Portugal physical map. Portugal map in Russian

Portugal, or rather, the Portuguese Republic is the westernmost state on the Iberian Peninsula of southwestern Europe. it most beautiful country with a cheerful disposition, mild climate and the best environment in southern Europe. Portugal took its name from its own city, Porto. The total area of ​​the country is 301,338 square kilometers. The capital of Portugal, Lisbon, with an area of ​​84 square meters, is located on the banks of the Tagus River.

From the east and north, Portugal borders on Spain, and from the south and west it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The northern part of Portugal is mountainous, while on the southern side of the state the relief is flat with extensive lowlands. The highest height up to 1993 meters in Portugal is Mount Estrela, which is simply adored by visiting tourists. Portugal is endowed with two rather large full-flowing rivers - the Douro and the Tagus.

How to get to Portugal?

To come to Portugal, you need a Schengen visa for the period of your stay in the country as a tourist. Having such a visa, all that remains is to purchase a ticket to the desired city in Portugal. The flight from Moscow to Lisbon takes about 5 hours and 40 minutes. You can also get to Portugal through neighboring Spain. This will be the most economical option for tourists.


After arriving in Spain, you can use any ground transport in order to easily get to Portugal. But do not forget about customs control at the border with the state.

Climate in Portugal

The climate in this country is subtropical, with a clear influence of the vast ocean. The northern part of Portugal, especially its mountainous area, is characterized by high humidity, towards the south it drops, the climate becomes dry, with a long and warm summer period. In general, the summer in Portugal is quite dry and hot, in early June there is a strong heat.

For tourist holiday the south of Portugal is ideal, where summer literally does not end, and the number of sunny hours per year reaches 3000. In the mountains, the climate is cool, and in winter, snow is kept here for several months. In the western area, the swimming season lasts only 90 days, at water temperatures +18°C, on the south coast water warms up to +21°C where many tourists flock to.

Portugal is famous for its gorgeous sandy beaches, but West Coast countries cannot boast of ideal resort vacation due to the cold water currents of the Atlantic. The south, on the contrary, is filled with luxurious resorts, interesting towns and villages. Due to the distance from the Canary Current, the water here warms up better. Winter is warm, sometimes it rains. But they do not have a tropical character, as in the same or in the state of Goa.

The most popular resorts and holiday destinations in Portugal

Visits Portugal every year great amount tourists, attracts them here amazing nature, architectural monuments, delicious national cuisine and the turquoise sea.

The nature here is really beautiful and virgin - majestic mountains with centuries-old forests, groves with mighty beech and eucalyptus trees, the richest and unique world flowers, trees, rivers and lakes. Despite the fact that many tourists prefer Spain to Portugal, the latter can offer tourists an equally interesting, active and inexpensive vacation.

Resorts in Portugal

The main attraction of Portugal is FATIMAsacred place located closer to the north of Lisbon. This place began to be considered sacred after the Moorish princess converted to Christianity, according to legend, there. Apart from historical monuments tourists can enjoy magnificent beaches;

Lisbon- the capital of the described friendly sunny Portugal. Coming here, guests are happy to visit the most interesting museum of electricity, where they tell about the secrets of science in a fascinating way, they can get acquainted with the numerous parks and squares of the city, visit the best restaurants and cafes in Lisbon;

- enough quiet place, namely an island where it is possible to swim even with small children. The beaches in Ilha de Tavira are surprisingly white, clean and wide. A convenient and comfortable ferry delivers passengers to the island.

Portugal is small, but very beautiful, colorful and friendly state. A trip to Portugal will leave good and positive emotions and memories. And you want to return to this sunny country again. In Portugal, there is something to admire and see. This place captivates literally at first sight, starting with an excellent national cuisine and ending with unusually clean and beautiful beaches.

Rest in this state can be both extreme and active, as well as quiet, family and measured. How to relax is up to you. If you want to plunge into a completely new atmosphere, then Portugal is waiting for you with open arms. By the way, to relax in Portugal is cheaper than in the same Italy or Spain.

