blocks, stones and bricks were delivered to the tops of the highest cliffs.

2. Colosseum, Rome

Tourists annually: 6.9 million

After construction was completed in 80 AD, the arena of the Colosseum accommodated 50 thousand spectators who were going to watch various theatrical performances (mythological dramas), reenactments of land and sea battles, as well as executions and gladiator fights. In 2010, underground floors were opened for tourists, where gladiators were waiting for their exit to a deadly duel. From the upper floors of the Colosseum, a picturesque panorama of the Eternal City opens up.

3. Roman Forum, Rome

Tourists annually: 5.1 million

The Roman Forum remained the civic center of the city for 1200 years, from the fifth century BC. On this square were commercial buildings and the main government institutions of Rome. The ruins of temples, columns and ancient frescoes take us back two thousand years and remind us of the former greatness of the city.

4. Terracotta Army, Xi'an, China

Tourists annually: 3.6–4.5 million

The Terracotta Army was discovered in 1974. This sculptural composition consists of more than 8 thousand statues of warriors made of clay in full size: generals, infantry, cavalry, archers, chariots, more than 400 horses. Each with unique facial features, hair, clothing elements, which makes the sculptures even more convincing. The statues are buried together with Emperor Qin Shi Huang, becoming part of the majestic acropolis. It is assumed that some of the warriors have not yet been excavated, since the excavations were stopped until a way was invented to protect the paints with which the statues were painted from fading in the open air.

5. Pyramids at Giza, Egypt

Tourists annually: 4 million

Created 4.5 thousand years ago, the pyramids are still considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World and a symbol of Egypt. We still do not know exactly how the ancient Egyptians were able to build them, which adds to the intrigue and even more attraction for tourists. Three huge sarcophagi for the pharaohs are located 25 kilometers from the center of Cairo - a city with 11 million inhabitants.

6. Pompeii, Italy

Tourists annually: 2.5 million

Visiting Pompeii, walking along its ancient stone streets, you can imagine how people lived in the Roman Empire in the 1st century AD. Coastal city in 79 AD was completely covered with ash and pumice during a sudden eruption of Mount Vesuvius. People, animals, houses were imprinted under a layer of ash, creating a kind of frozen cast of the life of the ancient city.

7. Acropolis, Athens

Tourists annually: 2 million

The Acropolis is located on one of the hills of Athens and is crowned on top with the Parthenon - a temple to the goddess Athena, a kind of symbol of classical Greece and the origins of democracy. Built in the 5th century BC, the Parthenon has lost most of its decoration, and the marble sculptures that adorned it, "mysteriously" appeared in European museums (unsuccessful negotiations are still underway to return them to Greece).

8. Ephesus, Turkey

Tourists annually: 2 million

Literally 30 years ago, Ephesus was almost completely abandoned Roman ruins in a sparsely populated region of Turkey. But now, thanks to this attraction, the local economy has begun to develop dramatically. The ancient library and other buildings were restored, recreating the atmosphere big city since the beginning of our era, and in the amphitheater, with a capacity of 25 thousand seats, theatrical performances based on ancient dramas are held.

9. Teotihuacan, Mexico

Tourists annually: 1.9 million

Pyramid-shaped terraces, dedicated to the Sun and the Moon, towered over the ancient square of the sacred city, built in the period from the first to the seventh century AD. With a base of more than 200 meters and a height of 64.5 meters, the Pyramid of the Sun is considered the third largest pyramid in the world. At the same time, the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent (Quetzalcoatl) has a brighter decorative finish: with unique sculptures and bas-reliefs.

10. Hieropolis, Turkey

Tourists annually: 1.6 million

The dazzling white terraces of Pamukkale's hot spring pools have attracted people's attention to these places for more than two thousand years. Therefore, it is not surprising that the ancient Greco-Roman city, Hieropolis, was built here. Displaced from travertine in 190 BC, it is " resort town"has the ruins of temples, an amphitheater well preserved to this day and a Sacred Pool where you can swim among the ancient Roman columns.

11. Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico

Tourists annually: 1.4 million

The stepped terraces of the pyramid of Kukulkan, called by the Spaniards El Castillo or the Castle, rise above the ancient city, surrounded by tropical jungle. The Maya began building the city in the seventh century AD, and then, three centuries later, it was captured by the Toltec tribes. A huge balustrade with a feathered head of a snake - the deity Kukulkan, borders the stairs leading to the top of the pyramid.

12. Ellora, India

Tourists annually: 1.2 million

34 temples, monasteries in honor of the Buddha and Hindu gods, and numerous caves were carved into the basalt rock between 600 and 1000 AD. Buildings made of solid stone and the passages between them are decorated with thousands of different intricate bas-reliefs and sculptures.

13. Hadrian's Wall, England

Tourists annually: 1.2 million

When the Roman army failed to defeat the "barbarians" in northern Britain, Emperor Hadrian in 122 AD. ordered the construction of a stone wall a little south of the modern border between England and Scotland, which has survived to this day. Today, Hadrian's Wall has become a source of pride among the "barbarian" Scots, praising their invincible spirit. Along the defensive fortification, 117 km long, there is a popular walking route Path National Trail.

14. Roman Baths, Bath, England

Tourists annually: 1.1 million

The Celts were the first to declare these springs sacred and dedicated them to their goddess Sulis. Then, in 43 AD, the Romans came and renamed Sulis to their goddess Minerva and built a resort town with the Latin name Aquae Sulis, with baths and a temple to Sulis-Minerve. Later, the city was renamed Bath (from the English. Bath - bath), and in the 18th century, public buildings were built in the neoclassical style.

