Aloha! Hawaiian Islands! More options - less price.

Natural beauty and warm hospitality are an integral part of these places, which are worth considering when considering a Hawaiian vacation. What makes Hawaii a great destination is that it brings together eight main islands with multicultural communities that welcome all visitors with great joy and the spirit of Aloha.

located in the heart Pacific Ocean, Hawaiian Islands will find an approach to every tourist, with their sandy beaches and breathtaking forests. These are just some of the attractions Hawaii has to offer, along with lush wildlife and pristine natural resources. Developed tourist infrastructure includes hotels, condominiums and private houses, shopping centers and shops for all tastes, well-groomed beaches, what more could a tourist ask for?

The island of Hawaii, also called the Big Island, covers the largest area with extensive tropical vegetation. Home to innumerable natural wonders, from rainforests to volcanic deserts, golden beaches and towering mountains, the towering mountain peaks of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa and Volcanoes National Park.

The Hawaiian island of Maui, which is called Valley Island, is famous for its beautiful beaches, art and culture. Maui's main attractions are the Haa Coast, Iao Valley, Makena, and Mount Haleakala.

Lanai Island, which is called Pineapple Island, is famous for its cuisine and golf courses. It is also considered ideal for honeymoons and couples.

Molokai Island, which is called the Friendly Island, represents the traditional Hawaiian way of life. With buildings no taller than a tree, Molokai keeps its natural landscape intact and remains completely natural, unspoilt and tranquil.

Oahu, which is called the Gathering Place, is the most popular among the islands with famous city Honolulu, Waikiki Beach and Pearl Harbor.

Natural beauty and unparalleled hospitality make Hawaii the perfect destination for all travelers who have never been to the newest of the 50 US states.

Ideal climate all year round, inviting beaches, amazing landscapes - this is Hawaii. Many would like to take a look at these paradise islands at least with one eye, but the prices bite. However, real travelers always have a couple of trump cards in their pockets, that is, secrets for saving the budget even in such pretentious places.

More options - less price

Read periodically the news of tourism. Sometimes they bring good news. For example, about the fact that in 2018 the American low-cost airline Southwest will start flying to the Hawaiian Islands. What does it mean? That prices will fall - firstly, because it is a low-cost airline, and secondly, because competition will increase. Statistics say that the appearance of a low-cost airline on the route immediately reduces prices by 15 percent. So it's easier. In addition, it is not necessary to watch flights exclusively to the capital of the state of Honolulu (there are no direct flights from Russia, in any case, fly through some major US airport). There is international airports Hilo and Kona big island Hawaii. Check how much air tickets cost.

Time is money

A standard trick to reduce your travel budget is to choose a low season period. For the Hawaiian Islands, these are the last two weeks of January, February, May, September and October. In this case, you should not worry about the weather - it is always good there. In addition, in February you are almost guaranteed to see humpback whales, and September is the time of the "Aloha Festival" - a celebration of local culture with songs, dances and flower parades.

Hostel or apartment

Of course, hostels in Hawaii cannot be called very cheap - $ 35-40 for a bed in a common room. However, this is the cheapest option here. But this price includes breakfast, wi-fi, sometimes even a transfer to the beach and to the airport, as well as discounts on some events ordered through the hostel. Well, if you are traveling with a group: then you can rent an entire dorm for four, for example. And even better - apartments with a kitchen.

Sit where you are

I mean, stay on the same island. Of course, it is interesting to look at everything - the Hawaiian Islands are very diverse, and each of them is interesting in its own way. But since we're saving. Based on this, it is better to stay on Oahu or the Big Island, since that is where the airports where you will fly into are located. In addition, these are the largest and most popular islands, which means that there is more choice of housing, food and entertainment, as well as opportunities not to spend all the money.

Explore Public Transport

There are various networks on the islands public transport which will help you save a lot on travel. On Oahu, for example, it's The Bus, which offers multiple routes and a day pass for as little as five dollars when one ride costs $2.50. So, after spending an evening on the relevant sites, you will understand how to save your budget from big expenses, and at the same time learn where everything is located.