In this one you will have Portugal map in Russian, both in image format and interactive map from satellite.

Portugal is a country of great discoveries and navigators. But not only they are famous for the Portuguese land. The unique climate, the most beautiful cathedrals and churches, fashionable hotels, magnificent beaches, majestic palaces and rich cultural heritage makes Portugal one of the most attractive tourist destinations.

The rich architecture of the Portuguese capital - Lisbon, fascinates and surprises. Ancient mansions and medieval squares, majestic fountains and intricate chapels, formidable fortresses and romantic castles captivate with their unusual color and originality. The palaces of Ajuda, Cleos, Pena, San Bito and Sintra, made in the Renaissance and Baroque styles, amaze with their grandeur and beauty. Whereas, the architecture of the Municipal Palace and the Palace of the National Assembly is distinguished by the clarity of lines and the consistency of parameters.

A visit to the old quarters of the streets of Bairo Alto with houses bearing the imprint of antiquity will introduce you to the way of life of the Portuguese in the 17th and 18th centuries. The commercial center of Lisbon is strikingly different from them, with a clear layout of streets and urban buildings.

The Azores will not leave indifferent lovers comfortable rest. On small islands, both five-star hotels and affordable middle-class hotels are concentrated, which will delight you with the breadth of the range of services provided and high service level.

Country location:

date of independence 5 October 1143 (from the Kingdom of León)
Official language Portuguese, Mirandese (regional language)
Capital Lisbon
Largest cities Lisbon, Porto
Form of government Parliamentary republic
The president
Prime Minister
Anibal Cavaco Silva
Pedro Pacos Coelho
% water surface
109th in the world
92,391 km²
Score (2009)
10 707 924 people (77th)
114 people/km²
Total (2008)
Per capita
$236.049 billion (46th)
22 232 $
demonym portuguese, portuguese, portuguese
Currency Euro (EUR, €) ,
Portuguese euro coins
Internet domain .pt
Telephone code +351
Timezone +0, summer +1

Just as the flag and coat of arms of Portugal define the essence of this country, so its map allows you to get to know this country better. Below you will see Portugal map in Russian in JPG format. the image is presented in a reduced form, you can open it with the left mouse button in full screen, or save it by right-clicking, and then "save as".

Below you will see what Portugal looks like on the world map.

Below you can use satellite map of portugal. The map was kindly provided by Google Maps. If you do not know how to use them, then I will be happy to tell you, just go to my Google Maps article, where I tell you everything in detail. Well, in short, using the “+” and “-” buttons you can zoom in and out of the map, by holding the left mouse button on the map you can navigate on it, and in the upper right corner you can change the display modes.

And one more opportunity to show a map of Portugal - this is a wonderful program for displaying a complete three-dimensional model of our planet, you can even see the terrain, the mountains are high, the water in the seas sways, and special cultural monuments presented in the mode - Google Planet. If you do not have Google Earth, you will be prompted to do so. If you logged in through the Opera browser, viewing is not possible. This is best done in Firefox and Google Chrome browsers.

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Sincere ignorance of where Portugal is located on the world map, only some people who are very far from secondary education can boast. Throughout the civilized world, this country has a long and strong positive reputation. Portugal is one of the world's most famous centers of attraction for tourists from many countries and all continents.

From the history

Where is Portugal located at the extreme western tip European continent. But despite its peripheral position, for many centuries it has always been at the center of European political, religious and cultural life. It is these historical circumstances that determined how Portugal looks today. On the world map, this country does not take up much space. But it is unique both in its visual expressiveness and in terms of the volume of historical and cultural heritage located on its territory. This small country was able to have a significant impact on the development of the entire human civilization. It is enough that the caravels went from here to the Atlantic And today many inhabitants of African countries and South America, who do not even have a clear idea of ​​​​where Portugal is located on the world map, they nevertheless speak Portuguese.

