Where are the Seychelles, the capital and attractions. Where are the Seychelles on the world map

Basic moments

The Seychelles consists of 115 islands, of which 43 are internal and 72 are external islands located between 4 and 10 ° south latitude and between 46 and 54 ° east longitude. Their total area is only 455 km², they are located on 1,400,000 km² indian ocean. Only 30 are inhabited, where about 92 thousand people live. Inner Islands, which include Mahe, Praslin and La Digue, are located about 1600 km east of Africa. These are the oldest oceanic islands in the world, about 750 million years old, and the only islands that were not formed as a result of the action of underwater volcanoes or the vital activity of corals.

Despite its small territory, the sunny archipelago remains a favorite holiday destination for tourists from different countries including Russians. At the same time, not everyone can afford a vacation in the Seychelles, given that here, in comparison with many other world resorts, staying is not cheap. However, such peace and idyll reign in the Seychelles that travelers are ready to pay even big money, just to be away from the centers of civilization, where the bustle and sometimes exhausting rhythm of life dominate.

Lovers of relaxation and exclusive beach holidays are not the only category of tourists who choose the Seychelles for relaxation. Among those who came here on vacation, one can single out people who are in love with the ocean, because there are many beautiful dive sites around the archipelago, and its coast is washed by waves of any size, which is very appreciated by surfers. Lovers of yachting and sea fishing are drawn to exotic islands with all their hearts. We will not specify that all of them are at least wealthy people.

So, the Seychelles is the center of peace and order, incredibly beautiful landscapes and excellent service. In a word, everything that is ideal for a good rest for both body and soul. And also on these paradise islands… start new life. I mean family: holding romantic wedding ceremonies in the picturesque tropics, lost in the ocean waters, has become a good tradition. And very fashionable. Couples in love, who decide to seal their relationship with the bonds of Hymen, flock here like moths, all year round. Paradise is expensive, but after all, a wedding is one and for life - what can you not do for the sake of great and bright love?

It is difficult to find words to convey all the beauty of this truly divine corner on our restless planet. Islands covered with greenery, a luxurious coastline and teeming with a variety of living creatures undersea world, amazing landscape, exotic fruits and delicious national cuisine - you can appreciate all the exclusivity and uniqueness of the rest in these places, only when you get here. And don't forget to take your camera with you, because the beaches of the Seychelles are the most photographed in the world!

Geography and climate

The Seychelles are located east of Africa and north of Madagascar. The equator line runs higher, so the small resort republic belongs to the southern hemisphere. The most famous and at the same time the most big island the archipelago is Mahe. Smaller: Praslin, La Digue, Deroche, Silhouette, Saint Anna, Bird, Denis and others. According to geological features, the islands are divided into granite and coral. The first group includes 42 islands, all of them are only 50-70 kilometers away from Mahe. Most of the country's settlements are concentrated on their coast and the main economic activity is carried out. In the interior regions of the "granites" there are forests where tree-like ferns, rare species of palm trees, and pandanuses grow. But the coral islands are flat atolls, rising above sea level by only 4-8 meters. They consist of limestone, but practically do not retain moisture, so droughts are not uncommon in this part of the Seychelles. Limestone soils are considered thin, so nothing else but coconut palms grows here.

The climate is significantly affected by the fact that cyclones do not pass through the islands. Thanks to this, the Seychelles is not only one of the most favorable, but also the safest places for recreation on the planet, and all year round. The wet and dry seasons here alternate without significant temperature fluctuations, and the average humidity is rarely below 80%.

From December to April, the country is under the rule of the rainy season. Showers are a frequent occurrence at this time, often very strong, but they quickly pass. January is considered the rainiest. Most of the precipitation falls in mountainous areas islands of Mahe and Silhouette. At the same time, the northwest monsoons are blowing, the air temperature rises to 30 degrees with a plus sign.

The dry season starts in June and lasts until October. It cannot be said that during this period there is no rain at all, only the level of humidity is still significantly lower. The average air temperature is kept at +25 °C. There are winds, but already south-easterly. The sea at this time is restless, although the wind force, if it exceeds 6 points, is rare. The driest months of the year are July and August.

You can go to the resorts of the Seychelles all year round, but only two months are considered the most favorable for a good rest - May and October. Why are they so remarkable? Those that do not belong to any of the local seasons, representing a kind of off-season. May and October weather is characterized by pleasant warmth, the ocean is so calm that it seems to have dozed off. The wind blows weakly, and the rains, if they happen, end quickly. Tourists interested in ornithology should definitely visit Cousin and Bird Islands in May, when countless flocks of birds flock to them.

Seychelles nature

Seychelles is mainly covered with tropical forests, the local flora and fauna is represented mainly by endemic plant and animal species. The policy of sustainable tourism has led to the fact that the Seychelles managed to maintain its natural heritage. The archipelago has many national parks under the protection of UNESCO, as well as a number of protected areas. Although the latter do not have the status of a reserve in the traditional sense, this does not mean at all that tourists can behave here as they please. During your vacation - even if you are outside the territory of a national park - you must be prepared to face many prohibitions that may even seem strange, but you cannot ignore them.

One of these prohibitions applies on the island of Mahe: you can’t fish here, as well as collect shells and corals. If the restrictions associated with fishing are still somehow understandable, then how to explain the taboo on collecting coral and shells? Such a ban seems ridiculous to many. But Cousin Island is so carefully guarded by the International Committee for the Protection of Birds that it is forbidden to visit it without a guide. Birds of rare species nest right on the paths, and there is a risk that lone tourists can harm them. The deserted beaches of the island have long been chosen by sea turtles that lay their eggs here. For this reason, it is very difficult to visit not only Kuzin, but also other uninhabited regions of the country.

Even entire islands are national parks. For example, Praslin is the second largest in the Seychelles. In its center is the Vallee de Mai nature reserve, recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It has become home to dozens of endemic species of local flora and fauna. It is here that the black parrot, the Bul-Bul nightingale, the fruit dove live - the three rarest species of birds in the world. Here, in the reserve, you can also see the exotic palm tree Coco de mer, or sea nut, which has become recognizable thanks to its unusually shaped fruits. This unique endemic is a symbol of the Seychelles and is under state protection.

The best example of a solitary tropical paradise is Aldabra. This is the largest coral atoll in the world, home to over 150,000 giant tortoises that thrive on these inhospitable shores. Here lives the last flightless bird of the Indian Ocean - the Cuvier shepherd. Aldabra has the second largest frigate colony in the world. Flamingos nest on the atoll, as well as a dozen endemic bird species. Sea turtles, rays, sharks and many exotic fish swim among the reefs. More than 2,000 turtles lay their eggs on the beaches of Aldabra. Since 2001, dugongs have been seen here four times - previously these sea cows were considered extinct. Sea and land turtles, birds and millions of fish live and breed in peace in the 34 km² lagoon. Even now there are almost no people on the island - a few scientists, a caretaker and his assistants come here. They settle in small houses, collect data and protect this unique corner of the earth. Aldabra is the most remote and rarely visited island of the Seychelles archipelago. The only footprints that can be seen on the white sandy beaches are those of birds and turtles.

The people of the Seychelles do their best to keep the ocean and the islands clean. In the capital of the Seychelles, Victoria, you will not see garbage anywhere. Wherever you go: to the famous beaches of Anse Lazio on Praslin, Anse Source d "Argent on La Digue, or to some nameless cove - you will not come across a single tin can or plastic bottle, and even in the trash. Those Those who relax on the Seychelles beaches take all the garbage with them, leaving the coast exactly as nature created it.

An interesting fact: the famous director Roman Polanski in 1986 released a film called “Pirates”, which was appreciated by film critics. This painting was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Costume Design. The second award, the César Award, was for costumes and set design. If not for the magnificent natural landscape of the Seychelles, where Polanski carried out location shooting, the film would hardly have received the second award.

History of the Seychelles

Initially, the Seychelles were part of the Indian-Eurasian continent. A strong sub-oceanic current separated this part of the continent, and it ended up in the middle of the ocean. Then the Seychelles was a lifeless granite rock about the size of Great Britain. Over millions of years, water and wind have divided the rock into many islands. Due to rising sea levels and the weight of the carbonate platform that supports the coral reefs, today the area of ​​granite rocks is just over 110 km², that is, a thousandth of its original size.