15. Longmen, China

Tourists annually: 1.1 million

A complex of Buddhist cave temples from the 5th to 9th centuries, with many statues of Buddha and Bodhisattva carved into 1,350 caves and 750 niches, is located along the limestone bank of the Yihe River. Some of the statues, of which there are more than 110 thousand, are over 7 meters high. One of the caves even displays numerous medical recipes.

16. Stonehenge, England

Tourists annually: 1.1 million

Meaning mysterious megaliths, put in a circle more than 6 thousand years ago, people interpret as they wish. Perhaps they had some astronomical significance or were part of druidic rituals. It is now a place of pilgrimage for neo-pagans, feminists (linking Stonehenge to matriarchy times), alien fans and science fiction. Especially many people visit this attraction, located 100 kilometers from London, on the day of the summer solstice.

17. Tulum, Yucatan, Mexico

Tourists annually: 1.1 million

This famous Mayan city, surrounded on the north, west and south by a wall, and in the east facing the banks caribbean, reached its power in the 1200s AD. The temples, walls, frescoes and carvings of the city of Tulum (the original name is Zama, meaning “sunrise”) have withstood the salty sea wind, hurricanes for centuries and have lost most of the features inherent in other Mayan ruins. However, Tulum is popular with tourists due to its affordable and convenient location.

18. Machu Picchu, Peru

Tourists annually: 1 million

To get to Machu Picchu, you can take train tickets or go on foot, as the ancient Incas did, along a path leading to a 2450-meter mountain range overlooking the Urubamba River. Many people dream of visiting Machu Picchu, because this city looks older than it actually is; its construction began relatively recently - around 1400 AD. So many people come here that it is being considered to limit the number of visitors to 2,500 people a day, or 912,500 a year.

19. Canyon de Chey, Arizona

Tourists annually: 828.1 thousand

Native Americans have lived around Red Rock Canyon for more than 5,000 years, and 800 years ago they built their homes on the bottom of the rocks. The protected area of ​​Canyon de Chey is located within the reservation of the Navajo Indian people, so you can visit the monument only with a guide from this tribe. The exception is the White House Ruins tourist track. The name of the canyon comes from its Native American name Tséyi', which means "canyon"; they pronounced the word "say-ee," but it was heard as "de-she."

20. Angkor Wat, Angkor Archaeological Park, Cambodia

Tourists annually: 804.7 thousand

The original temple of Angkor Wat, built between the 9th and 15th century AD. during the formation of the Khmer Empire, was dedicated to various Hindu gods. Despite the fact that Angkor Wat eventually became a place of pilgrimage for Buddhists, the architecture of the temple still reflects the significant Indian heritage of those times.

21. Masada, Masada National Park, Israel

Tourists annually: 786 thousand

At the end of the first century BC. King of Judea Herod I the Great built a luxurious three-level palace on top of a mountain plateau stretching over the desert at an altitude of 400 meters. Roman mosaics, wall paintings, reservoirs for collecting water, baths and military barracks, due to the dry climate and the sufficient remoteness of the fortress, are quite well preserved. The story is known that this fortress remained the last stronghold for the survivors after the Great Jewish Revolt, which took place in 66 AD, and only five years later the Roman legionaries managed to capture the defenders.

22. Mogao Grottoes (Cave of a Thousand Buddhas), Dunhuang, China

Tourists annually: 750 thousand

At the crossroads of the Great Silk Road, Buddhist monks carved 492 caves and more than 2,000 sculptures decorated with clay and paint from stone. For thousands of years (from 6 to 16 centuries ago), monks created frescoes on 45 thousand m² of the walls of these caves, striking both in their scale and beauty. The frescoes reflect pictures of Buddhism, local history and daily life of the inhabitants of the region.

23. Knossos, Crete, Greece

Tourists annually: 705.3 thousand

There is an opinion that the ruins of this Minoan city, built during the Bronze Age, are the lost Atlantis, information about which has come down to us from the descriptions of Plato. It is assumed that Knossos was destroyed by a volcanic eruption on the island of Santorini, which occurred around 1500 BC. The only thing that has survived to this day and managed to be restored: the so-called Palace of Minos, where frescoes with images of dolphins, fish, griffins and people of that era have been preserved.

24. Petra, Jordan

Tourists annually: 629.8 thousand

Ancient city was created by the Arab people of the Nabataeans. Temples and monuments skillfully carved from stone, the majestic Temple-mausoleum of El-Khazneh and more than 500 tombs were created along the narrow gorge. A thousand years ago, this once prosperous city was located at the crossroads of trade routes that brought frankincense, spices and silk; thanks to this, the cultural influence of other ancient civilizations is noticeable here: the Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Egyptians and Phoenicians.

25. Montezuma Castle, Arizona

Tourists annually: 573.7 thousand

The name of this place can be misleading: after all, this building is not a castle at all and has nothing to do with the Aztecs and their ruler. The building, consisting of 20 cave rooms in a sheer cliff at a height of 20 meters, was created by the Pueblo Indians (Anasazi culture) 800 years ago. Small T-shaped entrance openings kept heat in the dwelling and protected from the wind. This is one of the best preserved ancient rock settlements of the American Indians.

26. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado

Tourists annually: 572.3 thousand

The rock dwellings of the Anasazi Indians (ancestors of modern pueblos) were built of sandstone cemented with mud mortar between the 6th and 12th centuries AD, becoming one of the largest and best preserved ancient settlements North America. On the walls plastered in red, brown and white, there were images of people, animals, handprints and various geometric patterns. Perhaps the colors had some generic meaning.

27. Mira (St. Nicholas Church), Antalya, Turkey

Tourists annually: 544.8 thousand

Lycian tombs with square pillars, looking like houses, were carved into limestone rocks in the 4th century BC. They rise above a well-preserved Roman amphitheater with a double vaulted corridor. However, this ancient city is now better known for its restored 9th-11th century church named after the local saint who did good to people, St. Nicholas (now better known as Santa Claus).