A few reasons to visit Portugal

Nature has generously endowed this small country on the Atlantic coast. Where Portugal is located (it is not so difficult to find it on the world map, knowing the main landmarks), there is no sweltering heat in summer, and cold in winter. Such is the peculiarity of the climate of the northern part of the Atlantic, it is largely determined by warm ocean currents. It was this circumstance that made it possible to develop the local coast as one continuous zone. beach holiday for the entire European continent. Over the past few decades, significant funds have been invested in its improvement, and today it meets the highest international standards in this area. And besides the highest level of beach holidays, Portugal can offer its guests the opportunity to get acquainted with the richest cultural and historical heritage. The peculiarity of the country is that everything here is located very compactly. You can get acquainted with museums and architectural monuments almost without interruption from a beach holiday. To my historical heritage the country is extremely carefully treated, all the architectural and historical sights here are carefully restored and presented to the attention of tourists. Some small towns on the coast are very expressive, they have not changed much since the Middle Ages. And this makes tourists remember where Portugal is located on the world map. Some come back here repeatedly.

Memories of summer holidays

Among other things, Portugal is the birthplace of such a popular drink all over the world as port wine. Its very name contains a mention of the second largest city in the country. It is a bottle of vintage port wine that is the most popular souvenir from Portugal.


(Portuguese Republic)

General information

Geographical position. Portugal is located in the extreme southwest of Europe in the western part of the Iberian Peninsula. It also owns the Azores and Madeira, located in Atlantic Ocean. In the north and east, Portugal borders on Spain, in the south and west it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

Square. The territory of Portugal occupies 92,389 sq. km.

main cities, Administrative division. The capital of Portugal is Lisbon. The largest cities: Lisbon (2100 thousand people), Porto (1650 thousand people), Coimbra (90 thousand people), Faro (40 thousand people). Administratively, Portugal is divided into 18 districts and 2 autonomous regions. Aomyn (Macau), which was granted internal autonomy in 1976, remains part of Portugal from its former "overseas provinces".

Political system

Portugal is a republic. The head of state is the president. The head of government is the prime minister. The legislative body is the unicameral Assembly of the Republic.

Relief. The territory of Portugal is divided by the Tagus River into two approximately equal parts. To the north of the Tagus lies a mountainous country. Many small ridges and plateaus are cut by deep river valleys. The predominant height of the mountain ranges is from 1000 to 1200 m. South of Tagus lowlands and low plateaus predominate. Only near the eastern border of this part of the country and in the very south there are low mountain ranges (400-600 m).

Geological structure and minerals. On the territory of Portugal there are deposits of iron ore, uranium ore, tungsten.

Climate. The climate of Portugal is subtropical, an oceanic variety of the Mediterranean. Due to the constant influx of moist air masses from the Atlantic, winter colds and summer heat soften, and the relative humidity of the air rises. Therefore, the dry season in Portugal is much shorter than on the Mediterranean coast of Spain. Climatically, Portugal can also be divided into two parts - northern and southern. The climate of the coast of the northern part is mild and even. Between the Minho and Tagus rivers, the summer is not hot, the winter is mild (the average temperatures in July and August are about + 20 ° C, in January - above + 9 ° C, the average annual fluctuations are only 11-12 ° C).

Atmospheric precipitation in the north is plentiful throughout the year. Fog is common in estuaries and coastal valleys.

There is noticeably less precipitation in the eastern strip of Northern Portugal, closed by high ridges from moist ocean winds. Here, the contrasts between the seasons become more distinct.

The climate of southern Portugal is drier. There is less rainfall here, the summer is long, hot and dry. Rain falls mainly in winter. On the coast of southern Portugal, the climate is typically subtropical, with mild, warm winters ( average temperature January +11°С) and hot summer (+23, +24°С).

In Lisbon, the maximum temperature reaches +26°C, the minimum - +9°C.

Inland waters. In Portugal, there are the lower reaches of the rivers Douro (Duero), Tagus (Tajo), Guadiana.

