What continent is Hawaii located on. Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands, attractions

Hawaiian Islands located almost in the center of the Pacific Ocean. The Hawaiian archipelago of volcanic origin has 162 islands, the total area of ​​​​which is slightly more than 28 thousand square kilometers, only seven of them are inhabited. By the way, the Hawaiian Islands is the fiftieth state of the United States, its population is 1.3 million Human. Its largest part, which is logical, is concentrated on the largest island of the archipelago, which is called Hawaii, and boasts the presence of several active volcanoes. There are several cities on the islands, the largest of them - Honolulu, this is the state capital, and here, by the way, Barack Obama was born.

Nature of the Hawaiian Islands

amazes with a riot of tropical plants, the perfection of beaches, unique landscapes. Each island has its own climatic features, but in general the weather in Hawaii is favorable. In summer and autumn it rains, but rather short-term. There is never stuffiness and extreme heat, but storms and hurricanes do happen, and the city of Hilo sometimes suffers from tsunamis.

Gone are the days when Hawaii mined sandalwood, engaged in whaling, grew pineapples and sugar cane, and housed military bases. The main source of income for the state is tourism, and all thanks to the unique nature of the archipelago. There are beaches with white, red, black and even green sand, volcanoes and volcanic craters, valleys, waterfalls, mountain rivers, coastal cliffs, magnificent views and romantic sunsets. And most importantly - in Hawaii you can hide from the crowds and bustle of the big world.

Vacationers come to Hawaii

those who love the exotic, are looking for new sensations and adventures, who admire the magic of nature and dream of visiting a paradise on the planet. The image of Hawaii is created by the silhouettes of hula dancers and surfers rushing through the waves, ukulele melodies, the aromas of ginger wreaths, the exclamation of "Aloha!", sunsets and the taste of pina colada cocktail.

Of course, the Hawaiian archipelago has a developed tourism infrastructure, with high-end hotels, chic restaurants and trendy boutiques side by side with miniature shops, tiny cozy cafes and much more modest tourist accommodation. The main influx of tourists is in winter, from December to March. Suspecting that not everyone will be able to eat traditional local dishes of seafood and fruits for a long time, Hawaiians have opened numerous restaurants serving international cuisine and dishes from different countries.

What to do while relaxing in Hawaii, when you get tired of lying on the beach?

In the homeland of surfing, it’s a sin not to try to catch a wave at least once or try other water activities whether you're windsurfing, jet skiing, diving, sailing or kayaking. For those who wish, mountain bikes, horse riding tours, tennis courts, golf courses, excursion routes. Restaurants, clubs and bars are open at night in cities and large towns.

In order not to run into a large fine, you should know that in Hawaii, smoking is most severely restricted than in other US states. You can not smoke even on many beaches. And you can only drink alcohol from the age of 21. When entering Hawaii, all fresh fruits, vegetables, and flowers must be declared to protect the islands from disease or plant pests. Export of fruit is prohibited.

They are an archipelago, which includes twenty-four islands and atolls, many small islands, located in the North Pacific Ocean. The entire archipelago stretches from northwest to southeast, it originated from a volcano, and got its name from the largest island - Hawaii. The capital of the Hawaiian Islands is Honolulu, which is located on another island, Oahu.

The island of Hawaii is also called Big Island, since all other islands of the archipelago are significantly inferior to it in area. There are very diverse landscapes - frozen lava, mountains. snow-covered, magnificent coastal valleys, cliffs, vast grasslands, deserts and rainforest - the island has several climate zones, ranging from subtropical to subarctic - because of this diversity, the island looks like a small continent.

The area of ​​the island of Hawaii is approximately 16,000 square kilometers. It has active volcanoes - Mauna Loa and Kilauea, as well as one dormant volcano Mauna Kea, whose height reaches 4,205 meters.

The climate in the low parts of the island is maritime and tropical. Most of the precipitation is due to the fact that trade winds blow on the northern and eastern side of the island.

Most of the precipitation falls in winter (October-April). And from May to September it is dry, the rise in temperature threatens with hurricanes.

The warmest month is August, at this time the temperature here is from +24 to +31 degrees in summer, and in winter from +18 to +21 degrees. Almost never the temperature rises above +32 degrees and does not fall below +16 degrees. In the mountains, the temperature is lower, even sometimes it snows. The best time to visit here is from May to October, when rainfall is unlikely.

Currency - North American dollar. Credit cards and travelers checks are very common.