Eating without difficulty

Avoid expensive restaurants tourist places(this should be done not only in Hawaii). Let's try to find out from the locals in which establishments they eat, and we'll go there. Or to the farmers' market, where we can buy the freshest products cheaply (if you live in an apartment, you can cook on your own). Also, follow the Eatthestreet project on their website or follow them on social media. Food trucks with delicious food certain schedule come to the square different cities and arrange a holiday of belly and street food for everyone.

Look for free entertainment

First of all, these are local beaches - in fact, why go to Hawaii, if not to swim and sunbathe. Don't miss the most interesting:

Punaluu Black Beach on the Big Island of Hawaii. The sand here is actually volcanic lava that has been polished for years sea ​​water, and then pleasant. Just be careful: black sand heats up faster and stronger than light sand, it can reach burns. Unfortunately, this beach is intended only for sunbathing, swimming in this place is inconvenient due to sharp stones and cold springs. But you can see how sea turtles crawl out onto the shore to bask in the sun.

The red beach of Kaihalulu on the island of Maui is a haven for nudists and extreme people. Maybe you don’t belong to them, but isn’t it curious to look at the contrast of dark red sand with the bright green of the trees and the blue of the ocean?

Another black beach is Punalu. The same color, the same turtles, you should also not swim, because the water here is quite cool.

The green beach of Papakolea - imagine, and it happens! The sand contains chrysolite crystals, which give it a green or olive color. Please note that it is strictly forbidden to take out sand, by the way, as well as from other colored beaches in Hawaii.

Mahaiula Beach, three kilometers north of Kona Airport, is covered with white sand.

Kivakapu beach is calm, peaceful, without noisy discos and bars, but with crystal clear water, for which divers adore it.

In addition, on the Waikiki beach of Oahu, for example, there is the Royal Hawaiian Center with free programs for everyone who wants to learn local dances, play the ukulele or Hawaiian massage and other interesting things.


And what, after all, hiking - too good fun. You walk, you walk, you breathe air. It’s good for the body, for yourself - it’s time to think about something or, conversely, to distract from any third-party thoughts. There are many trails in Hawaii for walking, and you only have to pay to enter the national park if the trails are located there: $ 10 per person or $ 20 per car if you are suddenly on wheels. The best places for hiking are: Kalalau Trail on Kauai, Diamond Head on Oahu, Hawaii Volcanoes national park on the Big Island and Haleakala National Park on Maui.

Look for tours with discounts or coupons

There are companies in Hawaii that offer discounts or discount coupons for various activities, tours or entrance tickets. For example, like this. Discount coupons can be found in local newspapers or This Week magazine, which should be available at the airport.

November 24, 2011, 18:30

Niihau… Forbidden Hawaiian Island… Or Silent… second name… The smallest inhabited island Hawaiian archipelago. Niihau is one of the main eight Hawaiian islands belonging to the southeast.
This wonderful island is available for visiting only to native Hawaiians (relatives of those living on this island) or personal guests of the Robinson family.
On this island, you can only move by bicycle or on foot. Its area is almost 180 km2.
On this forbidden island is located the only lake Hawaiian Islands - Halulu.
Only 250 indigenous people who speak exclusively Hawaiian among themselves (moreover, their way of life has not changed significantly over the past century)
There are no shops, no restaurants, no paved roads, no electricity, no medical care on the island, the only thing is = a harbor, a small school and bamboo huts.
Niihau is the driest island in the Hawaiian Islands. This is the only island where the Lei flower does not grow (remember, in the films, Hawaiian beauties always meet tourists wearing necklaces of these flowers?)
And, if a guest arrives on the island (strictly at the invitation of the inhabitants of the island or members of the Robinson family), then he is met with a shell Ley (made from special shells that can only be found on the beaches of this island), and since these are very rare shells, then collectors willing to pay thousands of dollars for these shell flowers.
The only job available on the island is at the Robinson family's ranch (raising cattle).
The residents themselves are actively engaged agriculture, fishing and hunting (moreover, they use only nets, spears, knives and ropes)