28. Pergamon (Bergama), Izmir, Turkey

Tourists annually: 536 thousand

Izmir is now the closest major city to Pergamon, an ancient Hellenic cultural center with an acropolis rising 250 meters above the valley, marble temples to Athena and Trojan, a Greek amphitheater and a library with 200,000 manuscripts found in it. In the 2nd century AD. in this valley, Galen, one of the most famous doctors of antiquity, opened the largest medical center, based at the temple of Asklepion.

29. Troy, Canakkale, Turkey

Tourists annually: 515.9 thousand

Troy was immortalized in Homer's Iliad, which tells of a misfortune that happened to the city around 1183 BC. Until the 19th century, the location of Troy was unknown. Now tourists come here to see the 10-meter Trojan horse with windows and preserved sections of the city walls, reminiscent of the heroic fate of Troy.

30. Delphi, Greece

Tourists annually: 500 thousand

The site of the construction of majestic temples, created among the mountains in the Neolithic period 6 thousand years ago, was considered by the ancient Greeks as the center or “navel” of the whole world. A temple to Apollo, Athena and other gods was erected here, as well as stone terraces and rest houses for parishioners. The famous Oracle reached its greatest influence between the 6th and 4th centuries BC.

31. Gaochang, Xinjiang, China

Tourists annually: 500 thousand

An oasis city located on the Silk Road between the Fire Mountains and the Takla Makan Desert, from the 1st century BC. until the 14th century was the Western Chinese cultural, economic and political center. Work on the reconstruction of buildings in Gaochang, created in the image of the city of Xi'an, once the largest city in the world, is still ongoing.

32. Ajanta, India

Tourists annually: 416 thousand

Using only hammers and chisels, it took Buddhist monks from 15 to 21 centuries to create 30 caves - each with separate interiors and holes that overlooked the gorge and the river. The monasteries are decorated with paintings and stone statues of Buddha and bodhisattvas. Samples of magnificent works of art reveal the way of life of Indians in those distant times.

33. Coba, Quintana Roo, Mexico

Tourists annually: 400.6 thousand

This 2,000-year-old Mayan city with the tallest pyramid in the Yucatán Peninsula was the center for 46 sacbes or "white roads" that connected different parts of the mesostate, built of rubble, pebbles and limestone. Koba is surrounded by five dips filled with water (cenotes) and impenetrable tropical jungle.

34. Perge (Perga), Antalya, Turkey

Tourists annually: 399.8 thousand

The ruins of Perge now surround the fields and countryside near Antalya, but two thousand years ago there was a flourishing Roman city here. Alexander the Great passed through these places with his army, then the Romans came and built baths, fountains, a 60-meter agora ( market Square in ancient policies), an amphitheater for 12 thousand spectators and a boulevard with a colonnade. This place is also known for its unusual stone gate towers, built with a combination of Greek and Roman styles, and for the fact that the Apostle Paul preached here.

35. Herculaneum, Italy

Tourists annually: 320.5 thousand

This town, covered in ash after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, is even better preserved than nearby Pompeii. Here opens a dramatic picture of the last minutes of the life of the ancient Roman city, with its public baths, warehouses and living quarters, luxurious villas, hidden for many years under a 20-meter layer of volcanic rock.

In this section you will find the main sights of Russia with photos and descriptions, addresses, phone numbers, location on the map. You can see the work schedule, go to the official website, find out how it is more convenient to get to public transport and private car.

Russia is famous for its natural monuments and cultural heritage. Cities with a long history sometimes enchant with their architecture, churches and temples, and learn a lot about the development of regions, their participation in the common fate of the country, as well as about the life of several generations local residents You can visit local history museums, the largest of which have very rich collections of antiquities.

Tourist routes are not limited to Moscow, St. Petersburg and the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia. Excursion rest in Krasnodar Territory, in the Urals, Altai, the Caucasus and other regions is interesting all year round. Besides, in the summer Black Sea coast is not only beaches, but also interesting classical and modern architecture, natural attractions and, of course, Sochi Olympic Park.

If you are planning a trip to Russia in winter, you can stop at one of the major regional centers and include in the program walking along the central streets with visits to museums, exploring the nature of the surroundings - for example, national parks and nature reserves, which can be reached by car or by bus. Famous ski resorts are located near Sochi, in Altai and the Caucasus, in the suburbs of Yekaterinburg.

Where to go in Russia

Russia: useful information

Sights of Russian cities

Speaking of Russia, foreigners imagine the endless expanses of forests and blue Lakes, as well as the most recognizable symbols of the capital - Red Square with the Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral.

Of course, walking and bus routes around Moscow are not limited to the main attractions: tourists can see more than a dozen cathedrals, get acquainted with the expositions of the Tretyakov Gallery and several museums. With children, they usually visit the Moscow Zoo and one of the city's huge water parks.

For European architectural beauties they go to St. Petersburg: it will take at least a week to have time to see the most famous palace and park ensembles and writers' houses in ancient buildings. Petersburg museums keep huge collections of royal treasures, antiques, culturally significant finds and objects belonging to different eras. An obligatory point of the program is a visit to Peterhof, the most elegant palace and park ensemble in the vicinity of St. Petersburg.

The most famous cultural and historical route is not limited to one city: the sights of the Golden Ring of Russia include entire cities with a long history, where beautiful temples, ancient fortresses-kremlin and other examples of Russian architecture have been preserved. The classic list includes Suzdal, Rostov the Great, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Kostroma, Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Ivanovo. However, the thematic route can be safely supplemented with a visit to the cities of Gus-Khrustalny, Uglich, Myshkin, Rybinsk, Kalyazin and some others that are very interesting in terms of history (mentioned in chronicles), architecture and traditional folk crafts.