Anse Source d'Argent Beach

But the decline in sea levels, which occurred several thousand years ago, exposed the outer coral islands. Sandbanks appeared, forming bizarrely shaped coral islands with internal lagoons. At low tide, the lagoons become almost completely shallow, and fish can be collected by hand.

Basking under the gentle sun and half asleep listening to the soothing whisper of the ocean, it is hard to believe that such an idyll did not always reign in the Seychelles. The islands have such a turbulent past that it could form the basis of the plot of more than one adventure movie.

The expedition of the famous navigator Vasco da Gama, who visited the area back in 1502, was the first to notice the archipelago. He was an admiral by rank, so he called the found islands Admiral's. For the first time, the island of Mahe, which was then called Ilya Ganaa, was put on the compass maps of the Portuguese. Evidence has survived to this day that the Seychelles were visited before by Arab sailors. Rock inscriptions on Frigate and graves dated to the 9th-10th centuries on Silhouette Island serve as confirmation. In those distant times, the archipelago was uninhabited. Then it was made their haven by pirates, who ruled here for more than two centuries.

The very first of the Europeans landed here the ubiquitous British. In 1609, the expedition of Captain A. Sharpay not only examined the Seychelles in detail, but also compiled a detailed description of them. The first settlements on a permanent basis on the islands of Mahe and Praslin were founded by the French. They had a predominantly economic interest: starting in 1756, the colonialists set up entire plantations for growing cinnamon, vanilla and cloves. Then the islands got their current name - by the name of Jean Moreau de Sechelles, the French finance minister during the time of Louis XIV. Slaves imported from Madagascar and the eastern regions of mainland Africa were used as cheap labor.

And the British, apparently, could not come to terms with the fact that the French were able to seize the strategic initiative from them, the pioneers, and in 1794 became the new masters of the archipelago. The policy of the British in the mid-19th century, after slavery was abolished in 1835, was to encourage the migration to the Seychelles of Indians from among workers in coconut plantations, as well as persons involved in trade. From the point of view of the then international law, the presence of the British in the archipelago was regarded as an occupation: after all, it belonged to the French East India Company. However, in 1814, under the terms of the Treaty of Paris, Great Britain officially became the owner of the Seychelles. In 1840, they officially became part of another British colony in the Indian Ocean - Mauritius, from which representatives of the Chinese ethnic group began to move to the archipelago. In 1903, the Seychelles received a new administrative status - a separate crown possession. Around the same time, immigrants from the Arabian Peninsula began to appear on the islands.

In 1965, such islands as Desroches, Aldabra, Farquhar and some others were withdrawn from the administration of the Seychelles and turned by Great Britain into independent possessions in the Indian Ocean. On June 28, 1976, the United Kingdom granted independence to the Seychelles. In the same year, the first elections to the country's parliament took place, in which the Democratic Party won the majority. The post of the first prime minister of the new independent state was received by James Manch.

A year later, an armed coup took place in the Seychelles, as a result, the opposition United Party of the People, which shared the Marxist and socialist ideology, came to power. In 1978, this political force was renamed the People's Progressive Front (NPF), the same socialism remained at the heart of its ideology. According to the Constitution of 1979, a one-party system was established in the republic. Agricultural lands were requisitioned from their owners, and agricultural and fishing collective farms were created on their basis.

Throughout the existence independent republic Seychelles made many more attempts to change power by force. In the first two and a half years of independence alone, three such attempts were thwarted. Similar actions were also taken by opponents of the regime in 1981-1982 and 1986-1987. In 1991, Seychelles ruler France-Albert Rene, who had been permanent since 1977, and his Popular Progressive Front party agreed to hold free democratic elections and declared a rejection of Marxism. Two years later, a new Constitution of the republic was adopted, officially establishing a departure from the previous policy, a multi-party system, a market economy, privatization and offshore companies. In 2004, President René voluntarily stepped down from office, handing over the reins to Vice President James Michel. The latter was re-elected as head of state in 2006 and 2011.

Cities and resorts

If you are going to spend your holidays in the Seychelles, you must decide where to stay. From the granite islands of Mahe, Praslin and La Digue to the coral atolls of the outlying islands, 18 islands offer eco-friendly accommodation, perfect for lovers of nature, the sea and romance.

The capital Victoria is the only city in the country in the usual sense. It is located on the island of Mahe and immediately attracts attention with its colonial architecture, dispersed in cozy streets. The heart of the city is Market Street and Long Pier, where all the capital's attractions are located, from a small copy of London's Big Ben to a very neat St. Paul's Cathedral, which looks like a big toy. On the first coastline of Victoria are located best hotels, and a little further away, modest "kopeck pieces" perched.


In addition to the capital, on the largest island of the archipelago, Mahe, hiking in the mist-shrouded mountains is at your service. national park Morne Seychellois, shopping and excellent beaches, of which there are about 70. The most visited, where there is simply nowhere to step in the high season, is Beau Vallon. Life on the beach is in full swing not only during the day, but also at night. Well and tourism infrastructure development is at the highest level. Vacationers who do not tolerate fuss should go for relaxation on West Coast islands that are not so crowded.

Another popular beach on the main island is Grand Anse. Surfers claim that this place is unique for activities, which is facilitated by excellent waves. For diving, the beaches of Anse Forban and Anse Royale are excellent. Divers get an indescribable impression from the crystal clear and calm waters of the Indian Ocean - it seems that there are no such beaches that are conducive to activities anywhere else. by the very beautiful beach Mahe is considered Anse Intendance. Everything here is like on the cover of a glossy magazine or in a Bounty advertisement: gentle sun, turquoise water, snow-white sand and coconut palms.


On Praslin, you can imagine yourself as a real Robinson Crusoe on the best beaches world or take a fascinating walk through the mysterious forest, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The island is the second not only in size, but also in terms of attendance. It is famous for the fact that only here grows the national symbol of the Seychelles - coconut Coco de mer. The territory of Praslin is small, it can be bypassed in just a few hours. On the ocean side, the island is surrounded by coral reefs. The most popular beaches are Anse Lazio and Côte d'Or.

La Digue

Tourists are fascinated at first sight and not big Island La Digue, most of which is occupied by Mount Ni d'Aigle. On the island, you can ride a bike or an ox-cart through the jungle. Or you can just indulge in a thoughtless beach holiday. The Bay of Source d'Argent is the main tourist area of ​​La Digue. Interestingly, in the morning it turns pink, and in the evenings, when the sun sets, fiery red. Such a play of colors is possible only thanks to the granite rocks. Travelers also visit another bay - Coconut, as well as two beaches: Grand and Batat. The sand on them, thanks to the same granite boulders, has a pink tint. Breadfruit trees grow on the island, coconut plantations are broken here. You can see paradise flycatchers and giant tortoises.


The third largest granite island in the archipelago is Silhouette, located about 20 km from Mahe. This is a real gem of the Seychelles - an emerald that has not been cut. Wild nature reigns on the island, unaffected by civilization. For ecotourists, these places become a real paradise. Not posted here car roads, there are no cars themselves. You can get around either on foot or by bike.

Silhouette's visiting card is a huge equatorial forest, which remains an incomprehensible mystery not only for travelers, but also for scientists conducting research here. The order on the island is monitored by the inhabitants of a small village, on the territory of which the five-star hotel Hilton Seychelles Labriz is located. Among the local attractions, we can also highlight the Doban family crypt, the turtle farm and the old house of planters.


Frigate Island, which is only 2 km long and 1 km wide, is inhabited by the frigate bird, which gave the island its name. This perfect place where you can immerse yourself in a calm and measured rest, reunited with nature. The island is privately owned and was opened to holidaymakers only a few years ago. There is a hotel where every guest is welcome: you will be received warmly, cordially and in a family way.

According to an old legend, pirates buried their stolen treasures on Frigate. If you like adventure, you can try to find this treasure, and suddenly luck will smile on you - what the hell is not joking!


Curiosity Island is just 2 km northeast of Praslin and is home to endemic birds and hundreds of turtles brought from Aldabra Atoll. It got its name in honor of the ship that first moored to its shores. The curiosity is chosen by diving enthusiasts, which is favored by the vast riches of the seabed.