All inhabitants of the archipelago mainly communicate in English language. There is also the Hawaiian language, which is spoken by the natives, but it serves mainly for the exotic. Mostly it is taught in college, told to tourists, but in everyday life it is almost never used, only very rarely some words.

The island of Hawaii is the youngest in the archipelago. In addition, on this island alone, the area continues to grow due to the most active volcano in the world - Kilauea, which began erupting in 1983 and added 550 acres to the island. A cross of volcanoes, the highest mountains of the archipelago, Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa, are still located here, therefore, according to traditional belief, the Hawaiians associate these places with Madame Pele - this is the goddess of volcanoes and Ku - this is the god of war.

Huge peaks, stunning the imagination, create a natural barrier to humid northeast winds. Because of this, located on the leeward side of the island, the driest place in the whole Hawaiian archipelago. worldwide famous resorts Kohala and Kona are located right here on west bank islands. This area is famous for its purest ocean waters, insanely beautiful beaches, annual triathlon competitions.

The east coast is fraught with many mysterious and amazing places. If you decide on such an adventure, then you will see tropical forests, deep gorges, beautiful waterfalls, volcano craters, fiery lava slowly flowing into the ocean. The unknown and mysterious region of Pune will open before your eyes.

If you want to see the truly vast territories of the island, then you need to visit national park Hawaiian volcanoes. The national park stretches for many kilometers, from the snow-capped peak of Mauna Loa to golden beaches with warm ocean waters. You can make interesting and long hikes in the park, you can use both a bicycle and a car to get around, visit the giant caldera of the Kilauea volcano or wander along the huge flows of solidified lava.

Most of the island's population lives in two centers: Hilo and Kona. Hilo, lying on the eastern side of the island, the only city islands and the most ancient settlement of the Hawaiian archipelago.

Kono is located on the west coast, a great place for those who prefer image and water sports. Here you can meet fans of diving and fishing. A lot of entertainment, unusual places, where you can see all the diversity of Hawaiian nature, amazing corners where vacationers can hear the breath of nature and take a break from city life.

The island has a large number of fishermen's villages, ranches and many others. interesting places. On the island of Hawaii great amount petroglyphs shrouded in mystery, ancient temples and astronomical observatories.

To visit the Hawaiian Islands, you need a visa and a passport. You can not bring food with you and household items, cigarettes - 200 pieces, cigars - 50 pieces, tobacco - 1.5 kilograms, 1 liter of alcoholic beverages. If you have more than $10,000 with you, you will need to fill out a declaration.

Welcome to the Hawaiian Islands!

The Hawaiian Islands can be safely called one of the most amazing places on the planet. Here, on the coast of the endless ocean, every vacationer will enjoy the opening landscape, which seems to be specially created for contemplation with its soft sand, tall palm trees, a variety of exotic birds, animals, fruits and flowers.

Hawaii is also called the Sandwich Islands. They include atolls and 24 islands, as well as many small islands. They are of volcanic origin, and got their name from the name of the largest island - Hawaii.

People here do not live everywhere, but only in these places:

  • Hawaii.
  • Oahu.
  • Maui.
  • Kauai.
  • Molokai.
  • Lanai.

Origin of the islands

The formation of the archipelago was due to the movement of the Pacific lithospheric plate. Since it moved in a northwesterly direction, the islands in this particular part are the oldest and smallest due to long erosion. Here all the volcanoes are basaltic.

In the chain, the youngest and largest island is Hawaii, which has 7 volcanoes. The largest of them is Mauna Loa. It is worth noting that Russians visit the Canary, Seychelles and Hawaii with pleasure. The island on the map (Hawaii) occupies the main area of ​​the resort. It is of volcanic origin and is part of the 8 islands that form the US state of Hawaii. This is the largest inhabited island - its total area is 10432.5 square meters. km.

How to get to the Hawaiian Islands

It is a major transportation hub for the northern Pacific Ocean. Routes pass through it that connect Canada and the United States with the Philippines, the states East Asia, New Zealand and Australia.

For domestic tourists who dream of going on vacation to Hawaii, the easiest way is to fly to Los Angeles, then to Honolulu. If tourists come to the islands of Kauai, Maui or Hawaii, the flight is also to Los Angeles, after that - a flight to the required island with a change in Honolulu.

From Chicago or New York, the flight takes 9-10 hours, in addition, you can fly from Japan in 7 hours, but this option is more expensive.

You can also get here from the coast of the United States cruise ship. Basically they depart from Vancouver or Los Angeles, this trip lasts 3 days.