Soils and vegetation. Forests have been heavily deforested in the past. In recent decades, as a result of planting, their area has increased significantly and currently accounts for 36% of the country's territory. About half of the forests are maritime pine in the coastal strip, there are many eucalyptus trees.

Portugal is characterized by wild shrubbery on lowlands, hills and rocky mountain slopes: for the north - moisture-loving Atlantic species, in the central part of the country - tree-like heathers, in the south - rockroses.

Evergreen shrubs-maquis-densely cover huge spaces, give the landscape a unique look. Thickets of maquis, consisting of a variety of, often ornamental and thorny plants, reach a height of up to two meters. The most typical species for maquis are noble laurel, myrtle, strawberry and pistachio trees, tree-like heather, oleander, rockrose.

Many species of vegetation were brought to Portugal from various continents and have taken root perfectly due to the mild climate: palm trees from the northern coast of Africa, from California and China, cacti from Australia, pepper trees and bougainvillea from South America. Geraniums, aloe and other vegetation South Africa coexist with local orange and lemon trees, roses, red carnations. In the gardens of South Extremadura, next to grapes and citrus fruits, you can find date palms, Mexican agave, camellias, Indian fig tree and other exotic plants.

Portugal is famous for its grape wines, citrus fruits and other subtropical fruits. Cork oak bark is harvested here and olive oil is produced.

Animal world. The fauna of Portugal is a mixture of Central European and North African species. There are few large mammals. Fox, wild rabbit, Iberian hare predominate. Wild goats, wild boars, deer live mainly in the mountains, in the south there are North African genet and Algerian hedgehog. In remote areas of the Serra da Estrela, wolves have survived, in the bush

thickets of Alentejo-lynx. Birds are very diverse. Many fly here for the winter or stop during flights. Endemic, that is, living only in this territory, species include the blue magpie, a kind of cuckoo, an owl, and a red partridge. Vultures, kestrels, eagles nest in high rocks. Storks (protected by special legislation), snipe, quail are found along the entire coast. Coastal waters are rich in fish: sardine, anchovy, cod, tuna.

Population and language

The population of Portugal is about 10 million people and is very homogeneous: over 99% are Portuguese. Language is Portuguese.


Most of the inhabitants of Portugal are Roman Catholics by religion. There are less than 120 thousand Protestants and about 5 thousand Jews.

Brief historical outline

In IV-III centuries. BC e. most of the territory of Portugal was inhabited by the Lusitans.

At the end of the 1st century BC e. Roman conquest of Portugal completed.

In the second half of the V century - VI century. n. e. Portugal was conquered by the Visigoths.

In 713-718. The country was conquered by the Arabs. In 718, the Christian Reconquista began (literally, “reconquest”, “return”).

In 1095, the County of Portugal was created, dependent on the kings of Leon. In 1139 Portugal becomes an independent kingdom (officially - in 1143).

In 1211, the first Parliament (Cortes) meets in Coimbra.

In 1260, Afonso III moved the capital to Lisbon

During the reign of Dinishu I (1279-1325), the poet-king, 50 fortresses were built. In 1290, a university was founded in Lisbon, later transferred to Coimbra.

XV century - the time of geographical discoveries. In 1419 Madeira was discovered, in 1427 the Azores. By the time of King Henry's death in 1460, the Cape Verde Islands had been discovered and the western coast of Africa had been explored as far as Sierra Leone. A new flourishing of geographical discoveries came at the end of the 15th century. In 1487, Bartolomeo Diaz circled the southern tip of Africa, christening it Cape Good Hope, and 10 years later Vasco da Gama sailed past him, paving the trade route to India.

In 1494, an agreement was concluded with Spain, according to which the two powers of the Iberian Peninsula divided the world among themselves along an imaginary line 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands. This treaty gave Portugal the right to the East, and when Brazil was discovered in 1500, then to it.