By the way, in principle, you can sail to the island by boat from the neighboring island of Kauai, but you won’t be able to moor, and even more so, go ashore.
You can only admire the bewitching views, you can also swim with a mask, but it is strictly forbidden to go ashore (((
Do you know how much a woman named Elizabeth Sinclair, who lives on the neighboring island of Kauai in 1863, bought this wonderful island at one time? For 10 000 dollars!!! It was for this amount that King Kamehameha IV sold him
Now, her heirs, the Robinson family, own this tiny island paradise and try to preserve the primitive Hawaiian culture on it.
And, as I read in one of the magazines, an almost slave-owning system flourishes there:
Mr. Robinson was a peculiar kind. He bought up all the land on the island in order to leave this tropical paradise for yourself and your family. In addition to animal husbandry, he was not interested in anything. He wouldn't let Niihau have a telephone, and he didn't want to hear about the radio. In addition, he did not allow weapons to be brought to Niihau. As a result, he remained there the sole owner of a hunting rifle and two pistols.
There have never been strangers on Niihau. Tourists were not allowed on the island. Only once a week a boat came from Kauai, the nearest major island Hawaiian archipelago. She delivered groceries and left mail and newspapers.
Today, three representatives of the Robinson family live on the island: the ruler and owner of all things Helen and her two sons - Bruce and Kate, obedient executors of the mother's will. In addition to them, 250 Hawaiians live here.
Of these, only two people enjoy relative freedom and independence. These are teachers from a tiny local school who teach children to read, write and count.
They cannot give great knowledge - there is no corresponding qualification. All other residents are in the position of the Robinsons ... no, not friendly helpers of Fridays, but disenfranchised servants - maybe even slaves. Someone takes care of the cattle; others take care of the fuel for the Robinson house; still others provide the family of rulers with fresh honey from wild bees all year round; the fourth collect the largest and most beautiful shells on the coast; the fifth make necklaces from them, which the owner's sons Bruce and Kate personally sell to tourists at the market in the capital of Hawaii, Honolulu; sixth, seventh...
In a word, Lady Robinson "took care" of all her subjects and found a useful - for her own family - occupation for everyone. Maybe the islanders are allowed to leave Niihau? No. This is "illegal". For every little bit important matters on the neighboring islands either the empress herself or her children leave. It only happens - but extremely rarely - that one of the subjects is sent to Honolulu on an errand. In this case, he is obliged to return and report on the execution. And God forbid, if in the capital he tells about the conditions of life and the order prevailing on Niihau: the violator of the ban will face severe punishment. Therefore, in Hawaii, Niihau is also known under a different name: "the island of the Silent."
By the way, when the governor of the Hawaiian Islands decided to visit the island, the Robinsons refused him a visa and he could not do it!!! Also, journalists repeatedly tried to penetrate the island. And, the maximum that they managed to do was to hold out there for one day, and then they were always opened and sent to Kauai ...
Yes! In addition to the Hawaiians, two Japanese lived on the island. One of them looked after the apiary of the Robinson family.
The Robinsons took care of the adoption of Christianity on the island
One day, a defective Japanese military plane landed on the island. And the inhabitants of the island took the pilot prisoner. (this was during the attack on Pearl Harbor) The pilot informed the inhabitants of the island that their land now belongs to the Japanese (((Of course, he was bluffing!
By the way, every evening we met the sunset, seeing off the sun. Moreover, one could always see people who turned their faces to the ocean and carefully watched the luminary entering the water. Usually, I got bored with this activity for the second week, and I tried to return to regular activities, to which they began to shush me and say that I should definitely try to see a green flush.
I still couldn’t understand what it is, what all the inhabitants are fascinated waiting for every evening. Only once I managed to contemplate this miracle. It lasted only a moment. As I later found out on the Internet, this phenomenon is called the "green beam". At some point, when the sun goes completely into the ocean, you can see a beam of green light, as if emerging from the waves. I will not go into details of the origin of this miracle, I will only say that this phenomenon occurs for the same reasons as the rainbow, due to the dispersion of light. At such times there should be no clouds in the sky. The flash itself occurs at lightning speed and can be seen only if you carefully observe the sun.
I did not succeed in photographing this miracle of nature, no matter how hard I tried (((
Well, how do you, dear Gossips?! Socialism, slavery or something else reigns on this paradise island?! Robins...Robinson...Robinsons are all about the same people. Various sources. Photos are not mine. My husband and I decided to definitely go to Hawaii in the summer and try to take pictures of this island, at least "outside". So, it is very possible that the end of this topic is not set ... Thank you for taking the time to read my post. Good luck to you all!!!