Flora and fauna of Hawaii

The Hawaiian Islands are home to various ancient animal and plant species, as their flora and fauna evolved over seventy million years with almost no human intervention. The Polynesians were the first to come here, enriching the plant and animal world islands with different new samples. The areas of forests began to decrease with an increase in population, the number of steppes began to increase, and this began to worsen the environment of the archipelago. Because of this human influence, the main number of animals that lived in the forests died out.

On islands Agriculture became monocultural. The Europeans who came to the Hawaiian Islands (their map is presented in this article) made agricultural production and animal husbandry large-scale. But this also had a negative impact on the environment, as the rapid growth of cities led to the disappearance of forests. At the present moment, the situation has changed, although a huge number of species still remain on the verge of extinction.

Attractions of the island of Oahu

Recently, the Hawaiian Islands have become increasingly popular among tourists. Tours, prices for which depend on the time of year and in the high season average 120,000 for 10 days, many are interested in the opportunity to visit the island of Oahu, since it is here that the capital of Hawaii, the city of Honolulu, is located.

For vacationers, excursions around the city and the island are conducted. Here, of particular interest is the Iolani Palace, China Town, the monument to Queen Liliokalani and King Kamehameha, the senate, the residence of the governor. Of course, you need to visit Pearl Harbor, a military base. The United States, after the destruction of this place, entered the 2nd World War. In retaliation for the complete destruction of this base, nuclear bombs were dropped on the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

A jewelry factory is also located here, where you can trace the process of creating amazing jewelry. If you want to keep something for yourself as a keepsake of this place, you can buy jewelry in a local store - interesting gizmos from different metals, precious stones, corals and pearls are presented here.

Oahu is the center of Polynesian culture. Holidays in Hawaii can start with a visit to 7 villages - Tonga, Fiji, Tahiti, Hawaii, New Zealand, Marquesas and Samoa. At the same time, each village reproduces its own part of the culture of Polynesia, delighting visitors with various performances, incendiary dances, as well as playing authentic musical instruments.

Top 5 most visited attractions

Hawaii is a paradise for every tourist, with an incredible number of interesting places. Consider the sights of the islands that you need to visit.

1st Place: Iolani Palace

This is the former residence of King Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani, who ruled here at the end of the 19th century. The building is located in the city of Honolulu. The Hawaiian monarch built his palace in 1882 after a trip to Europe. It was equipped with all modern conveniences: it is believed that electricity and telephone were brought here earlier than in Buckingham Palace and the White House. This attraction is visited annually by about 60 thousand tourists.

2nd place: Haiku stairs

3992 steps of stairs lead to the top of Kulau, from where incredible views open up. Due to the fact that its peak is often hidden in the clouds, this path is called the "stairway to heaven." Tourists sometimes have to move through thick fog, which creates the illusion of walking in the sky.

3rd Place: Akaka Falls

The 135-meter waterfall is the most beautiful and highest waterfall in Hawaii. It falls from a cliff of volcanic origin, whose height is 135 meters. The waterfall can be admired in the national park near the city of Hilo.

4th place: Waipio Valley

It is the largest of the seven valleys in Hawaii. It is also called the "Valley of the Kings", as many rulers of the island once lived here. It was a very fertile valley with a favorable climate for agriculture. Its inhabitants, according to local beliefs, are guarded by the spirits of their ancestors. The valley is so picturesque that quite often it becomes a location for shooting Hollywood films: the films "Predator" and "Water World" were filmed here.

5th place: Kealakekua Bay

This marine reserve is located in historical place: in Kealakekua Bay in 1779, James Cook appeared, initially taken by the Hawaiians for the god Lono, more precisely, his earthly incarnation. Today it is the largest natural bay of the island. Its waters are well protected, with visibility of thirty meters. This makes the bay a great place for snorkelling and scuba diving.

Volcanoes - a natural attraction

Vacation in the Hawaiian Islands is impossible without a trip to extinct volcanoes, which is not surprising. In essence, these islands are volcanoes, long extinct or still active. Their peaks peep out of the sea, forming a chain 3000 km long.

To see the most active of them, Manua Loa and Kilauea, you should go to Hawaii. You need to know that Manua Loa is the highest active volcano in the world. Its height is more than 4000 m. The islands have all the conditions to see these "giants". Extinct giants are simply slashed with footpaths; tourists are taken to them by buses.

Of course, it is better to look at active volcanoes from afar. For this there is viewing platforms and observatories. In addition, there is the Volcanoes National Park on the island of Hawaii. From here you can observe the Halemaumau crater and Kilauea. Its visitors will see an amazing sight of seething red-hot lava flowing into the ocean.