Considerable wealth, but already lying on the surface - gardenia gardens and citrus forests - attracts travelers to the small granite island of Arid. Here you can meet the largest pink terns in the world and an incredible number of various reptiles, which you don’t need to be afraid of, since they pose no danger to humans.


by the most remote island in the Seychelles, located in the southern part of the archipelago, is Alphonse. He, like Frigate, private property, but open to tourists. Those who want to completely disconnect from the bustle of the city, and people who are prone to stress and depression rush here. The absence of cars in this context is perceived as a great advantage, the alternative to them is bicycles. For a good rest, there is everything that your heart desires: a tennis court, a fishing school, a yacht club and paradise beaches stretching for more than 3 km.


If you want to completely forget about civilization, go to Desroches. Here you can feel like a time traveler. On the island you can see how coconuts are harvested and copra is harvested in the traditional way. Desroches is 6 km long and only 1 km wide. There is only one Desroches Island Resort on the island, with twenty suites. Desroches has been called "a jewel in a tropical setting".


The largest coral atoll in the world, Aldabra, is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. This is one of the few places on our planet where gigantic turtles are found, dominating the terrestrial fauna. Entry to this unique nature reserve is tightly controlled. The Czech language tells about the flora and fauna of the atoll documentary"Aldabra. Journey to the mysterious island.

Recreation and entertainment

One of the most favorite entertainment for tourists in the Seychelles is, of course, diving. And it is impossible not to dwell on it in more detail.

Even those who have never thought about it before are striving to dive into the ocean depths. It is simply impossible to refuse such an opportunity when the water is so clear that the visibility in it reaches about 30 m, and the temperature for diving is more than comfortable! The seabed is generally a separate world, from the curiosities of which the eyes literally run wide. Either some unusual fish will swim in front of you, or a snow-white shell will sparkle like a diamond. Or a coral of an unprecedented color will pinch on the heel. Acquaintances with a manta ray, a turtle, a white shark and will never be forgotten at all. Almost all Seychelles dive sites are located at least 10, maximum 40 minutes from the coast. There are two seasons a year for diving: September-October and April-May. The best place for diving, this is the UNESCO-protected island of Aldabra. A “visit” to the ocean depths is not a free pleasure: the cost, including equipment, is 800-850 Seychellois rupees. A training course for beginner divers costs between 6500-7000 rupees.

While some tourists are conquering the depths of the sea, others are happy to tame the board - go surfing. The period from November to April is considered the best season for surfing, since during the summer months this activity can be dangerous due to the very big waves. The islands of Mahe and Praslin are considered the most suitable for surfing. We have already called the Grand Anse beach, which is located in the northwest of Mahe, and Anse Lazio on Praslin. The list of beaches popular among the “dosochniks” is by no means limited to them. Let's also name such as Karana Beach, Anse Bougainville, Barbaron, Anse Royal, Misfit Bay, Anse Goulette and Bel Ombre. On average, a surf lesson with an instructor will cost a tourist 1,200 rupees, and a board rental will cost 500 rupees per day.

Fans of quiet hunting, that is, fishermen, will not be left idle. For them, fishing in the Seychelles is the ultimate dream! After all, not some crucian or perch are caught here, but exotic tuna, barracuda, mako shark, tiger shark, which, before arriving in the Seychelles, could only be seen on TV. The most coveted trophy for experienced fishermen is the blue swordfish, also known as the blue marlin. The weight of this marine life exceeds 400 kg! Best time for fishing - early morning, when you need to have time to dig up worms and get to deep water in order to catch small fish - in fact, real prey is lured to it. The best season for fishing in the Seychelles is October-April. Inveterate fishermen can order a boat to remote water areas, for example, to the Cosmoledo and Farquhar atolls. The ship is usually designed to carry several people, and you can rent it from morning to afternoon or for the whole day. The rental price depends on the comfort. The speedboat will cost from 9,000 to 20,000 Seychellois rupees including the cost complete set equipment. A trip with a fishing rod on a boat with more modest characteristics will cost 2,000 rupees. But what to do with the catch, you ask? Right on board or in a restaurant on the shore, your trophies will be turned into real gastronomic masterpieces - you will lick your fingers!

So, the underwater world has been explored, the board has been tamed, a big fish has been caught, and now the evening has quietly come. Is it really just going to bed? But what about night life? In the Seychelles, of course, it is not as stormy as in many European or Thai resorts, so lovers of fun after dusk will be somewhat disappointed. However, those tourists who are not looking for adventure, but simply would like to relax and have fun, will be satisfied. There are several nightclubs on the island of Mahe, the most popular of them are the Lovant Club in the center of the capital and the Katiolo disco, which looks like the famous hut from Ethel Lilian Voynich's work about Uncle Tom. The rural discotheque, where music of the 80-90s sounds, the small "Club 369" and the inexpensive institution "Barrel" (in everyday life - "Barrel") does not remain without visitors. In the latter, mainly the local public likes to relax. There are also casinos on the island of Mahe, there are only three of them: the first is Berjaya Beau Vallon, the second is at the Plantation Club hotel, and the third is Eden, which was recently opened, but has already gained popularity among gamblers. There is a casino on the island of Praslin, it is the only one here, at the Lemuria Resort.

The Seychellois love to gather and dance folk dances to show the guests of the islands folk culture. On the beach of Beau Vallon, dancing is held on Wednesdays after sunset, and on Sundays around six in the evening. On weekends, local musician Keven Valentin performs at the Kaz Kreole restaurant. If you find yourself in the Seychelles in October, then do not miss the Creole Festival. The festival of music, culture, food and street parties lasts a whole week. Many events are held in hotels.

The liveliest restaurant in Beau Vallon is The Boat House. Every evening, tourists and locals gather here, who are offered a Creole buffet at a fixed price of 450 rupees. The Pirates Arms restaurant and bar in Victoria is very popular. It is worth coming here to listen to musicians performing modern and traditional Seychellois music.

Your hotel may host themed nights, but you'll likely be entertained by local musicians who occasionally do the sega dance. Such dances are quite common in the western Indian Ocean. The dancers shuffle their feet and wiggle their hips to the accompaniment of electric guitars and drums, while the singer recounts everything that happened during the day. Depending on the enthusiasm of the audience, you may be invited to take part in the dance.

National cuisine

Gourmets consider the Seychelles a real paradise - it is especially good here for those who love fish. Everywhere you go, you will be offered morning catch fish with herbs and spices, wonderful curries and delicious fruits and vegetables like you have never seen before.

The basis local cuisine the traditional recipes of the islanders were laid down, over time adjusted under the influence of European, and above all French, culinary traditions. The Indians also had a certain influence on the gastronomic preferences of the inhabitants of the Seychelles. The local Creole cuisine is somewhat reminiscent of the Mediterranean, as rice and seafood are widely used in cooking. And only the use of coconuts and curries, which also form the basis of traditional dishes, allows us to speak of Seychellois cuisine as something original.

One of the most popular dishes in the Seychelles is fish and rice called pwason ek diri. Under the funny name "tek-tek" lies an original and very tasty soup made from sea shells. “Saint-Jacques” is bananas, they are stewed in the French style, and “kat-kat” is coconut and banana pudding, one of the most delicious local desserts. You will surely like stewed fruits too. breadfruit. The unique taste of bat stew can be appreciated only by extreme gourmets who are not afraid of culinary impromptu.

Breakfast at Le Meridien Fisherman's Cove

The Seychelles, as we have already said, is an expensive resort, but even here you can find places where you can dine without much damage to your wallet, for example, in small cafes that serve national cuisine, and Indian restaurants and pizzerias. A full meal will cost you 300-500 SCR per person. You can also eat on the beaches, which will be even cheaper. The so-called street food - octopus salad or a portion of grilled fish - here costs only 75-100 rupees. Wealthy tourists prefer exclusively fashionable restaurants overlooking the ocean, where dinner costs 800 rupees and more for one person. Tipping in the Seychelles is not expected from you, since the service in most establishments is already included in the bill, but if you want to thank the staff in addition, they will only be happy to do so. Please note that restaurants often take orders only until 22:00. After that, you will have to finish what you managed to order. At best, you can take more drinks. Many restaurants close after 10 pm. Exceptions are bars that are open until late at night.