Architectural sights and rich cultural heritage- one of the main reasons to go to Kazan. The destination is very popular all year round: in winter, walks along the walls of the Kazan Kremlin are no less interesting than in summer. Guests of the city are impressed by the Kul-Sharif Mosque, Syuyumbike Tower, cathedrals, Palace Square, city parks and museums.

Dense and varied excursion route can be made while relaxing in Yekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, Rostov-on-Don and others major cities and regional centers of different regions of the Russian Federation.

Natural attractions of Russia

One of the most popular travel destinations in our vast country is Lake Baikal in Eastern Siberia. And certainly - to Olkhon Island, Peschanaya Bay, Listvyanka, Baikalsk and other beautiful natural places.

The nature of Kamchatka deserves a separate trip-expedition. It is not for nothing that the famous Valley of Geysers was included in the list of the Seven Wonders of Russia, and the Commander Islands are famous for their bizarre landscapes and unique fauna: rare species of birds live here, and during the migration period you can see whales.

Another amazing miracle of nature is the Weathering Pillars (Manpupuner) in the Komi Republic. Many legends of the Mansi people are associated with this place on the territory of the Pechoro-Ilychsky Reserve. However, only trained tourists can get to it.

For the sake of magnificent views of the mountains, hiking and horseback riding against the backdrop of inspiring landscapes, you should go to the Altai or the Caucasus (Elbrus region), where highest peak Russia - Elbrus. Video overview of the sights of Russia

Photo: by Peter BABILOTTE

Even the most avid traveler will always be able to find unexplored places, countries and cultures, because our planet is so diverse. Rice terraces, waterfalls and clear ponds - we have collected for you 30 sights that everyone should see at least once!

Pamukkale, Turkey

A natural site in the Turkish province of Denizli is 17 geothermal springs that look extraordinary! The dazzling white terraces are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. And besides, they are open for swimming.

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Rice terraces, China

The most famous rice terraces in China, Longji Rice Terraces, are called "Dragon Ridge" due to their unusual shape. They are located near the Guilin district and rise above the sea by 300-1100 meters. This place gets its most spectacular view in the spring, when the blue sky and the sun are reflected in the water.

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Temples of Bagan, Myanmar

The ancient city of Bagan in the state of Myanmar today is an archaeological area with pagodas, temples and monasteries. The most famous and beautiful of them are the Buddhist temple of Damyanji and Ananda. Seeing this once old City you will remember it forever.

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Monasteries of Meteora, Greece

The largest complex of monasteries in Greece impresses primarily with its location: it is located on the tops of cliffs reaching a height of 600 meters. The monasteries are a unique attraction, because they were built in 950-970, when there were no roads, no equipment, and all materials were lifted onto the rocks by hand.


Uyuni Salt Flat, Bolivia

A dry lake in the south of the Altiplano desert plain is the largest salt marsh in the world. The mirror surface of Uyuni reflects the clouds, which creates an incredible sight!

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Hitachi National Park, Japan

In the park of the Japanese city of Hitachinaka, you can admire the beauty of nature at any time of the year, because there are plants that bloom every season.

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Ad Deir and Al Khazneh, Jordan

Temples in the city of Petra in Jordan are unique sights. Back in the 1st century AD. they were completely carved out of the rocks.

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Machu Picchu, Peru

"City among the clouds" is considered one of the most mysterious sights in the world, located on top of a mountain range at an altitude of 2450 meters above sea level. It is believed that the city was created as a sacred mountain shelter by the Inca ruler Pachacutec. 1200 people lived in it, and all of them mysteriously disappeared from the city in the middle of the 16th century.

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Cave in Algarve, Portugal

Situated on a beach in the Portuguese region of Algarve, this cave creates an amazing view with its perforated vault. Especially when the rays of the sun pass through them.

Photo: by IURII BURIAK 10

Lencois Maranhensis National Park in Brazil

national park in the Brazilian state of Maranhao is known for its sand dunes. It takes on a particularly charming look during the rainy season, when lagoons form between the dunes.

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Moraine Lake, Canada

Glacial Lake is located in Banff National Park at an altitude of 1885 meters. It is completely filled only from the middle to the end of June, being fed by a glacier. At this time, the rocky bottom of the lake creates an amazing reflection on the surface.

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Son Doong Cave, Vietnam

The Vietnamese province of Quang Binh is home to the most big cave in the world - Shondong. It is assumed that its total volume is 38.5 million square meters. There is a river flowing in the cave, and there are also grass and trees.

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Tulip fields, Netherlands

Flower fields in the Netherlands occupy vast territories, which is why they look so fabulous. The largest number of tulips bloom from early April to mid-May - it is at this time that you can see an incredible riot of colors!

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Mount Roraima, South America

Table Mountain Roraima is located at the junction of Brazil, Venezuela and Guyana. Its main feature is that a large cloud constantly hovers over the mountain.

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Cave of Crystals, Mexico

At a depth of 300 meters under the city of Naica in Mexico is a cave of crystals. The largest crystal found here reached a height of 11 meters and had a width of 4 meters. You can stay inside the cave for no longer than 20 minutes, since the temperature in it can rise to 60 degrees.

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Colored rocks of Zhangye Danxia, ​​China

AT Chinese province Gansu is located Zhangye Danxia National Geopark, the main attraction of which is colored rocks. Formed by deposits of sandstone and other minerals, they reach a height of several hundred meters.

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Sea of ​​stars, Maldives

Thanks to the bioluminescence of millions of living organisms, beaches on Maldivian island Vaadu seems to be covered with stars. The sight is simply incredible!

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Antelope Canyon, USA

Located in northern Arizona, this canyon gets its name from its incredible antelope-like coloration. A special magic to this place is added by sunlight breaking through the rocks.