Where to relax on the islands

The Hawaiian Islands, photos of which are presented in this article, being one of the most beautiful places on the planet, are amazing not only for the underwater world with all kinds of its inhabitants and unique nature. People come to this place to practice various types of water sports. Windsurfing, surfing, sailing, kiteboarding, etc. are especially popular here.

For fans of diving on the islands, the beauty of the underwater world is specially created by volcanoes, stunning the imagination. Among them are giant caves and grottoes with arches and columns, an incredible amount of a wide variety of corals and fish. There are sixty well-equipped dive centers on the islands.

Fishing connoisseurs will remember fishing in these places for a lifetime, because it is simply fantastic! Fishing will captivate you with the variety and quantity of fish; for example, you can catch mahi-mahi, sailfish, tuna or blue marlin.

But for those who do not want to leave the hotel, there are all conditions for a comfortable stay, including swimming pools. But few people deny themselves swimming in the ocean, since all beaches are equipped with showers, toilets, dining tables, neatly mowed lawns, and places for fires. At the same time, there are completely wild beaches for connoisseurs of the exotic - winds and waves rage there, and crabs run along the coast.

The favorite activities of local tourists are golf and cycling.

Everyone who comes here can enjoy not only the unique paradise nature - there is an opportunity to choose for themselves that passive or active view the rest he wants.

Hawaiian style

The Hawaiian Islands are the birthplace of a special, slightly clumsy and relaxed style. US comedy heroes usually return from vacation with a floral necklace and Hawaiian flowery shirt, which immediately shows where they spent their weekend. No wonder the most famous flip-flops on the planet - "flip flops" - are produced under the Hawaiians brand. A traditional souvenir that is brought from here is a shell necklace with a pendant in the shape of a fishhook. It should be noted that the cost of some pieces is $200-300, while such jewelry is combined only with classic Hawaiian clothing.

Finally, there is one more thing to add. The islands are absolutely safe for tourists. You should not be afraid of natural disasters. in Hawaii all year round good climate (neither cold nor hot), although it rains in winter. Dance lovers can learn the hula dance - lessons of this dance can be found in every major hotel. Don't forget to tip the wait staff - they have become a very integral part of the culture of Hawaii and have become an unwritten rule for a long time.

The most convenient way to travel between the islands is by plane, but ferries also run between some of them.

These islands are home to one of the most active volcanoes and the most high mountain in the world. It is the birthplace of surfing and the Hawaiian national dance called hula. Hawaii is the youngest geological formation on our planet. Hawaii is also the youngest state in the US.

The main feature of the islands is the openness, sincerity and kindness of the population. The hospitality and warmth of the inhabitants of the island goes well with beautiful places and warm climate in Hawaii.

The Hawaiian archipelago consists of several main islands.

For tourists, six main Hawaiian Islands can become interesting:

Kauai and Oahu, Molokai and Lanai, Maui and Big Island Hawaii.

All these islands are very beautiful and unforgettable, fraught with unique adventures and unique nature. Each island is unique. Here you can see the sights. Everyone can find entertainment according to their taste and interests.

We want to invite everyone to get acquainted with these islands, see the unforgettable and unique nature, relax your body and soul, and this is possible only in the Hawaiian Islands!

Some interesting facts about the islands:

Paradise Island is a unique place on the entire planet Earth. The Hawaiian Islands have unique and inimitable natural resources.

Before traveling to beautiful place check out interesting facts about the islands:

The beautiful Waimea Canyon is located on the island of Kauai, its length is 16 km and its width is 1.5 km. The founder of modern surfing, Duke Kahanamoku was born and raised on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, on the coast of Waikiki. Near the islands of Molokai, on the northern part of the coast there are sea cliffs, these are the highest cliffs in the world. An attraction for divers will be a 60-meter ship that sank in 1986, located near the coast of the beach of Lanai island.

Haleakala volcano is located on the island of Maui, the size of the crater of this volcano can be compared with the size of Manhattan.

Kilauea - today it is the most active volcano in the world, located in national park Hawaiian volcanoes, namely on the main island of Hawaii.

Hawaiian people are very welcoming and friendly. Aloha is a greeting in their language, which also means a declaration of love.

Some information about the Hawaiian Islands:

The state is called Hawaii (Hawaii);

The state of Hawaii also has a nickname: The Aloha State;

Honolulu is considered the capital of the state of Hawaii;

The number of inhabitants in the Hawaiian Islands is 11262840 people.