The Seychelles are multinational islands. The descendants of African and Malagasy slaves, French settlers, British colonizers and Asian immigrants live here. What unites them is a short history of only 250 years, and a special Seychelles identity, which manifests itself in music, language, folklore and traditions. With a surprisingly diverse ethnic composition, the Seychelles is much closer to the Western way of life than other islands in the region. However, Westernization did not lead to the destruction of the unique local culture. Free lifestyle, lack of racial tension, political stability, low crime rate and picturesque nature - all this makes tourists return to the Seychelles again and again.

music and dancing

Seychellois love to sing and dance. They are equally happy to go to modern nightclubs and dance traditional dances around fires right on the beaches. Motya dance combines African and Malagasy rhythms. This erotic dance is performed just like that, and at organized performances. During such performances, you can hear traditional stringed musical instruments - zez, bonm or makalapo. However, the main instrument is still the tom-tom drum. Curious mask dances and kosez are original variations of the waltz and quadrille. Apparently, they come from the dances of the first French settlers.


The Seychelles has three official languages ​​- English, French and Creole. Many people speak and understand English well. This language is widely used in business. Although French is also common, most Seychellois prefer to speak English with tourists and Creole among themselves. The Creole language has its roots in French. It was the language of the masters, which the African and Malagasy slaves adapted for themselves. It has been the official language of the Seychelles since 1981 and is treated with the same respect as English and French. English-speaking tourists do not experience any difficulties in shops, hotels, banks and restaurants. But a few Creole expressions will still be useful. If you know French, you will be able to learn some words and phrases. However, the Creole language is quite accessible to anyone. French J has become Creole Z, no French gender rules apply, no French accent needed. Words are pronounced the way they are written.

Folklore and legends

Over the years, superstition and folklore have been closely intertwined. Myths still envelop the rituals of black magic - gris-gris. Black magic was brought to the Seychelles by African slaves who always dreamed of love or revenge. Although black magic rituals were banned in 1958, they are still practiced today. Old people still consult not with doctors, but with bonhomn dibwa - local shamans.

Slaves knew the properties of herbs and plants well. This knowledge has been passed down from generation to generation. Even today, on those islands where there are no hospitals, people rely on nature. Lemongrass helps with stomach pains, other herbs treat liver, sore throats and headaches. Even a harmless palm spider finds application in traditional medicine. Any Seychellois will not be slow to tear off his legs and throw the little body into some unappetizing, but very healing brew!

national character

To get to know the people of the Seychelles and feel their inherent joy of life, head to the Labrun market, which is open on Wednesdays and on the last Saturday of the month in Beau Vallon. Here you can feel the symbolism of the national flag, the stripes on which correspond to the Seychelles character. Blue is the color of the sky and the sea, yellow is the color of the sun, which gives light and life, red symbolizes the readiness of the people to work for the future, unity and love, white is social justice and harmony, green is the land and nature of the islands.


The official currency in the Seychelles is the Seychellois rupee, which is divided into 100 cents. In circulation are banknotes in denominations of 10, 25, 50, 100 and 500 rupees and coins in denominations of 5, 10 and 25 cents, 1 and 5 rupees. As of 2017, one Seychelles rupee is approximately equal to 4.5 Russian rubles.

There are enough ATMs in the country, instructions are given on English language. Most restaurants and shops accept major credit cards- "MasterCard" and "Visa", but it's better to check in advance.


Since the Seychelles is an island state, the most convenient way to travel between different regions is by air. Domestic flights operated by Air Seychelles. You can fly, for example, from Praslin to Mahe in just 20 minutes, spending 102 euros on a 1-way ticket. Another local air carrier, ZilAir, offers its customers, including foreign ones, sightseeing flights around the country and exciting helicopter tours. In addition, those who wish can use the services individual transfer between the islands offered by this company.

Communication between the islands of the archipelago, including the most remote ones, is also provided by ferries and schooners, of which there are a lot. Ferry travel is usually included in the price of the tour, or you can buy the ticket yourself. You can get acquainted with the ferry schedule and prices by clicking on the link.

It may seem strange to some, but the bus network is quite well developed in the Seychelles - as you understand, not between the islands, but within them. For example, regular Passenger Transportation carried out on Mahe and Praslin. On both islands, buses start running at 5:30 am. Only on the first one flights are carried out until 20:30, on the second - until 18:20. Buses usually leave every 15 minutes, but sometimes it happens that you have to wait half an hour or an hour for your flight. The fare is collected by the driver, so it is better to have some change with you. A journey for any distance costs 7 rupees. You need to remember that buses are designed for the needs of local residents, and not for the convenience of tourists. Minibuses run between Victoria and the airport. Such a transfer will cost you only 3 rupees.

All over the world, wealthy, business and just busy people usually do not like to use public transport and prefer taxis. There are also checkered cars in the Seychelles, namely Praslin and Mahe. Local taxis are comfortable, but quite expensive. For a trip lasting 10 minutes, be prepared to pay about 15 euros. Airport transfer to popular resort Beau Vallon will cost about 50-60 euros. However, you can bargain, it is quite possible to drop the price by 10-20 percent.

Many tourists reject not only passenger transport, but also taxis. They prefer to travel in a rented car, prices for which start from 40 euros per day. To be entrusted with a car in the Seychelles, you must be at least 21 years old, have a national or international driver's license, as well as driving experience of at least 3 years. "Just?" - perhaps, one of our readers thought now. But do not rush to rejoice. Before renting a car, weigh the pros and cons. Firstly, it should be noted that the traffic here is left-handed, which may seem inconvenient to some. Secondly, there are many mountain roads in the Seychelles, the quality of which is out of the question, and if you do not have driving experience in such difficult conditions, then it is better not to risk it. In order to make an introductory trip around some island, it is better (and safer!) to bargain with any taxi driver. As practice shows, this is not too expensive. And, most importantly, there are no risks.

Well, if you all have already decided to travel on your own, then rent a jeep - this is vehicle perfect for local trails. But it's better not to experiment with speed. In the city, you can only accelerate to a maximum of 40 km per hour, outside the settlements the maximum permissible speed is 60 km per hour. If you are driving along the highway leading to the airport, you are allowed to race at a speed of 65 km per hour. Most Seychellois drive quite slowly, although some bus drivers imagine themselves on the narrow roads as if on a track. Always give way to buses. Where can you go? If you rent a car on Mahe Island, there are only 6 gas stations at your service. On Praslin, the choice is even less - there are only 2 gas stations.

And one more thing: a good alternative to taxis and rented cars is an ordinary bicycle. There are many rental points in the Seychelles where you can pick up a suitable "iron horse". There are sometimes so many who want to get a two-wheeled friend - after all, this is the most convenient tool movement in the conditions of this archipelago - that bicycles are often not enough for everyone.

Communication and Wi-Fi

For many Russian tourists, especially those traveling to the Seychelles for the first time, this piece of paradise, literally woven from the sun, warmth and beaches, is perceived almost as the "end of the world." It is quite natural that our compatriots are worried about how they will call home and, in general, stay in touch with the rest of the world.

The international code of the Seychelles is 248. You can call abroad and send faxes to any phone in the Seychelles. Even the outer islands have satellite communications. Be prepared for high prices, especially when calling from hotels.

For calls within the Seychelles and access to the Internet, it is most profitable to buy SIM cards from such mobile operators as Cable & Wireless and AirTel. You can buy them both at branded points of sale and in souvenir shops. They are also sold in hotels, moreover, with a surcharge. Some tariff plans include free calls within the country. For international calls, AirTel offers special vouchers ranging from Rs 30 to Rs 100. Communication with Russia will cost the subscriber 5.99 rupees per minute of conversation. Cable&Wireless services are somewhat more expensive: a starter package costs 100 rupees, calls abroad, including in the Russian Federation - 9.50 rupees per minute.

Local post offices and newsstands sell magnetic cards for calls from payphones. The latter are installed on the streets of local settlements. From some you can call without a card, for this it is enough to drop a coin: a three-minute conversation with a local subscriber will cost 1 rupee. If you need to call abroad, the card is required. The cost of an international call is estimated at 17 SCR/min. Night rates are cheaper.

As for the World Wide Web itself, it is poorly developed here. Free Wi-Fi hotspots are available in Victoria and elsewhere on the country's main island. Some travelers are frankly frustrated by the lack of an accessible Internet, while others are happy to have a break from the virtual, which, and this has already been proven by scientists, often causes pathological addiction.


There are no supermarkets and large shopping centers in the Seychelles, which are always very noisy due to the large crowds of people. However, the lack of shops familiar to us does not mean at all that you will leave home empty-handed. There are a lot of souvenir stalls and galleries in the Seychelles, and in them you can buy a large number of exclusive things as a keepsake. By the way, shopping on the islands is especially piquancy due to the fact that here they often sell directly under the open sky.