16th century - the heyday of the Portuguese colonial empire; by the middle of the century the country occupied a leading position in the world in the slave trade.

In the XVII-XVII centuries. consolidated centralized rule in Portugal. The discovery of gold and diamond deposits in Brazil made the country financially independent. The greatest beneficiary of the new wealth came from Joano V, who ascended the throne in 1705 and developed a flourishing building activity in the opulent Baroque style. Up to 50 thousand people participated in the construction of a huge monastery in Mafra at the same time. All this ended with the bankruptcy of the state.

In 1807, the troops of Napoleon I invaded Portugal. The royal family fled to Brazil, where they remained until 1821. The invaders were twice (1808 and 1811) expelled from the country by English troops with the support of Portuguese patriots.

As a reward, Britain was given free trade rights with Brazil, and Brazil was declared an independent kingdom, which eventually led to a reversal of roles: Portugal effectively became a colony of Brazil (where the royal family still remained) and a British protectorate ruled by General Beresford.

In August 1821, a group of officers convened an illegal cortes (parliament) and approved a new constitution (Beresford was temporarily absent, and King Joano VI had not yet returned from Brazil). The rest of the first half of the century passed in a constant struggle between supporters and opponents of the liberal constitution of 1822.

Second half of the 19th century passed quite peacefully under the established two-party system, the economic situation began to change for the better, industry gradually developed, but the monarchy went bankrupt and was publicly “insulted”: Britain and Germany ignored Portugal’s claims to land in Africa between Angola and Mozambique without comment, which further strengthened Republican sentiment in the country.

Early 20th century was marked by the assassination of King Carlos I and his eldest son and unsuccessful attempt coup in 1908. On October 5, 1910, the monarchy was finally overthrown by the combined efforts of the army and navy. King Manuel went into exile in England, where he died in 1932.

In 1911, the democratic party won the elections in Portugal, which remained the dominant political force in the country until 1926.

In 1916, Portugal joined the First world war on the side of the Entente, which turned into an economic disaster for the country.

In 1928 Dr. Salazar, Professor of Economics at the University of Coimbra, became Minister of Finance. Thanks to a strict monetary policy, he managed to balance the budget for the first time since 1913 and improve the economic situation in the country in a short time.

In 1932-1968. Salazar served as prime minister. Salazar's regime bore the features of a fascist state. The members of the National Assembly were chosen from the only permitted political association, the National Union, the so-called "workers' organizations" were run by employers, education was strictly controlled by the state and proclaimed the values ​​of the Catholic religion, strict censorship was introduced.

On April 25, 1974, the rebel troops, led by the Movement of the Armed Forces, overthrew the fascist government, and the activities of political parties were allowed.

In April 1976, a new constitution was adopted.

In 1986, Portugal joined the European Community, and after significant financial injections into its economy experienced an unprecedented rise. The nineties are marked by the development of tourism.

Brief economic essay

Portugal is an industrial-agrarian country. Mining of pyrites, tungsten, uranium, tin, iron ore, coal. The most important traditional industries are textiles (cotton and wool), clothing, winemaking, olive oil production, canned fish, cork processing (leading place in the world). Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering (shipbuilding and ship repair, car assembly, electrical engineering); the chemical, oil refining and petrochemical, cement, glass-ceramic (production of blue facing tiles) industries are developing. AT agriculture agriculture prevails, about half of the cultivated land is occupied by arable land; viticulture, fruit growing, olive plantations. In livestock breeding, cattle breeding, sheep breeding, pig breeding. Fishing. Exports: textiles and clothing, food products, cork, ships, electrical equipment, chemical products. Foreign tourism. The monetary unit is the escudo.

A Brief Outline of Culture

Art and architecture. Catholic churches and monasteries constitute an important element in architectural ensemble Portugal. Medieval art is characterized by a complex interaction between the artistic traditions of East and West. The liberation from Moorish rule was accompanied by intensive church construction. Works of early Romanesque art appeared at the end of the 2nd century, XII-XIV centuries, the heyday of Portuguese sculpture, the 14th century. characterized by the most significant works of Portuguese Gothic.