Hawaii can rightly be called a fabulous paradise. And on these paradise islands and a vacation can, of course, only be heavenly - both short, for a week, and full-fledged, for a month or more.

Hawaii is an island state in the United States, made up of eight different islands. The most popular among tourists are the islands of Big Island, Maui, Kauai and Oahu with the capital city of Honolulu. The well-known cliche - many kilometers of white beaches, palm trees and the triumph of love of life - is fully consistent with Hawaiian reality.

Attractions in Hawaii

On the island of Oahu, all tourists must be shown the site of the largest American defeat in World War II. This place is called Pearl Harbor, a US naval base that was attacked and almost destroyed in 1941 by the Japanese Navy and Air Force. Diamond Head crater, the symbol of Honolulu and Waikiki, is also extremely interesting for guests of the Hawaiian Islands. And in general, in Hawaii, nature always comes first!

national park volcanoes (Volkanoes Nationalpark) on Big Island is famous for the most active volcano in the world - Kilauea. After walking through the jungles of Big Island, which seem to be expertly designed and built botanical garden, you can enjoy the view beautiful waterfall Akaka Falls. Water falling from a 135 meters high volcanic rock creates a wonderful picture of a natural spectacle that is simply impossible to forget.

On the island of Maui, Halekata National Park deserves special attention. Here is the Halekata crater, as well as the Seven Sacred Pools "(Seven Sacred Pools) with lush tropical vegetation and many waterfalls. And Hookipa Bay is a real magnet for surfers and is the most famous center of this sport in Hawaii.

But all of the above does not mean at all that the rest of the Hawaiian Islands are not worthy of the attention of tourists. Although they are less covered tourism infrastructure and the number of vacationers here is incomparably smaller, these islands are in no way inferior to their more famous colleagues in the beauty and culture of this a unique corner planets.

It is always pleasant to go over the best moments of the past in memory, even though every year the memories become covered with the dust of days, so to speak, but this does not make them less real and beautiful. 🙂 If you ever get lucky as unheard of as I was once lucky, and fate will throw you to the Hawaiian Islands, then you will undoubtedly wonder: what to see in Hawaii. These magical, colorful, bright pieces of land are safely hidden by nature itself from prying eyes. And yet, sooner or later, civilization reaches even the most unthinkable jungle. Today, Hawaii is no longer such an utter wilderness as it seemed in 1778, when Briton James Cook first set foot on these lands. white man. Thanks to Mr. Cook and the inventors of aircraft - today you can get, for example, from Kyiv to Honolulu in a day and a tail. Which I did myself in August 2003. 🙂

But now is not about that! So, what to see in Hawaii - tips from my own experience, plus the opinions of my friends, residents of the island of Oahu. Let's start with the match. Everyone has probably heard about Hawaii: some from jokes about new Russians, and some from a movie about surfers, but these sources hardly claim to be a treasury of the ultimate truth. 🙂 The ridge of the Hawaiian archipelago consists of hundreds of fabulously beautiful islands. Most of them are extremely small, and the US government is doing everything possible to protect these abodes. wildlife at the hands of civilization. For this reason, most of the islands are not inhabited, and even more so officially closed from tourists. Go check it out, of course - I'm almost sure that for a lot of money you can get to any of them, but since these islands are considered closed, we will talk about the main eight islands, which are much easier to get to an ordinary person like us. (Although in reality you can only get to six of them, but more on that later).