The main shops of the sunny archipelago are located in Victoria. There are also several shops on the islands of Praslin and La Digue. Local outlets usually open at 8 am and work until 5 pm, with a lunch break from noon to one. On Saturdays, shops are open only until lunch, weekends - Sundays and major holidays. Souvenir shops, which, of course, are aimed at tourists, fall out of this general rule. Many of them are open all Saturday, and some are open on Sundays.

The most popular souvenir that tourists bring from the Seychelles is Coco de mer, whose unusual shape and size invariably delight travelers. You can buy this nut in specialized stores and shops, and only in them. Why? It's all about the presence of a certificate available at these outlets and giving official permission to export the Seychelles symbol outside the country. Depending on the weight, the cost of this local palm fruit will vary from $200 to $250. To many, such a purchase may seem expensive, but there is always an alternative: if you cannot or do not want to buy the coconut itself, purchase products from its shell. Other tourists are trying to be cunning in order to save money: they buy coconut from private traders who do not ask for it dearly. But it’s better not to risk it, because such “savings” will come out sideways. At the airport, you will definitely be required to have a certificate allowing export, and if you do not have it, you will have to pay a fine.

We advise you to buy aromatic soaps and toiletries made with local essential oils, handmade beachwear, baskets and bags, tea bags and spices. Expensive souvenirs are not made in the Seychelles, but in South Africa and other countries of the world: pay attention to diamonds and precious stones, bags from the company "Melvil & Moon" and hats from Panama.

Typical Seychellois souvenirs are colorful paintings and prints that can be bought from artists. Check out the work of Michael Adams, Egbert Marday, Colbert Nurris and Barbara Jenson. The works of Les and Sharon Masterson are interesting - tropical birds and fish made of colored glass. Tom Bauer will offer you bronze sculptures.

Check out Camion Hall, a tourist arcade on Albert Street in Victoria. There are souvenirs and bookstores. Interesting souvenirs can be bought at the Fiennes Esplanade next to Francis Rachel Street. Wander the streets near the market, where you can buy interesting t-shirts and dresses, vanilla, cinnamon, curry spices, unusual wooden turtle figurines and even rosaries, as well as shell jewelry. Prices in stores are fixed, but bargaining with street vendors can get a small discount.

Hotels and accommodation

The hotel chain covers all major islands, but local hotels do not have an official classification. Tour operators themselves assign them a conditional number of "stars" - as they say, by eye. But small bungalows, the level of comfort of which is also not the same, are distributed mainly on small islands of the coral group. But be sure: regardless of whether you settled in a hotel, bungalow or lodge (Lodge), you will be guaranteed a service that meets international standards. For those who do not know what lodges are: these are specially equipped wildlife places for tourists to stay, sometimes called ethno-hotels.

by the most budget option for accommodation are guesthouses and apartments. In the capital of the Seychelles, you can rent such housing for only 1,150 rupees per day. A room for two in a three-star Victoria hotel will cost from 1630 SCR, and in a luxury five-star hotel - at least 3400 rupees per day. For comparison: a double room in a guesthouse on Praslin Island costs 815 rupees, and in a fashionable lodge - at least 3,000 rupees per night. A similar "kopeck piece" on the island of La Digue will cost tourists 1000 SCR. Of course, you can also rent a three-story villa with a private pool, but then you will have to pay 13,000 rupees per day. Well, a one-day vacation on the Frigate - it is often called an island hotel - will ease your wallet by 50 thousand rupees.

Le Meridien Fisherman's Cove Hotel Room

If money does not bother you at all, and you have been dreaming of your own island all your life, then 18 such islands are at your service. They operate on a "one island - one hotel" system. All of them are owned by private individuals and are designed for a very limited number of guests (the only exception is Sainte Anne Island Resort, which has more than 80 villas). Here you can always meet representatives of royal families, movie stars, football players and famous industrialists.

There are very few large hotels in the Seychelles. By Seychelles standards, if the hotel has more than 25 rooms, it is already a large hotel. Small hotels are always well equipped and not always cheap. The rooms have air conditioning, private terraces, TVs and telephones. Some hotels are designed for those who appreciate the home environment.

Accommodation in mid-range hotels is of a high standard. The staff is hospitable and always ready to help.

The less formal hotels have a 1960s feel to them, although they are gradually being renovated as well. These hotels don't have as many restaurants, not as big a pool, less spacious grounds, and no room service. But you can always count on great beach, comfortable room with hair dryer, shaver socket, telephone, TV, air conditioning, kettle with tea and coffee set. There may also be Internet access. Larger hotels offer babysitting, and children have their own pools.

Another option is to charter a yacht and spend the entire vacation on board. The cost of the freight can be divided among the whole group, which makes such a holiday less expensive than if you decide to go alone.

There are no campsites in the Seychelles - this is prohibited.

The voltage in the local power supply is 240 volts, the connector for connecting electrical appliances complies with the British standard, that is, it is equipped with three square plates. If you brought a domestic kettle, iron, hair dryer or other electrical appliance with you, then ask the receptionist for an adapter. Otherwise, you will not be able to connect them to the network.

Opening hours

Offices are open: Mon-Fri 8.00-16.00, some work Sat 8.00-12.00.

Banks are open: Mon-Fri 8.30-14.00, Sat 8.30-11.00.

Shops are open: Mon-Fri 8.00-17.00, Sat 8.00-12.00.

Passports and visas

If you are a citizen Russian Federation and plan to stay in the country for no more than 30 days, then a visa is not required. You need to obtain a 30-day residence permit, which you must carry with you at all times and present to immigration upon departure. Tourists must have a valid passport, return ticket, accommodation documents and sufficient funds.


Time in the Seychelles is ahead of Moscow by an hour. When it's noon in the Seychelles, it's 8:00 in London, 3:00 in New York, 4:00 in Montreal, 20:00 in Sydney, 21:00 in Wellington and 22:00 in Cape Town.

Health and safety

Nothing threatens your health in the Seychelles. There is no malaria, yellow fever, cholera and other tropical diseases here. No vaccinations are required unless you have been in a country with yellow fever in the last six days. Travelers from South America or Africa (excluding South Africa) will need a vaccination certificate.

Tap water is drinkable. Mineral water is sold in shops, hotels and restaurants. Hygiene standards in hotels and restaurants comply with Western requirements. Be guided by common sense, as at home, and your stay in the Seychelles will pass without problems. The main dangers are sunstroke, overheating and indigestion. Try not to spend too much time in the sun, use sunscreen, drink plenty of water, and always wash fruits and vegetables before eating.

Many medicines can be found in a private pharmacy in Victoria, but under different names. Hospitals and health centers have their own pharmacies. All medicines are dispensed by prescription. If you are taking any medications, take a sufficient supply with you. Contacts of doctors and dentists are listed in telephone directories. The pay is reasonable and the service is usually good. The hotel will help you to contact a specialist.

The Seychelles has a low crime rate. True, things left unattended, especially on the beach, can be stolen. Beau Vallon beach has a black currency market. It is illegal, and detainees face heavy fines.

How to get there

There are several air harbors in the Seychelles, but only one airport serves international flights - Pointe Larue, located on Mahe Island near the country's capital, Victoria.

The cheapest way to get from Moscow is with two transfers, but this is not very convenient. Air Serbia and Etihad Airways fly from the Russian capital to the Seychelles. They depart from Sheremetyevo, connections are made in Belgrade and Abu Dhabi. On the way you will spend a total of 25.5 hours. Aeroflot and Turkish Airlines» depart from Vnukovo, flights are operated with 1 change in Istanbul. The flight will take 13.5 hours, but will cost more.

Flights from Moscow to the Seychelles are carried out and " Qatar Airways", and also with a transplant. Departure from Domodedovo, fly less, only 19.5 hours, via Doha. The fastest connecting flights The Emirates air carrier operates through the capital of the Russian Federation: passengers will spend only 12 hours and 50 minutes in the air. Transfer in Dubai.

It is more economical to fly from St. Petersburg with one connection: Turkish Airlines operates a flight through Istanbul, travel time is 18 hours 40 minutes. But faster, again, the already mentioned Emirates, which departs from Pulkovo and arrives at Mahe in 12 hours and 45 minutes. Transfer is also in Dubai. With two connections delivered from northern capital Qatar Airways and Es Seven. It will take 27 hours, or even more, to fly through Moscow and Doha. But the ticket is cheaper. But "Russia" and "Turkish Airlines" will take you from St. Petersburg in 17.5 hours (via Moscow and Istanbul).