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Fingal's Cave, UK

The rock-cut cave is located on the Scottish island of Staffa. Its walls are vertical basalt columns up to 20 meters high. For boats, the entrance to the cave is too narrow, so you can get into it only on foot along the edge above the water.

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Bamboo forest, Japan

Amazing beauty The Sagano Bamboo Forest is a natural landmark located near Kyoto. It is a picturesque alley of tall trees that look very impressive.

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Spotted Lake, Canada

The Spotted Lake body of water near the town of Osoyoos is also called Kliuk. Its water is saturated with various minerals and has the highest concentration of magnesium sulfate in the world. Due to this, in the summer, during evaporation, spots of various shapes and colors form on the surface of the lake.

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Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina

One of the most famous tourist sites in Argentina is the Perito Moreno Glacier, located in national park Los Glaciares. It has an area of ​​250 square kilometers.

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Iguazu Falls, South America

The complex of 270 waterfalls is located on the border of Brazil and Argentina and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. They are the most visited attraction South America with up to 2 million visitors annually.

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Giants Road, Northern Ireland

An amazing attraction was formed as a result of an ancient volcanic eruption near Bushmills in Northern Ireland.

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Flathead Lake, USA

The largest lake in the United States is located west of the Mississippi River and is known for its incredibly clear water. Despite the fact that at first glance it seems shallow, in some places the depth of Flathead Lake reaches 113 meters.

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Pongour Falls, Vietnam

The waterfall in the vicinity of the city of Dalat reaches a height of 40 meters and has a width of 100 meters. It is considered one of the main attractions of Vietnam - and no wonder, because its beauty is amazing!

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Great Barrier Reef, Australia

The world's largest coral reef stretches for 2.5 thousand kilometers along the northeast coast of Australia. It is the largest in the world natural object formed from living organisms. Moreover, it can be seen from space.


Guijiang River, China

The river in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is one of the most scenic in China. Clear water and the surrounding nature create a simply amazing atmosphere!

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Monolith Devils Tower, USA

natural monument The Devil's Tower is located in Wyoming and is a monolith of volcanic origin 386 meters high. It is believed that its age is from 195 to 225 million years.

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Troll tongue, Norway

A stone ledge on the Skjeggedal rock, near the Norwegian city of Odda, has a similar name due to its unusual shape: it looks like a big tongue. But in fact, this is a fallen piece of rock, horizontally frozen on its edge.


The 7 wonders of the world are grandiose, unique and inimitable monuments of sculpture and architecture that have ever been created by man. Is it a human? Looking at them, it is hard to imagine that these are the creations of the hands of people who lived thousands of years ago in a world where high technology had not yet been invented.

Sights of antiquity - 7 wonders of the world

1. Pyramid of Cheops

There is a building in Giza that strikes not with its antiquity: it is more than 3000 years old, but with its height. Until 1311, it was the tallest building on the planet. Its height is 138.75 meters. According to scientists, if we take into account all the factors in the development of technologies of those times, it took more than 20 years to build the pyramid.

If this is a creation of human hands, which scientists are still arguing about, tens of thousands of people were involved in the work on this ancient structure. The height of the pyramid can be compared with the height of a 50-story building. The weight of one stone block from which this miracle was built is 15 tons. It is built on a hill, which again raises a lot of questions. How was it possible to lift 15-ton blocks to a hill?

2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon

These gardens were built for the beautiful Amethys, the wife of King Nebuchadnezzar II, who brought her to Babylon. The depressing landscapes of the desert made the girl sad, because she grew up among high mountains and vast green plains. He ordered the construction of gardens for her, which looked like a pyramid of four tiers and platforms. Reeds, fertile soil were laid on the platforms, and then plants of extraordinary beauty were planted. An ingenious system built into the structure refreshed the plantings with the purest water.

3. Statue of Zeus at Olympia

A golden statue erected in honor of the god Zeus by the famous sculptor Phidias. According to scientists, the gold from which it was created is worth 8 million dollars. This miraculous statue is located in Athens.

4. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

This huge temple was built in Turkey, in honor of the goddess Artemis. The beauty of this building and its grandiose scale are amazing. It is hard to imagine that this man-made structure was built by ordinary residents of the city of Ephesus. According to legend, Artemis brought happiness to the family and gave children to those who turned to her in prayers.

The temple is built of columns. The height of each is 18 meters. The width of the structure is 52 meters, and the length is 105.

5. Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

This architectural monument was erected by the ruler Mausolus in the 4th century BC. The beauty of the building is worthy of kings, and the grandeur and scale of the building are admired by tourists from all over the world.

6. Colossus of Rhodes

In Greece, you can admire the majestic statue of the sun god - Helios. Rising to a height of 36 meters in the harbor of the city of Rhodes, she "welcomes" the sunrise over the sea, shining in the morning rays of a new day.

7. Lighthouse of Alexandria

The world's first lighthouse, whose height is 30 meters. He became a "pioneer-guide" for the ancient ships that plied the coastal waters. A striking building and monument of art, striking in its grandeur and magnificence.

The world is full of mysteries and wonders. Russia captivates not only with the beauty of white birch trees and the noise of green oak forests. There are wonderful places in this corner of the planet that delight and beckon with their unique architecture, reflecting the richness of the Russian soul.

The most famous places in Russia

Main symbol Russia is Red Square. The main symbol of the Russian soul is St. Basil's Cathedral.

Red Square - the main attraction of Russia

Red Square is the heart of Russia, which strikes with grandeur and simplicity, like the Russian soul. Not everyone knows that Red Square got its name because of its color. In ancient Russia, the word "red" was translated as beautiful. Indeed, Red Square is worthy of admiration. Exactly this famous place in Russia, which every tourist who visits the country considers it his duty to visit.