The rapid and short-term rise of Portugal, covering approximately one century (from the middle of the 15th to the middle of the 16th century), constitutes the era of the Portuguese Renaissance, rightly called the culture of the Age of Discovery. In poetry, especially in the work of the great Portuguese poet Luis Camões (1524-1580), in painting and architecture, the spirit of this heroic era was clearly reflected.

The Portuguese painter of world importance remains Nuno Gonçalves (painter of the 15th century), whose altarpiece of St. Vincent (Lisbon Museum) is one of the most outstanding monuments of European painting of the 15th century.

The era of the highest power of Portugal caused intensive construction, the desire for super-luxury-Manueline style. Manueline architecture combines elements of Gothic, Moorish architecture, the Renaissance and exotic decoration.

Lisbon. Sao George Castle (former Visigothic fortress and later royal residence from Dinishu to Manuelo); Museum of Decorative Arts; Cathedral(built in 1150 in honor of the victory over the Moors); National Archaeological Museum; the tomb of the kings and heroes of Portugal, the largest building of the early 16th century; symbol of Lisbon - Belem tower; Carriage Museum with an excellent collection of carriages made since 1690; the Maritime Museum with an excellent collection of maps and marine instruments, models and paintings, as well as the Santa Cruz seaplane that flew across the Atlantic; The Gulbenkian Museum (considered best museum in Portugal); National Museum ancient art. Porto. Cathedral of the XII-XVIII centuries; tower of Clerics 75 m high (XVIII century). Coimbra. Roman Aqua Duk; Church of Santa Cruz (XVI century). Braga. The ruins of the Roman Amphitheater, as well as the aqueduct; The main Portuguese shrine is the church of Dom Jesus.

Portugal is a small European country, but its nature is very picturesque. Travelers will need only 3 days to go around it. If you want to get to know the natural landscapes of the country closer and touch its culture, then you need more time.

Portugal on the world map is the westernmost state on the mainland of Eurasia. The state is inhabited by the Portuguese, among whom black immigrants from Africa predominate.

  • How to get there?
  • Country Information
  • Story
  • common data
  • Climate and weather
  • Tourism
  • Resorts - photo
  • Attractions

This may come in handy - a table of seasonality by country for vacation planning.

Portugal on the physical and political map of the world and Europe in Russian

This map can be enlarged by clicking on it with the cursor.

You can see the location of the country in Europe and the world large, as well as a detailed map of the country with cities, using online maps.

Where is it located and with whom does it border?

Portugal is located in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, The Portuguese Republic borders on Spain in the east and north, and the Atlantic Ocean washes the western and southern part of the state.

Portugal consists of archipelagos located in the Atlantic Ocean.

Madeira Island, which is part of Portugal, is considered one of the most popular among travelers, it is located approximately 580 km from North Africa. The Azores are also an autonomous region of Portugal.

How to get there?

There are 20 airport terminals in the Portuguese Republic, of which international only:

  • Portela(capital of Portugal, Lisbon);
  • Ponta Delgada(Azores);
  • Porto named after Francisco Sa Carneiro(near Porto in the northern part of the country);
  • Faro(Algarve province, 6.5 km from Faro);
  • Funchal Madeira now Aeroporto Cristiano Ronaldo (16 km from Funchal).

In the following article, you can find out which airlines fly to Portugal from Russia and how long the flight takes.

Planes from Russia may arrive in Portugal on three air routes: via Lisbon, Porto and Funchal Madeira. The rest of the airports are not open to Russians.

Country Information

If you are going to visit Portugal, plan a route for yourself, which historical sights and interesting places you would like to visit.


In the 12th century Portugal has become independent state, until that time its history is inseparable from the history of the entire Iberian Peninsula.

The life of the country is inextricably linked with the sea, the ruling monarchs supported the research and development of technology, as a result, the greatest geographical discoveries, the Portuguese expansion began.