Where to go Russian tourist? Seychelles is one of the most popular destinations. Many of our citizens can already find them on the world map. You do not need a visa to visit this country, and the trip itself promises to be very exciting. Here are the main facts about this wonderful place.

general information

Visa regime for Russia

For Russians, visiting the Seychelles does not require a visa (for up to 30 days). To enter the country, you need a passport valid for at least 3 months from the date of the intended departure, an air ticket back, as well as proof of solvency at the rate of 50 US dollars per day.

Upon arrival at the airport, you will need to pay a tourist tax of $40. Children can enter the Seychelles only accompanied by their parents. If one of them is traveling, then a power of attorney is needed from the second.


The customs legislation of the state does not restrict the import and export of currency. You can not enter the country with weapons (including pneumatic), fruits and vegetables, meat products. Particularly strict policy of the authorities regarding the importation of drugs. In the arrival halls of airports for tourists, warnings are posted - if someone tries to import drugs, he faces a prison term of up to 30 years.

It is impossible to export (if there are no official certificates) some types of marine flora and fauna.


The geology of the country is represented by two types of landscape - granite (in particular, the largest island of Mahe belongs to them) and coral. The bulk of the population lives on the granite islands. IN central regions some of them have forests where palm trees, ferns, pandanuses grow. In the coastal zone, there are mainly coconut palms and artificial plantations. by the way, they are also located mainly on the granite part of the archipelago.

Coral islands are atolls, their height above the level of ocean waters is 4-8 meters. They are arid, because coral limestones almost do not retain air moisture. Of the flora here, mainly only coconut palms.

Unique fauna

The Seychelles is home to a large number of endemic bird species. The reason for this is their rather long dwelling in isolation relative to other world ecosystems. Among the most recognizable birds of the Seychelles is the frigatebird. Its wingspan is up to 3 meters, it can stay in the air without interruption for up to 7 days in a row!

On the Island of Birds, the most different types birds arriving in winter from other parts of the world. Another attraction of the island is the giant tortoises. Some individuals weigh up to 250 kg.


And how did the world know about the existence of a paradise on earth called the Seychelles? Where they are and what they are, sailors from Portugal told at the beginning of the 16th century. Then the archipelago was practically uninhabited. Over the following centuries, the islands were only occasionally visited by sea pirates.

The first settlements appeared there in the middle of the 18th century - on the islands of Mahe and Praslin. They were founded by settlers from France, who began to grow certain types of crops here. These lands got their name in honor of Moreau de Sechelles, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country. The colonists brought slaves here from Africa. At the end of the 18th century, the military seizure of the archipelago was carried out by Britain, which some time later began to stimulate the settlement of the territory by immigrants from India. At the end of the 19th century, Chinese from the British colony of Mauritius began to settle in the Seychelles, and at the beginning of the 20th century, immigrants from Arabia. In 1976, the Seychelles gained independence from Great Britain, and in 1977, the party of Frans-Albert René came to power, following the ideology of Marxism. In 1993, democratic transformations took place in the country.

State structure

Seychelles is a country with a republican form of government. The President and Prime Minister are elected by the people for a term of 5 years. Each of the representatives of the executive branch may hold up to three terms in a row. The main legislative body is the Parliament, where 34 deputies sit (25 are elected directly by citizens, 9 - from parties).

The largest political associations are the Progressive Front, the National Party.

The army of the Seychelles is represented by ground forces, a maritime patrol, as well as a national guard. Service - on a contract basis. The state budget spends about 3% on the needs of the army.


The basis of the Seychelles economy is tourism (70% of foreign exchange earnings, 30% of employees), fishing (the basis of export is frozen and canned fish). little developed Agriculture(The main crops are coconuts, cinnamon, sweet potatoes, bananas. Poultry is bred in households.


The place where cultures from all over the world intertwine is the Seychelles, where heritage samples are located national flavor Europeans (French, British), Africans, Indians, residents of Madagascar. On the islands, women are especially revered - many play a leading role in managing the household, in family accounting, and in raising children. The role of men in family life is sometimes secondary. In some families, the rule is practiced: the more a man earns, the more rights he has.

In the Seychelles, it is customary to leave a tip of 10%, give small amounts to maids. Taxis are usually metered, but tips are also welcome (especially if the trip is long).

It is illegal to export some household items of the indigenous people of the Seychelles (for example, spears for catching fish).

Strong winds and cyclones bypass the Seychelles. Mahe Island, however, is characterized by frequent heavy rains, so when planning a visit, you can grab an umbrella.

The main part of the archipelago is coral formations (133, with a total of 155).

The granitic islands of the Seychelles are considered the most ancient of the existing ones on Earth.

Aldabra Island, which is recognized by many geologists as the largest in the archipelago, is under the protection of UNESCO.

The main area of ​​the Seychelles is national park.

The administrative center - the city of Victoria, is considered one of the smallest capitals.

Citizens of the Republic of Seychelles often travel to other countries, despite the local beauty and wonderful climate.

Seychelles- a state located on 115 islands located in the western part of the Indian Ocean.

The name of the countries comes from the name of the Minister of the Navy of France (1756) Morois de Sechelle.

Official name: Republic of the Seychelles (Seychelles)

Capital: Victoria

The area of ​​the land: 455.3 sq. km

Total population: 88.3 thousand people

Administrative division: The state is divided into 23 districts.

Form of government: Republic.

Head of State: The president.

Composition of the population: 85% of the population of the Seychelles (citizens of the Republic of North Ossetia) are Creoles (descendants from mixed marriages of French settlers and English sailors with Africans, Indians, Arabs, etc.), 5% are Indians, 2% are Malagasy, 1% are British and Chinese, a small a percentage are descendants of French colonists and Arabs.

Official language: Creole, English and French.
Religion: 82.3% Catholic, 6.4% Anglican, 1.1% Seventh-day Adventist, 3.4% other Christian
2.1% Hindu, 1.1% Muslim, 1.5% Catholic.

Internet domain: .sc

Mains voltage: ~240 V, 50 Hz

Phone country code: +248


The climate of the Seychelles is tropical, however, the influence of the ocean has a softening effect. Throughout the year, the air temperature here is quite high, but, depending on the prevailing winds and the amount of precipitation, two seasons can be distinguished - dry and wet. The dry season lasts from June to October. During it, it is relatively cool, dry southeast winds blow, and there is little precipitation. Daytime temperatures reach 29 degrees, at night they drop to 24 degrees.

The driest month is July, when about 70 mm of precipitation falls. Between December and April, there is a wet season with northeasterly winds that bring hot weather with frequent but brief tropical downpours. From November to February there are monsoon rains, in the rainiest month - January - up to 400 mm of precipitation falls. In this regard, the humidity of the air also increases, during this period it is 82%. In the daytime, the air warms up to 31 degrees, at night it is quite warm - about 26 degrees.

The temperature of coastal waters varies little depending on the season - in August it warms up to 26 degrees, and in April - up to 30.


An island nation off the east coast of Africa. The capital is the city of Victoria (26.3 thousand people (2001), island of Mahe). It is located on an archipelago, which is located in the western part of the Indian Ocean at a distance of 960 km northeast of Madagascar and 1.6 thousand km. off the east coast of Africa.

It consists of 115 islands (according to some sources - from 92 to 140): Amirante Islands, groups of islands Aldabra, Desroches, Providence and Farquhar, La Digue Islands, Mamel, Mahe, Praslin, Silhouette, Felicite, Frigit (or Frigate), etc. 46 islands are considered inhabited. The largest is Mahe Island (148 sq. km).

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

There are 81 species of endemic plants. Tropical evergreen forests have been preserved in the central regions of the large islands. O.Praslin and several nearby islands are the only place on the planet where the Seychellois (Maldives) fan palm grows. The width of its leaves is about 3 m, and nuts (coco de mer - "sea coconut") weighing up to 20 kg are the largest seed in the Earth's flora. These palms live up to 800 years.

There are 6 more species of endemic palms on the islands, noble dekenia is the highest of them (up to 40 m). Bamboo, vanilla, dragon, bread and cinnamon (cinnamon is produced from its dry bark) trees, takamak, Chinese apple tree, creepers, orchids, ferns and an endemic jellyfish plant grow.