It was built in the 15th century on top of a hill. At all times it was the main place of cultural life of the country. Since 1918, military parades and demonstrations began to be held on it. Since 1917, it has become the main necropolis of the country. Russian soldiers who died for Soviet power were buried in the Kremlin wall. The mausoleum was erected on the square to the great leader of the proletariat.

St. Basil's Cathedral

It is a symbol of Russia for many inhabitants of the planet. Compared to other temples that took centuries to build, the cathedral was built in 5 years. By decree of Ivan the Terrible, who wanted to perpetuate his victory over Kazan in history, the collection began to be built in 1555. The beauty of the building was perfection in architectural art. In Russia, there was not a single monument that could compete with this majestic cathedral. So that another structure of such beauty would never be built anywhere else, Ivan the Terrible ordered to deprive the chief architect of the cathedral of his sight. So the man who left the most beautiful building in Russia and the world paid for his talent.

Europe is another corner of the earth that delights with the beauty of its sights.

Sights of Europe

Italy. Teatro alla Scala - the most famous temple art in Europe. His appearance was already destined by fate. When preparing the site for the construction of the foundation, the builders during the excavations discovered an old fresco, which depicted the face of the famous mime of Ancient Rome - Pylades. It was a good sign for the construction of one of the most beautiful buildings in Europe.

On the occasion of its opening, Salieri specially wrote an opera, which was first performed on stage in 1778. There were no lamps in the hall. It was illuminated by light that reflected off the scenery. This effect created an unforgettable impression, causing delight in the public.

To visit Asia is tantamount to jumping from a bird's eye view into the abyss of the ocean. There is something to see here. There is much to admire here.

What are the places to visit in Asia?

Mysterious India is a paradise for lovers architectural monuments. It is not only churches that catch the eye with exotic beauty. The mausoleum of the Taj Mahal is the most beautiful building in the world. This is a symbol of eternal love, built by Emperor Shah Jahan in honor of the deceased wife of Mumtaz Mahal. In 1983, UNESCO included it in the list of World Heritage architecture. Machu Picchu is one of the most interesting sights in the world

Machu Picchu is the city of the most powerful empire in the world, which consisted of only 1200 people. Erected at an altitude of 2057 meters, it became a sacred haven for the "chosen ones" who, for unknown reasons, one day mysteriously disappeared, leaving the city deserted. For 400 years it "rested" in complete desolation, until in 1911 it was found by a scientist from America, Hiram Bingham. 200 temples have survived to this day, causing controversy why such a small number of people needed such a large number of them.
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Each country is famous for its capital. Looking at the map of Moscow, it becomes clear that it occupies an incredibly large area. A significant part of the city is occupied by shops, office enterprises and entertainment centers. Wandering around the city, you can enjoy the incredible beauty of the buildings. Anyone who first appeared in the capital of Russia must definitely visit its sights. In Moscow, you can study the history of the country by looking at the ancient architecture, museums and the ancient possessions of the princes.

The city welcomes guests of any age and at any time of the year. With a child, you can visit the zoo, park and dolphinarium. BUT creative people find themselves at exhibitions and galleries. Many tourists come to Moscow to visit the famous estates and parks.

In the summer, you should definitely book a boat trip along the Moscow River. From it there is an opportunity to better see many of the sights of Moscow.

Moscow attractions list

Many people ask where to buy tickets for such an excursion, how much they cost, so I add a link to the site where you can find all this information -

The main attraction of Moscow - Red Square

Every tourist, being in the capital of Russia, will not be able to return home without visiting Red Square. This place is the real epicenter of the city. A lot of international events take place here.

the Red Square

On a magical night, it is here that the President's congratulations on the New Year take place. Also, many veterans, military and visitors come here every year to enjoy the solemn Victory Parade.

However, in addition to events on Red Square, there are several popular attractions. One of these masterpieces is the Spasskaya Tower. Even every schoolchild knows about the mausoleum, which is also located here.

Spasskaya Tower

Alexander Garden

One of the most beautiful places in Moscow is the Alexander Garden.

Alexander Garden

These fountains are located in the protected area of ​​the World Heritage Site - the Moscow Kremlin near Okhotny Ryad.

Fountains in Alexander Garden

Red Square is a national treasure and pride not only for Muscovites, but also for residents of all of Russia.

Like any attraction in Moscow, Red Square has its own history. From the date of creation - from the end of the 15th century, it was famous as the most main square in Russia.

Red Square is located near the northeastern wall of the Kremlin. And in the South is one of the most beautiful temples, named after St. Basil the Blessed. Once it had a different name - Pokrovsky Cathedral. He will not leave anyone indifferent.

There are many significant places around Red Square. For example, in the northern part you can see historical Museum and the Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. There is also a monument to Minin and Pozharsky. Each place carries its own history, which is passed down from one generation to another. You can read about here.

Moscow Kremlin. View from Sofiyskaya embankment

It is Red Square that is visited daily by the largest number of tourists. After all, visiting the sights of Moscow, you can learn about the history of all of Russia.

Of course, the center of Red Square is the Kremlin. It's hard not to notice him. The first walls were laid in the 12th century. Historians claim that they were originally made of wood. Near it is the bell tower of Ivan the Great. Almost everyone has heard about the Tsar Bell and the Tsar Cannon. These famous objects can also be seen here.

Red Square is real Holy place. Indeed, at a short distance from each other are the Assumption, Arkhangelsk and Annunciation Cathedrals, as well as the Church of the Deposition of the Robe.

Armory, Borovitskaya and Vodovzvodnaya towers of the Kremlin

Perhaps this is the only place in the country that can unite people of all generations, classes and nations. Residents of Russia treat these places with particular pride. BUT foreign tourist will definitely express his admiration.

Manezhnaya Square is located near the Kremlin and Alexander Garden.