Map of Hawaii - 8 main islands of the archipelago (on the map from left to right): Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe, Maui, Big Island (aka "Hawaii Island")

Information about the main range of the Hawaiian Islands

1. Niihau (Ni?ihau)- the smallest of the Hawaiian islands inhabited by humans - its area is 180 km 2. Known for being the only lake in Hawaii, which is a shelter for the rarest animals, such as the Hawaiian duck, stilt and Hawaiian coot. Many plants growing on the island of Niihau are endemic and are not found anywhere else in the world, for example, wonderful brigamia (the so-called "Hawaiian palm"). As of 2009, only 130 people lived on the island. Niihau Island has been privately owned by the Robinson family since 1864, thanks to the efforts of a smart woman, Elizabeth Sinclair. Therefore, Niihau can only be visited by special invitation. Basically, only relatives of residents or owners are invited to it, as well as some government officials and military personnel. Not surprisingly, this land is also known as " forbidden island". I bet you and I have little chance of ever getting to Niihau, because it is unlikely that one of the one hundred and thirty natives is mine or your relative!

Niihau - the most inaccessible Hawaiian island

2. Kauai is the fourth largest in the entire archipelago, but this is not its main feature. Approximately in the center of the island is Mount Waialeale. The eastern slope of this mountain is one of the wettest places on the planet, and it once rained non-stop here for 247 days! Thanks to such robust watering, Kauai abounds in vegetation, and it is not for nothing that it was dubbed the "island of gardens." Unlike neighboring Niihau, Kauai is home to a much larger number of people - 67,091 as of 2010, and it is quite possible to get on it. According to many people, including my Hawaiian friends, Kauai is the most picturesque, colorful and interesting place which is definitely worth a visit. Unfortunately, your obedient servant has not yet been to the island of Kauai, but as soon as I visit, I will immediately write about my impressions! 😉

3. Oahu (Oahu)- the island on which I lived for ten months from August 2003 to June 2004. Oahu will forever remain in my heart as the most vivid memory of my childhood and youth. I read several unflattering travel reports about Oahu, in which travelers are advised not to linger on the island, they say this is a huge metropolis, rolled up in asphalt, and all the beauty of Hawaiian nature is lost behind the gloss of expensive skyscrapers. Yes, I agree that Oahu has almost 1 million people, which is about three times the population of all the other Hawaiian Islands combined. In addition, Oahu is the most popular island among tourists in the archipelago - it is visited by about 5 million people annually - of course, this is a lot. But if you look from the other side: 2.5 million tourists fly to Maui, 1.7 million to the Big Island, 1.4 million to Kauai ... This is also a lot! The fact that Oahu is the center island has its advantages. Firstly, gasoline, food and other goods are cheaper on Oahu than on other islands, and it is more suitable for living and long stays. Secondly, there are more hotels, museums, shopping malls, entertainment centers on Oahu, there is a huge sports arena - Aloha Stadium, more opportunities for treatment, cultural recreation and meeting people. And if you feel the urge to hide away from the eyes of people, then you do not have to crowd on the beaches of Honolulu. About 75% of the population is concentrated in the capital, so you should not judge Oahu by the first impression. In addition to world-famous Waikiki Beach, nearby Diamond Head, and the museum at Pearl Harbor, there are far less beaten trails. The North Shore coast, sparsely populated beaches of the eastern and southwestern parts of the island, waterfalls, pineapple and pumpkin plantations, a Japanese pagoda, mountain streams and impenetrable thickets in the center of the island - all this is separated from the noise of the metropolis, but together with it creates the unique charm of the island of Oahu. It is not surprising that Hollywood filmmakers have chosen him so much. "Pirates Caribbean Sea: On Stranger Tides”, “50 First Dates”, the series “Lost: Lost”, the film “Battleship” with Rihanna and many other famous films were filmed on Oahu!

4. Molokai (Molokai) visited by less than 90 thousand tourists annually. This is somehow not enough, given that it is located only forty kilometers from Oahu. I thought, obviously, that something must be wrong with this island! But no, on Molokai everything is full of chocolate! Untouched nature, deserted beaches and main city, in which there is not a single traffic light and not a single building is taller than a coconut tree. There are also few hotels on the island, which explains the small number of tourists. Life on the island is very slow, and guests of this wonderful place have everything at their disposal to feel like on the edge of the planet in a real paradise. If I have such a chance, I will definitely plunge into the nirvana of the island of Molokai - they say it's worth it!