The time zone on the islands is minus 10 hours from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT -10 hours), this is -5 hours compared to east coast USA.

Languages ​​used in the Hawaiian Islands: Hawaiian, English.

The Hawaiian language is very simple and beautiful, it was spoken by the Hawaiians until the Europeans came to the islands.

The Hawaiian alphabet has 12 letters. Even the founder of Wikipedia used the abbreviated "Wiki", taken from the Hawaiians. Translated from Hawaiian, "Viki" sounds like "quickly", and the phrase "Viki-wiki" is the Hawaiian word for buses.

Main currency on the islands are North American dollars.

Just as common credit cards and traveler's checks, which are accepted in all establishments in the Hawaiian Islands.

Air temperature in Hawaii

April to November: 24˚ to 30˚ C;

December to March: 20˚ to 27˚ C;

Average annual temperature water heating is: 23˚ C.

The dialing code for the islands is 808.

Mobile communications on the islands are available almost anywhere if you use a US carrier. But you should find out about the tariff plans of the operator that provides you with services.

Internet in the Hawaiian Islands

For vacationers, it will not be a problem to find an Internet access point. The Internet is very common on the island, and almost all hotels and establishments on the island are equipped with access to it.

Accommodation on the islands

These can be luxury resorts, Hawaiian hotels, the price of which includes a delicious and hearty breakfast, cottages or individual apartments that can be rented anywhere in the islands.


For tourists, Hawaiians offer many types of transportation around the island:

special scheduled buses;

buses for tourists;

rented cars;

Hawaiian taxi;

urban transport.

What to wear in Hawaii?

A Hawaiian wardrobe is very simple and can be made up of your favorite clothes. But for night walks it is better to take a light jacket. To visit nightclubs and restaurants, it is worth grabbing a few smart weekend suits. But, almost no one uses strict and formal suits with a tie in Hawaii.

It is customary to leave a tip on the islands.

This is 15-20% in cafes and restaurants, $ 1 porter for help with each bag, maid $ 1 for each night.

These are the unwritten rules of tipping in Hawaii, for the tourist.

Known for their beauty. In the vastness of the Pacific Ocean there is a chain of 24 major islands and over 100 smaller ones. Most of them are uninhabited. The island of Hawaii is the largest, occupying up to 62% of the land area of ​​the islands. All of them have their own unique beauty, differ in landscape, weather and representatives of the animal and plant world.

This paradise in the middle of the ocean was formed as a result of active volcanic activity. To date, some of the volcanoes are extinct, and some are dormant. has been spewing lava flows almost continuously since 1983. It's time to find out where the island of Hawaii is located.


On heat, because they are located on the outskirts of the tropics. The intensity and amount of precipitation in the region depend on the prevailing winds. Northeast winds prevail, so the northern and eastern parts of the mountains and volcanoes receive more rain moisture than the opposite side of the island.

In winter, the amount of precipitation is much higher than in summer. Nevertheless, even in winter, cloudy weather on the islands is a rarity. Clear weather prevails here, so do not be afraid to be caught in a series of rainy days. Therefore, the island of Hawaii attracts many tourists.

The season of storms and hurricanes on the islands lasts from June to September. Strong winds hit Hawaii from the north or northeast. Bad weather originates off the American coast and moves towards the archipelago. On the way, the vast majority of hurricanes have time to significantly weaken. But the residual force is sometimes still palpable. Tropical storms bring a lot of trouble to the Hawaiian Islands. The main blow falls on those of them that are deprived of a shield of volcanoes and stone massifs.


From the north, gigantic waves from the expanses of the ocean are sometimes approaching the archipelago. Cities located on the coasts suffer greatly from the tsunami. Some bays are able to concentrate the shock force of waves in a small volume. As a result, cities built in such bays are regularly destroyed by natural disasters.

But the dangerous weather events mentioned above are extremely rare. Therefore, you should not neglect visiting this paradise on earth because of them. Many tourists fell in love with this place and come back here again for new experiences.

Outdoors is usually not hot. The temperature during the year is around +25 ºС. In winter - about +20 ºС, and in summer - about +30 ºС. In winter, snow can even fall on the tops of volcanoes. This phenomenon is more exotic.


Gentle waves of the Pacific Ocean and bright sun, sprawling palm trees and menacing volcanoes, black grains of sand on the beach in Paunaluu Bay and white sandy beaches other places, rounded boulders on the banks and a lava tunnel, as well as many bright and attractive flowers. Aborigines sell orchids by weight because they grow everywhere.