Tretyakov Gallery

Every resident of Russia, no matter what city he lives in, has heard about the Tretyakov Gallery at least once in his life. It can be called one of the most visited places in Moscow. It is visited daily by a huge number of tourists.

Its history began in 1889. The great artist P.M. Tretyakov collected his most picturesque paintings in one place. At first it was a small exhibition, which the whole city gathered to see. Some paintings are now very popular.

To date, the gallery has about 150 paintings. You can also see sculpture and graphics here. Finding the Tretyakov Gallery is not difficult, it is located in Lavrushinsky Lane.

Address of the Tretyakov Gallery: Moscow, Lavrushinsky lane, 10
Directions: Metro "Tretyakovskaya" or "Polyanka"
Working mode:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday - from 10.00 to 18.00
(ticket office and entrance to the exposition until 17.00)
Thursday, Friday - from 10.00 to 21.00
(ticket office and entrance to the exposition until 20.00)
day off - Monday

How to get to the Tretyakov Gallery by metro:

Metro Tretyakovskaya, there is only one way out. Climb up the escalator. Cross Bolshaya Ordynka Street - you will run into the building of a fast food restaurant. Turn left. Then to the right - you will find yourself in the Horde dead end. Walk along it to the end, to the intersection with Lavrushensky lane. There you will see the Tretyakov Gallery.

VDNH - Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy

Pavilion No. 1 Central

Oceanarium at VDNKh in Moscow - the largest in Europe
Moskvarium - center of oceanography and marine biology

Ostankino Tower

Moscow City International Business Center

There are many places for art lovers in Moscow. In the southern part of the city is the estate of Tsaritsyno. This is an incredibly beautiful place.

Here you can walk along picturesque park, enjoy the paintings, architecture and nature reserve. Having visited this place at least once, it is impossible to forget its beauty.

Perhaps this is one of the biggest attractions in Moscow. Its area is about 550 hectares and it is under protection.

A significant asset is Grand Palace. In it you can learn about the life of the great Empress Catherine II. Various musical events are held on the territory. There is also a beautiful Musical Fountain.

Tsaritsyno estate address: st. Dolskaya d. 1., metro station "Tsaritsyno"

How to get to the museum-estate Tsaritsyno by metro:

From the Tsaritsyno metro station (the first car from the center), go right 10 meters and turn left into the tunnel. Walk 20 meters through the tunnel and turn left up the stairs to the street. Go through the tunnel under the railway tracks (about 100 meters) and cross the pedestrian crossing. Behind him is the main entrance to the territory of the Tsaritsyno estate.

Another attraction of Moscow is the Novodevichy Convent

In the bend of the Moscow River is the Maiden's Field. On it is located Novodevichy Convent. Once there was a selection of girls for the Golden Horde.

Previously, this attraction was called the Starodevichy Monastery. Like all sights of Moscow, the monastery is a frequently visited place among tourists.

There is a river near it, so you can enjoy a stunning view. Many people come here to relax and unwind. After all, it is recognized as the most peaceful point in the city.

Address: Moscow, Novodevichy pr., 1, Sportivnaya metro station

Opening hours - from 10:00 to 17:30 daily, except Tuesday, day off. The first Monday of every month is a sanitary day.

How to get to the Novodevichy Convent by metro:

Exit from the Sportivnaya metro station in the opposite direction from the exit to Luzhniki. That is, the exit to Usacheva Street, the 10th anniversary of October. From the metro, if you stand with your back to it, go to the right along the street of the 10th anniversary of October for 5-10 minutes.

Temple of the Life-Giving Trinity

Belfry of the Donskoy Monastery
Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich

Small Cathedral of Our Lady of the Don

Moscow sights - parks and reservoirs

The capital of Russia is famous not only for its special architecture, but also for its stunning landscapes. Many tourists fill their albums with picturesque photographs. There are many green areas, various reservoirs and parks in the capital.

On the benches you can meet older people who decided to take a break from the city noise. Such quiet places there is only a friendly atmosphere. Here you can forget about all the troubles, enjoy a relaxed atmosphere and merge with nature.

A little about Chistye Prudy…

The most talented people compose songs, poems and stories about Chistye Prudy. And not in vain, because this is the brightest place in the capital. Here, every corner is filled with a cozy and amazing atmosphere. It is absolutely impossible to meet a person who associates negative thoughts with Chistye Prudy.

It would seem that such a wonderful place has always been calm. But no! Once there was a slaughterhouse here, and the waste was thrown into the pond, which at that time was called Pogany. At the end of the 17th century, the property was transferred to Menshikov. It was he who cleared and transformed the area into a picturesque view and built a beautiful church.

This place attracts people for hiking, jogging and cycling. In winter, you can go ice skating here, and in summer you can go boating.

Address: Moscow, Chistoprudny Boulevard, Chistye Prudy, Turgenevskaya metro stations.

How to get to Chistye Prudy Metro:

Chistye Prudy are located next to the metro station of the same name. Coming out of the metro, you will see the monument to A.S. Griboyedov, the park is located right behind him.

The most beautiful Botanical Garden, located in Moscow, is the dignity of not only Russia, but the whole of Europe. This is the largest green area. Plants from all over the world are collected here. Each guest can see something unusual for himself.

On the territory of the garden there are many specialists who create favorable conditions for the plant. Currently, there are more than 10 thousand different plants in it. Therefore, this place deserves special attention!

Address: Moscow, Botanicheskaya st., 4, Vladykino metro station, VDNH

How to get to botanical garden Metro:

Art. m. "Vladykino" - 100 meters from the exit to the South Gate of the garden. Or Art. m. "VDNH", then by bus No. 803 or trolleybuses No. 9, 36, 73 to the stop "Hotel Ostankino".