Animal world

Mammals include bats and hedgehog-like tenrec animals. In the Seychelles (mainly on the Aldabra Atoll) and the Galapagos Islands in South America giant (up to 200 kg) elephant and green sea ("soup") turtles survived. There are marsh turtles, non-venomous snakes, various lizards (many geckos) and tiger chameleons.

The world of birds is diverse (especially on Cousin Island): endemic paradise flycatcher, Seychelles weaver and black parrot, ibis, Indian myna, terns, magpie warbler, frigatebirds, herons. The fauna of insects is rich. About 900 species of fish live in the waters (shark, flounder, marlin, sea bass, sailfish, stingray, tuna, etc.). There are a lot of shrimps and mollusks (there are more than 300 species of them around the island of Mahe alone!). There are about 100 endemic coral species.


The Seychelles is rightfully considered an earthly paradise, which has preserved the flora and fauna of the archipelago in its original form, is famous for its endless sandy beaches, which are considered among the best in the world. The beauty of the islands is extraordinary, even the most vivid imagination will not help to imagine the beauty of this exotic paradise in the tropics. The clear waters of the ocean and the purest sand with a pinkish tint attract thousands of tourists. Almost every Seychelles island is unique!

Many endemic (growing naturally only in these areas) plants and animals have been preserved on the islands. Mahe Island is considered the economic and political center of the archipelago.

Banks and currency

The national currency is the Seychellois rupee. 1 Seychelles rupee is equal to 100 cents. Banknotes in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100 rupees and coins of 1,5,10 and 25 cents are in circulation.

Banks are usually open from 8:30 to 14:00 on weekdays, on Saturdays they are open until 11:00

You can exchange foreign currency at any bank or at the airport. When exchanging rupees for dollars, you must provide a certificate of the previous exchange of dollars for rupees at the official rate. It is much more profitable to change travelers checks than cash, and credit cards are accepted for payment in large banks, hotels and shops.

Useful information for tourists

Tipping is not accepted - they are usually already included in the rates of hotels and restaurants. In a restaurant, you can leave "for tea" up to 10% of the bill, a porter or maid - a few rupees. It is customary for taxi drivers to pay according to the meter, but if a taxi is rented for a long trip, then it is appropriate to agree on the amount in advance or round the bill up.

There are many islands on our planet that can truly be called paradise. These include the Seychelles archipelago. Beautiful nature, clean beaches and clear water of the Indian Ocean annually attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists.

It is noteworthy that the Seychelles is not only the name of the archipelago, but also the name of the state.

In total there are about 115 islands. The biggest ones include:

  • Mahe - the largest, it is the capital of the Seychelles - Victoria.
  • La Digue.
  • Silhouette.

You should pay attention to the fact that the pieces of sushi are located very close to each other. Therefore, moving from one to another is quite simple. If we talk about local residents, then they do it on cornfields or on ferries.

Where are the Seychelles located on the world map?

In answering this question, it should be noted that the archipelago is located in the Indian Ocean. To find it, you should start to find Madagascar on the map, and then look up a little higher, that is, to the north, where the Seychelles will be located.

However, even the largest island of Mahe is so small that it may not even appear on the map. In order to roughly understand its size, it should be emphasized that Mahe is 20 times smaller than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe whole of Moscow. Therefore, in order to see the archipelago in full, you should choose a map with a large scale.

The nearest African countries are Somalia, Tanzania and Kenya. It is noteworthy that the distance to the coast of Africa is about 1600 km.

It should be noted that the Seychelles are located in the subequatorial climate zone, that is, the equator is very close to the islands. In relatively close proximity to the Seychelles, islands such as Reyunuk are localized. In the southwest, the Seychelles are adjacent to the Comoros, and in the northeast are

What is the Seychelles?

This archipelago of islands is a republic. Despite the fact that there are about 115 islands in total, only 33 are inhabited. All the other islands have long been discovered, however, no one lives there. Therefore, if you want to enjoy the wild and primeval nature, then you are there. It is noteworthy that half of the islands are covered with specific tropical vegetation, and the other half is empty.

As already mentioned, the largest island is Mahe. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis island is about 141 km², and the capital of the state is also located here. On the same island is international Airport where all the tourists arrive.

There is an opinion that the largest island is Aldabra. It is noteworthy that the total population of the Seychelles has about 90 thousand people.

Who owns the islands?

Answering this question, it should be noted that some of the islands belong to the Seychelles state. For example, La Digue belongs to the president, however, tourists can still be there.

Why tourists choose the Seychelles?

The Seychelles archipelago is so popular because it is here the sun is constantly shining, it is warm and there is a beautiful ocean nearby. In addition, on the islands of this archipelago you can see the pristine tropical nature. The resorts of this region attract tourists not only from Europe, but also from America or Asia.

Sea coconuts, Seychelles palm trees - that's why tourists go. The most popular island among tourists is Silhouette. It is noteworthy that the natural landscape has been preserved in this place. This is just a paradise for drivers, as one of the most beautiful underwater lagoons is localized here. In addition, this is a great opportunity to admire not only corals and seaweed, but also a variety of fish species.

How to get to the Seychelles archipelago?

Looking at the map of the world, the tourist begins to think about the question of how to get to this paradise. It should be noted that there are no direct flights from Russia, so you will have to fly with transfers.

You can get to the archipelago through:

  • Milan;
  • London.

It should be noted that the international airport is located only in the capital. Therefore, if you want to visit other islands, you will need to book tickets for a local flight in advance. There is also another option for moving between the islands - this is a steamboat. Tickets can be purchased upon arrival.

Seychelles beaches

Coastline dotted with white sandy beaches, where you can not only sunbathe, but also do sport. So, all the necessary equipment can be bought or rented directly on the beach. The most famous beach is Cote d'Or, which is also called the "Gold Coast".

Are the Seychelles a safe holiday destination?

Rest here is safe, but you should not forget about the elementary rules. It is noteworthy that on islands such as Mahe or Praslin, there is clean tap water, but it is better to drink bottled water. In addition, before the trip, be sure to get vaccinated against hepatitis A. But a special vaccination is optional, but desirable. Insurance will also come in handy.

How developed is the tourism industry?

It should be noted that there are always a lot of tourists here, so the infrastructure is more than well developed. Housing should definitely not be a problem, as there are many options where you can stay. So, it can be both expensive hotels and economical hotels and hostels. However, it should be said that there is no single classification of hotels. Now the Ministry of Tourism of the country is actively working on this issue.

Resting on the islands of the Seychelles archipelago, you will always find something to do. So, you can sunbathe all day long on well-groomed and clean beaches or walk along the seashore. Special attention should be paid to diving.

It should be noted that in this country roads in poor condition so you should drive with extreme caution. A huge advantage is that here you can rent a car with Russian rights.

It is noteworthy that the Seychelles region is distinguished by the most developed medicine. The central hospital is located in the capital.

As a result, it should be noted that The Seychelles archipelago is heaven on earth. However, rest should also be done with caution. For example, while swimming in the sea, you can stumble upon a sea urchin or coral fragments. Therefore, you should also rest wisely.


Seychelles is one of the few countries that can be safely called a true paradise on earth. The reason for this is primarily a luxurious combination of incredibly beautiful nature, exotic birds and animals, white sandy beaches and crystal clear water.

In addition, absolute peace and idyll reign in the Seychelles, which is a rarity in our hectic world. Thanks to such excellent conditions, the Seychelles are especially popular with couples and honeymooners. In addition, it has become quite a fashionable trend to hold romantic weddings here.

Thus, the Seychelles offer absolute peace, incredible beautiful landscapes, excellent service and a measured rhythm of life - in a word, ideal conditions for a great vacation.



Population density

193 people/km²

French, English and Creole



Form of government

Presidential republic

SCR (Seychellois rupee)


International dialing code

Domain zone


Climate and weather

The Seychelles has a tropical climate, which means that the weather here is warm and mild, and the exhausting heat is practically absent. Significant temperature fluctuations on the islands are extremely rare, while the average annual air temperature is +26..+31°C. Conventionally, the year is divided into two seasons: cool (from June to November) and hot (from December to May). The greatest amount of rain falls directly from December to May, and although they are quite intense, they are not long at all. In general, it is worth noting that short-term tropical downpours can occur here at any time of the year. The most favorable months for a trip to the Seychelles are May and October, during which the weather is literally perfect.