The archipelago is Hawaii. It has a special picturesque nature. It has many endemic plants. Volcanoes regularly erupt in this place, giving rise to new landmasses. Remember that holidays in Hawaii are fraught with danger due to volcanic activity.

The two volcanoes are not dormant. Hot lava, rising from the depths, spreads over the surface, after which it slides from the shore into the water and freezes there. This process leads to a gradual increase in land surface. At the end of another powerful eruption, it turned out nature Park. It was called "Lava Trees" because the red-hot mass from the bowels passed through trees and other plants in a stream and formed a stone shell on them.

Golden sands on the coast

The beaches attract with their golden sand, blue lagoons beckon with stunning views, and the humid and warm climate is conducive to relaxation. In the mountains, tourists can admire the views of the canyons, high waterfalls and extraordinary nature. And on the ocean they are waiting for diving, surfing and swimming.

Among the ridge of islands there are also private properties. One of these private islands can be accessed by invitation. Such an invitation makes it possible to feel like a Robinson and live in a bamboo hut. There are about two hundred of these huts in different parts of the island. Tourists love the island of Maui. Hawaii is scenic spots, many untouched by civilization.

The Hawaiian alphabet consists of only twelve letters. The official language is English. On the islands you can hear everywhere: "Aloha". This word is very common and has many meanings. This is the name of the tower in Honolulu.

Volcanoes National Park

Volcanic activity that lasted a millennium created these islands. The ecosystem has also developed a kind. Located in the park active volcano Kilue.

Do not miss the opportunity to look at the huge Waimia Canyon. It is located on about. Kauai. For numerous tourists, a platform has been organized from which you can contemplate wide valleys, majestic rocks and gorges. It is they who attract many tourists who flock to Hawaii in droves. The island of volcanoes is really beautiful and unique.

Haleakala National Park

(Hawaii) is also Untouched nature and yellow beaches merge together in this incredible place. Tourists are very fond of visiting the Hosmer Grove, where rare species of trees harmoniously coexist on a small plot of land. Maui is considered the most beautiful island archipelago.

Local beaches are famous for their warm clean sand. The beach located in Konolua Bay is especially popular. Tourists can always try their hand at diving, snorkeling and other activities. active rest. The coastal zone reaches two hundred meters in length. And this is not the only beach worthy of your attention.

Botanical Gardens of Kauai

This generalized name includes several small gardens. famous for the local cave Fern Grotto. It is popular with newlyweds who organize wedding ceremonies here. It is not easy to get into it: you need to go by boat along the river. Wailua. But the experience is worth it. Be sure to take your camera when you go to the island of Hawaii. Photos will turn out juicy and rich.

These places are famous for shooting popular movies:

  • "Jurassic Park".
  • "King Kong".
  • "Indiana Jones".


The Bishop Museum, located in Honolulu, is both cultural and natural history. Gather historical information about the island and pacific ocean in general, you can use the example of more than 1 million exhibits. The island of Hawaii has its own cultural centers.

The Lahaina Heritage Museum will tell the details of the life of the whaling village, which is legendary. It is one of the most interesting and fascinating museums. Learn the history of Kauai is available at the Kauai Island Museum, which is located in Lihua. Be sure to visit this island.

Honolulu, the capital of Hawaii, gives vacationers the opportunity to visit the royal palace, which is the only one in the United States of America. Its second name is Iolani Palace. It was created for the ruling people of the islands. This building has preserved all the attributes characteristic of the power of kings, a huge library and royal mansions.

Who doesn't know the Pearl Harbor military base? It is also on these islands and is a war monument. All US citizens are proud of her.


Fun festivals are an integral part of the Hawaiian Islands. One of the beaches Oahu is traditionally the site of a festival for connoisseurs of ethnic music. On it, folk songs are performed with a guitar. Spectators will definitely see folk dances and get interesting information about the traditional culture of Hawaii. You can visit this festival with the whole family.

Kona Slack Key is an exciting ukulele festival. This small guitar is a traditional musical instrument of the islands that has spread all over the world.

When going on vacation to this paradise, you should not stock up on warm clothes; you can also leave business suits at home. A light windbreaker will protect you from the coolness of the night and possible bad weather. Keep in mind that most of the population communicates in English. The Hawaiian Islands will always attract tourists from all over the world. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to visit them, then go without hesitation. You will not only rest and see the beautiful undersea world but also enjoy wildlife. It's especially nice to be here. honeymoon travel they will be remembered for the rest of their lives. These islands can safely be called a paradise.