Muzeon Park

Muzeon Park

Gorky Park

Every person, even those who do not live in a metropolis, knows about Gorky Park. All parents tend to bring their kid here in order to ride the rides.

lovers water excursions can indulge in a catamaran ride. Nearby is the Neskuchny Garden, where silence, unusual for a big city, reigns.

Concerts, holidays, discos are often held in Gorky Park, collecting great amount spectators.

Address: st. metro Park Kultury or st. metro station Oktyabrskaya, st. Krymsky Val, 9.

Opening hours: all days of the week, around the clock. Entrance to the territory is free.

How to get to Gorky Park by metro:

The park is located near the Park Kultury metro station: after leaving the metro, cross the Moscow River along Crimean bridge, to the park on foot - 5 minutes.

Pedestrian street Arbat

The capital of Russia is able to break the heart of any visitor at first sight. Impossible to list everything Beautiful places and sights of Moscow. One of them is Arbat street. This is perhaps the most famous place in Moscow for walking tours, where street performers show their talent, and artists are ready to paint a portrait of anyone who wants to.

Pedestrian street Arbat

Arbat Street has quite ancient roots. Historians claim that the Arbat was first mentioned in 1493. Previously, there were various shops here. Many talented poets held their performances here.

On the Arbat, everyone will find something for themselves. Someone will make an unusual purchase, enjoy live music or take a unique picture.

Address : Moscow, st. Arbat, st. metro Arbatskaya, Smolenskaya

How to get to Arbat by metro:

Walking distance of 5-10 minutes from the Arbatskaya metro station of the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya branch. Watch the video.

Poklonnaya Gora

This landmark of Moscow has a historical character. At Poklonnaya Gora, people honor the memory of those who died during the war. It covers an area of ​​more than 100 hectares. In 2010, the Eternal Flame was installed near Poklonnaya Hill. Tourists here visit the Church of St. George the Victorious, the Monument of Memory, the Memorial Mosque and other historical sites.

Address: Moscow, Poklonnaya Gora, st. Brothers Fonchenko, 11

How to get to Poklonnaya Gora by metro:

For lovers of romantic walks, there is a unique chance to see the sights of Moscow, riding on a motor ship along the Moscow River. Such excursions are in great demand during the warm season.

A trip on a boat will give everyone the most unforgettable experience. Isn't it a dream to enjoy the beauty of the city, the fresh breeze and the sound of the waves?

During the trip, you can see architectural monuments, picturesque nature and magnificent embankments. Somewhere in the distance there will be a chance to see the greatness of the Novospassky Monastery, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Smolensk metro bridge, etc.

The ship starts moving from the Kremlin towards Sofiyivskaya embankment. Some routes start from Kievsky railway station to Kolomna park. Experienced guides will acquaint travelers with the history of Moscow.

The main zoo in Russia has existed for many years. It was created in the 18th century and has been very popular ever since. To date, the zoo occupies a huge area and there are more than eight thousand animals of 1100 species.

Many tourists are constantly present here, and of course, among them there are a large number of families with children. Seeing different animals is the dream of every child. However, adults will also find a lot of interesting things here. Walking past cages with animals will bring a lot of joy, pleasure and positive emotions.

There is also a beautiful garden with a pond where you can feed the birds. A walk through the Moscow Zoo is sure to leave an unforgettable impression.

Address: Moscow, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 1 metro stations Krasnopresnenskaya (Koltsevaya line) and Barrikadnaya (Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line).

Monday is a sanitary day at the zoo.

Opening hours: 10.00 – 17.00 (Cash desks are open until 16.00)

How to get to the Moscow Zoo by metro:

After entering from the Krasnopresnenskaya metro station, you should immediately go down to the underground passage and go straight first and then to the right. When you exit, you will find yourself at the walls of the zoo, the main entrance is located a little to the right.

The city of Moscow is famous for its beauties. It has thousands of beautiful places. Guests of the country here will learn about the history of the whole country, thanks to the presence of a large number of attractions. Each street keeps its own history and secrets, and many of them are named after great people.

View of the park and skyscraper on Kudrinskaya Square in the center of Moscow barricadnaya

In the capital, newlyweds can stroll through picturesque and romantic places, enjoying their beauty, fashionistas can do great shopping, beauty connoisseurs can visit world-famous galleries.

money museum

The Museum of Money is located in Moscow in the building of the Moscow River Shipping Company, near which there is free parking. The tour can be booked and paid for on a special website of the museum.
At the entrance, a symbol of the Russian ruble is presented, decorated with different coins. The tour guide tells Interesting Facts from the history of money circulation.

On a separate showcase there are copies of English money in the form of rails with notches, indicating the terminal. For many centuries, this money was in use in England. English coins of the 19th century during the reign of Queen Victoria were also called a bunch because of the image of the head of a royal person on them.

In the 17th century, flake coins were common in Russia, which received this name because of appearance resembling fish scales. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Russian money had different nicknames depending on the denomination of the bill. For example, a bill with the image of Alexander III was called Sashenka, with a portrait of Catherine II - Katenka, and with a portrait of Peter I - Petenka.

In Russia, before the start of the revolution, paper kopecks were in use, reminiscent of candy wrappers and Kerensky rubles in honor of Kerensky. If before the revolution a double-headed eagle was depicted on banknotes, then since 1919 an image of a sickle and a hammer appeared. A special stand presents pseudo-securities of financial pyramids of the nineties of the 20th century, which are reminiscent of those difficult times when people paid a lot of money for them, but in the end remained deceived.

The museum has a separate place where, with the help of a spinning wheel, it is possible to view coins from different angles. There are also some coins with different aromas, but they are located behind the showcase and there is no opportunity to smell them. At certain stands you can see banknotes of Asian and African countries, as well as a coin-calendar, coins-compass. At the end of the tour, an olympiad is held for visitors, where some questions should be answered.

Video guide - the most beautiful places in Moscow

Moscow sights photo gallery