The beautiful island of Molokai

5. Lanai- the smallest of the Hawaiian islands, which anyone can get to. Only 3,102 inhabitants live in its expanses permanently, and Lanai is also known as "pineapple island", because it was previously known for the world's largest pineapple plantation. Today, on the island of Lanai, as well as on Molokai, there are no traffic lights, no traffic jams, no skyscrapers. However, his story is unique in its own way. Surely you have seen the Dole badge on the pineapple and banana boxes in our stores? The founder of this fruit corporation was named James Dole, and in 1922 he acquired the island of Lanai, setting up the already mentioned world-famous plantation on it. In 1985, the island passed into the possession of billionaire David Murdoch, as he acquired the corporation, which at that time included Dole. And quite recently, in June 2012, another billionaire, Larry Ellison, bought 98% of the island from Murdock. No one knows how much money Ellison Murdoch paid off, but according to the local newspaper Maui News, it is between $500 and $600 million dollars. Not sour…

By the way, Bill Gates himself played a wedding on the island of Lanai back in 1995! You can't forbid living beautifully! 🙂

6. Kahoolawe (Kaho'olawe)- the smallest and saddest, literally and figuratively, of the main eight volcanic islands archipelago. It is 18 km long and only 9.7 km wide. Why is the island of Kahoolave, in my opinion, sad? Judge for yourself: there is very little rainfall on the island, all the moisture settles on the high mountains of neighboring Maui, so Kahoolawe Island is actually either a desert or a savannah. Today, it is closed to almost everyone, only local Hawaiians have the right to visit it for their religious and other needs, but it is not worth it to be sad that we will not be able to visit it. Once upon a time there were small fishing villages on the island, but deforestation and bad climatic conditions, as well as wars with neighboring tribes, did their job, and the island became deserted. From 1830 to 1853, a colony for exiles was located on Kahoolave. Lack of food and water slowly killed offenders, although some managed to swim across to neighboring Maui, but few, judging by the eleven-kilometer distance between them.

7. Maui- the second largest and most visited island, and the third largest in terms of population. 144,444 is not only a beautiful figure, but also the number of permanent residents on the island (according to 2010 data). The nature on Maui is amazing and unique - there is also a very high mountains, and vast plains, and beaches with turquoise water and the purest sand, and luxury hotels, and cheap campsites, and much, much more. You should definitely visit Maui to see everything with your own eyes - here real paradise for surfers and scuba divers! It is noteworthy that Maui is not only famous tourist mecca, but also a solid agro-industrial unit. On a map of Hawaii, at least accurately. Sugar, elite coffee, delicious macadamia nuts, papaya, pineapples and other valuable and very unique products and goods are grown here.

Maui - Waianapanapa State Park

8. Island Hawaii(Big Island, Big Island, Hawaii ? i) - this is one of the two islands that I have managed to visit so far, so I can judge it more or less objectively! The island of Hawaii is the largest island on the map of the United States of America. In everyday life it is called " big island”, so that there is no confusion, because the state is called exactly the same as the island officially. It is difficult to blame the Hawaiians for this confusion, because the Hawaiian language has only 12 letters: 5 vowels and 7 consonants. In general, I'm surprised how, with so many letters, it was possible to come up with a whole language! 🙂 It was on the Big Island that the natives killed and didn't eat Captain Cook. Surprisingly, before visiting the Big Island, I was sure that, firstly, the Papuans killed Cook, and secondly, they not only killed him - they ate him. It turned out that this is absolutely not true, at least that's what Hawaiian historians say. 🙂 What I personally remember on the Big Island is the abundance of greenery, beautiful parks, extensive golf courses, jungle with a hanging bridge, narrow paths, a gorgeous waterfall and very good weather! However, the weather in the tropics is almost always good, including on Oahu - for me it was just perfect! +30 almost all year round, there is little rain, the water in the sea is about +24 - the most buzz! It’s a pity that I was on the Big Island for only a couple of days, and we didn’t manage to see much - objectively, for such a huge piece of land, more time is needed to appreciate all the charms of the local color.

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