The Seychelles is an island nation that consists of 115 islands, of which only 33 are inhabited. The Seychelles archipelago is located just south of the equator, in the western part of the Indian Ocean. All Seychelles are of coral or volcanic origin. Of these, the largest are Mahe, Silhouette, La Digue and Praslin.

Due to the rather long isolation, the Seychelles is home to unique birds, reptiles and plants that are found only in this archipelago, such as Aldabra tortoises and Seychellois palm trees.


The Seychelles are considered to be one of the most great places on Earth, which can boast of its amazing flora and fauna, as well as endless sandy beaches. The main attractions of this heavenly place are the pristine unique nature, the purest waters of the ocean and sand with a pinkish tinge.

The main island of the Seychelles archipelago is mae, on which the capital of the country is located Victoria. The island is notable for a large number of coconut palms and cinnamon plantations, as well as fantastic views of other islands. Among the city attractions it is worth highlighting:

  • Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception;
  • clock tower;
  • Museum of the United Party;
  • museum of natural history;
  • Botanical Garden;
  • National Marine Park St. Anna;
  • artisan village.

The second largest island in the archipelago is Praslin. He is primarily remarkable Valley de May National Park where palm trees grow "coco de mer" and black parrots live. Cousin Island is nature reserve and is home to several rare species of animals and sea birds, as well as turtles, two of which are 150 years old. bird island famous for being a haven for black terns and other unique birds. Arid Island serves "gathering place" pink terns and red-tailed tropical birds. In addition, it is the only place on earth where the lemon tree grows. Island of La Digue is considered the most friendly and comfortable, and the island of Moyen belongs to a private person and is a real hotel on the water.


Almost all local menus are based on the recipes of the islanders, which are greatly influenced by French and Indian traditions. The basis of the national rural cuisine is a variety of seafood, rice, exotic fruits and curry, and the most popular dish here is "pwason ek diri"(sea fish with rice). Also noteworthy are culinary delights such as sea shell soup, lobsters in lemon sauce, octopus in coconut curry, banana leaf pork and bat stew. Moreover, rice serves as a side dish for all these exotic dishes. Also in the Seychelles, dishes quite unusual for Europeans are common: cucumbers "patoli", stewed breadfruit, broth from young sprouts and flowers, fried Chinese cabbage, etc. In addition, local fruits are very popular, from which magnificent desserts are prepared. Of these, most often you can try coconut nougat, stewed bananas "Saint Jacques", pancakes with fruit fillings, candied bilimbi and pudding "how-to" from bananas and coconuts.

Among the drinks, the most popular are vanilla tea and imported coffee, as well as freshly squeezed juices. Well, from alcohol you can most often find "kalu"(fermented coconut juice) "baku"(fermented sugarcane juice), beer "Sabrew" and French wines.

It should be borne in mind that almost all Seychelles restaurants are open only until 22:00, but they work until the last client.


In the Seychelles, which are rightfully considered a real paradise, literally all the flora and fauna have been preserved in their original form, so here all the hotel facades are in harmony with the environment and do not exceed the height of palm trees. official "starry" Local hotels do not have classification, so tour operators themselves assign conditional categories to them. On the major islands mainly luxurious expensive hotels are located, as well as small hotels and loggias. And here, literally anywhere, excellent conditions, cozy rooms and excellent service are guaranteed. In addition, on small islands there are stylish bungalows of different levels of comfort.

Entertainment and recreation

In the Seychelles, one of the most popular types of entertainment is island excursions, where you can enjoy incredible beautiful nature and watch rare birds and animals. In addition, romantic cruises at night are in great demand.

However, the most common pastime here is beach holiday. This is not surprising, because on each island there are many magnificent sandy beaches and small bays, and each hotel has its own beach area. Among the active forms of entertainment, diving is the most popular, as the underwater visibility here is just perfect, and the local waters contain more than 1000 species of marine life and corals. The best places for diving, which was chosen by divers from all over the world, are St. Anne's National Park on the island of Mahe Aldabra Atoll, Praslin Island and shark place near La Digue Islands. In addition, in the Seychelles you can go surfing, fishing, windsurfing, snorkeling and water skiing.

It is worth noting that time in the Seychelles flows slowly and measuredly, and nightlife is not very diverse and rich. On the islands, of course, there are discos and casinos, but most of them are located on the island of Mahe. The lack of entertainment facilities is covered by numerous festivals, holidays and sports competitions, which are famous all over the world. Of these, the brightest and most colorful are Creole Festival and Grand Regatta.


Large shopping centers and there are only large shops on the island of Mahe, and on the other islands there are only small grocery stores and small shops. It is worth noting that the prices in Seychelles stores are quite high, and the assortment is not very diverse.

As souvenirs from Seychelles usually they bring men's straw hats, works of local artists, fragrant spices, exotic teas, discs with national music, jewelry and original caskets made of mother-of-pearl and corals. You should also pay attention to T-shirts with country logos, pareos, various shells and pearls. Well, the most famous Seychelles souvenir, without a doubt, is coconut palm nuts. "Coco de mer" which are prohibited from being exported without a special certificate. They weigh about 20 kg and are considered the largest in the plant kingdom. It must be borne in mind that such a nut is not cheap at all. (from 180 to 300 $), although the export permit is already included in its price. Also, boxes, scoops, cups, plates, flasks and other crafts are made from these nuts. In addition, it is forbidden to export corals, shells and products from the shell of local turtles from the Seychelles without a certificate of purchase.

When shopping, keep in mind that Seychelles all shops are open from 8:00 to 17:00, although small shops that are owned by Indians are open until late in the evening.


Seychelles are island nation, so you can move between cities here on the planes of state airlines (Air Seychelles and Seychelles Helicopter), ferries and private helicopters.

Asphalt roads are available only on the islands of Mahe, La Digue and Praslin. There, the main means of transportation are buses, which are distinguished by a very high quality of service. The fare depends on the distance traveled and varies by area. from 0.36 to 0.55 $. In addition, there is a public taxi service on the island of Mahe, all cars of which are equipped with meters. (about $0.6 per km). Well, on small islands it is customary to travel by bicycle or bullock cart.


In the Seychelles in all settlements Payphones have been installed that operate from magnetic cards. Such cards are sold in post offices and kiosks, as well as in some hotels. In addition, you can make any call from a restaurant or hotel, however, it is worth considering that in this case you will have to significantly overpay.

Cellular communication in the Seychelles is carried out in the standard GSM 900, and roaming is available to subscribers of all major operators.

Internet access is available in most hotels. In addition, there are Internet cafes on large islands. Also available on all islands Mobile Internet provided by mobile operators Cable&Wareless and AirTel.


There is practically no crime in the Seychelles, and the natives here are harmless and friendly. This is explained primarily by the fact that in fact the country lives at the expense of wealthy tourists, so everything is done here that is necessary for their comfort and safety. In addition to this, the streets major cities patrolled by the police, so you can safely walk there even at night. Well, on the islands-hotels there are no dangers at all. However, it is worth noting that petty thieves sometimes still come across, so it is advised to follow the most basic security measures.

It is worth noting that some troubles can deliver sea ​​urchins that could injure your leg. However, on almost every beach there are safe places where these marine life are not found. In extreme cases, you can buy special slippers for swimming.

Business climate

The Seychelles economy is based on tourism and fishing (mainly exports). In addition, Seychelles is a member of the International Organization of Nations ACT . Moreover, the country's legislation allows the registration of offshore companies (international business companies) throughout the islands. It is worth noting that the Seychelles economy is highly dependent on external factors and is quite vulnerable. So, any downturn in the tourism business leads to a sharp drop in GDP and budgetary pressures.

Real estate

In spite of high prices, Seychelles real estate is in very high demand among foreign investors. The most demanded here is luxury housing on the islands of Mahe or Praslin. To purchase any property, you must obtain permission from the Ministry of Land Management, and the transaction amount must be at least one million Seychellois rupees (about $80 thousand). It should be borne in mind that real estate owned by foreigners can only be used for personal residence, and it is prohibited to rent it out.

It is not recommended to even try to exchange currency anywhere, except at a bank, hotel or casino, as exchanging money for "black market" is strictly prohibited here. It is also worth considering that the export of corals and nuts "coco de mere" an export permit must be obtained, otherwise a heavy fine is imposed. In addition, in the Seychelles you should not buy souvenirs from turtle shells. The fact is that local turtles are an endangered species, so the export of products from their shells is strictly prohibited.

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