In 1500 the discoverer of Brazil Pedro Alvares Cabral proclaimed himself its ruler. On the territory of Portugal, hostilities have unfolded more than once. At different times it was controlled by the Romans, Moors, Spaniards, French.

common data

The total area of ​​the country is 89 thousand km². The population exceeds 10 million 273 thousand people. Mostly the Portuguese speak Portuguese. A small part of the population uses the Mirandese language. The currency of Portugal is the euro, paper notes and coins are in circulation.

Don't know where to go in winter? Portugal is a great option. Read here what the weather is like in the country in December.

Climate and weather

The territory of Portugal lies in subtropical climate zone. On the weather the relief and the cold Canary Current influence.

stands out several climate zones:

  1. for northwest abundant rains, mild winters and short summers are characteristic;
  2. on the northeast countries cold winters are longer with snowfalls, and summers are hot;
  3. in southern part Portugal has mild winters and dry summers with little rainfall.

The coldest month- this is January, the average temperature ranges from +3 degrees in the northeastern part to +11.9 in the south.

The hottest months are July and August, the average temperature is +19-23.4 degrees. Sundial in Portugal, there are 3000 annually.

Resorts are concentrated in the south, where water temperature warms up to +21 degrees.


The tourism industry plays an important role in the Portuguese economy. On the territory of the country there are 15 objects included in the UNESCO World Heritage.

Resorts - photo

  • Algarve– a resort ideal for lovers of the beach or active rest. All beaches are well-maintained, you can take a shower, go to the toilet, have a snack, change clothes and rent a sunbed with an umbrella. The strip of beaches has a length of about 150 km, it is protected from cold winds from the north by mountain ranges.

In the Algarve, vacationers play golf and tennis, go in for water sports sports and athletics, ride horses.

  • At dawn is a small resort town on the ocean coast. It's beautiful and amazing clean place. The uniqueness of the resort is preserved in the authentic atmosphere. People dressed in national clothes sing folk songs. The coast is covered with white-golden sand, there is developed infrastructure and surf spot.
  • Sintra- a resort located on the fantastic beach of Adraga. The white sandy beach is surrounded by high cliffs. The place is not very suitable for families with children, swimming can be dangerous. Here you can definitely take incredible pictures, capturing magnificent sunsets, these unique photos preserve landscapes, as if from a science fiction movie.
  • Albufeiraresort area With sandy beach 3 km long, the territory is bordered by rocks with pine trees on the tops. Here, clear turquoise water and a bottom without sharp stones, which is a rarity for Portugal. You can get medical treatment at the resort, this place has healing air, and many are attracted by surreal landscapes that can be enjoyed endlessly.

Read also in this article what nice souvenirs and useful things you can bring from Portugal for yourself and your family.

  • Evora located in the south of the country. Beautiful city declared by UNESCO a monument of world culture. It has a lot architectural monuments that allow visitors to feel the spirit of antiquity.
  • Madeira Island. Madeira Beach is considered unique - it has many natural volcanic pools. This tourist area is open all year round, there are locker rooms, safes, a children's pool, a rescue point. Equipped on the beach comfortable slopes and fences installed.

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In Nazar 2 main attractions: the Chapel of Remembrance and the Church of Our Lady. According to legend, the chapel was erected on the spot where the sacred relic, the Black Madonna, was found. The square structure was built in the 12th century. The Church of Our Lady appeared later in 1377, it was built because there was not enough space in the Chapel of Remembrance for everyone to pray to the Black Madonna.

The Church of Our Lady was rebuilt several times, today it is a building in the Baroque style.

Aqueduct Aguas Librish- peculiar business card capital city. The design is presented in the form of a string of stone arches rising to a great height. The technical structure was erected in the 18th century.

Lisbon has belem tower included in the UNESCO List world heritage. It is located at the mouth of the Tagus River. This building is made in the exotic Manueline style.